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Hey nudies! All right, let me just jump right in because I know you're checking out that gif up there! So, we experimented last week with 2D portraits alongside dialogue, but we quickly ran into the issue that 2D art was greatly limit our customization options. Because of this, we've opted to go with this new approach - 3D portraits!

Since this just pulls Amber's actual model, any customizations and accessories will be applied and accounted for. Not only that, but as you can clearly see above, we can even apply animations to Amber's bouncy self so she can act and react alongside the dialogue!

This is also unbelievably simple to do and edit as well! Invertex didn't even have to write any custom code for it - this was a dialogue system straight from Godot's community! Like seriously, look how simple this is to parse:

I imagine many of you are like me and don't know anything about programming, but this is unimaginably intuitive even for a guy like me. Compared to how we were working in Unity, this streamlines things to an incredible degree, and allows me to contribute so much more than I ever could before! There's even options to have Amber's 3D model overlayed on top of a 2D images, so we can still have that comic-like presentation while still utilizing our 3D models!

I really can't stress enough how exciting this is! We're moving incredibly fast now thanks to this. If it continues this smoothly, I think we'll be able to nail down a release date soon. No promises yet of course, but MAN, I can't believe how much better this is working out now. Godot is an amazing engine, and Invertex is an amazing programmer!

This does unfortunately mean that we won't be using Sweez's adorable 2D portraits for our dialogue. We can still definitely use them for promotional material, and it was still a great test to develop a style for our in-game 2D artwork. Don't worry, Sweez will still be doing plenty of in-game art! And hopefully, we'll get to show more of that soon! Until then though, have a finished Alison portrait.

As well as a special bonus pic Sweez drew up of Amber and Alison bonding. As roommates do, of course.

We'll also post a special nude Alison portrait up for $5+ supporters! Go check it out after this!

That's all for now! Next on the agenda - working on cutscenes, doing more in-game art, and tweaking Amber's model once again. Hope to have plenty to show you next week! See you then~



Double Deadline

Oh WOW! This is amazing! (Somehow I missed this update and just saw the smaller one first with the special picture) XD I absolutely love the animation! Ah! And the little ahoge animation in the dialogue box! SO CUTE! 🥰♥️🙏


Loved the 2D portraits, but this decision does make a lot of sense, while still looking great! Looking forward to that release date 😁