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Hey again, nudies! Sorry for the delayed post, but rest assured, that won't be the only delay you'll be seeing!

Yeah, sorry. We're going to be delaying the demo release one more time. In the process of building cutscenes, we realized that we needed to do some extensive re-tweaking of Amber's model to better accommodate the actions and reactions we wanted. In doing so, a pretty sizeable wrench was tossed into our cutscene production schedule. I made the decision to delay the demo release rather than present a subpar experience or trim down the amount of content in the demo to make our deadline. As Miyamoto famously never said, a delayed game is eventually released in a way we're mostly okay with, but a rushed demo destroys everything and kills us all.

I'm really sorry to have to announce yet another delay. I won't deny that it looks bad on us to constantly announce repeated delays, and I take full responsibility for that. We're currently assessing the remaining cutscenes and optional content we'd like to include in this demo to gauge how much longer it will take. I don't have a concrete release date to give you at the moment, but Invertex and I would like to do another week focusing on development progress. Depending on how this week goes, it will determine whether or not we seek an additional programmer to bring on board and help get this game out faster. It's something we wanted to do AFTER the demo release, but we may end up having to bring on some help a bit earlier. If you have Unity/Adventure Creator experience, feel free to hit us up just in case!

Though it's not all doom and gloom, as we DID get Amber's model updated! Thanks to Bear's diligent progress (and even some helping hands from yours truly on the texture front!), Amber's model has been reworked YET AGAIN!

The changes might not be TOO obvious from the get-go, so I'll walk you through 'em. Her face has been completely reworked to give her much more range of facial expressions. Her mouth originally was a bit low-poly, resulting in some very angular mouth shapes. Not anymore!

ROUND! Her mouth is super round and malleable now, allowing us to do all sorts of fun expressions!

We've also reworked the lighting on the model, as the original pre-baked shadows weren't cutting it. The pre-baked shadows have been minimized to just a few key highlight areas (lips, nose, etc) to better work with our shaders. That way even if our automatic outlines don't always catch something, certain areas are still readable.

We've also reworked several elements of her body, including her freckles, collarbone, nipples, pubes, palms, and feet! Even her TOENAILS!

It's still relatively low-poly so that it can run on phones, but her nipples are more in line with Leslie's art-style and her finger and toenails look more natural.

Keen eyes might also notice her entire crotch area in the first 3D screencap also got a huge rework! That's right, now she has TWO detailed sets of lips! We had to heavily adjust it to work with some very important lewd scenes, and it was well worth the effort. Her clit is better defined, her lips can spread with her legs, it's all VERY lewd. But you'll have to wait until the demo release to see more of that~

And while a delay for the demo sucks, we'll still be developing areas and characters for the game's full release alongside our demo progress! Check out our WIP of the outdoor mall area and a finished character turnaround of a hot new boy in town!

So yes. A demo delay is certainly not ideal, but we're still making progress. We're motivated as all hell and we'll keep you informed every week, same as ever. Next week, we'll make a decision on whether or not a new programmer is necessary to get this demo out within the next month. We'll let you know on Friday! See you then!



Flash Gordon

I couldn't agree more with Dracon. Better make some more investment in the beginning, I believe it will pay off later. And thanks for the detailed updates here on Patron, interesting to follow the development process.


Yup, new model is even better! Good job!