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Welcome back, nudies! As promised, here's a nude version of the Alison portrait! Sweez also managed to do clean-shaven alts of Amber, as well!

Unfortunately, it was just going to be too tricky to do character customization with 2D portraits. Amber's very expressive, even in 2D stills. Even if the only customization was her pubes, keeping them on a separate layer from her default portrait and having them match up with whatever pose happens to be on-screen would be incredibly tricky to work around. There would probably be more than a few instances of her pubes floating off of her and getting misaligned. It's a shame we can't use the portraits for their intended use, but they're still incredibly cute pieces of art. Please enjoy them, and look forward to what Sweez draws next for the game!

See you next week with more!



Double Deadline

So, just to clarify, 2D portraits will be used or not used?