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Hey there, nudies! Short blog post today, as we've got our noses to the grindstone 

just putting this whole thing together! We just got done with our most complicated in-game scene, and you can see a snippet of it now! Unfortunately, we're still working through some of the kinks in the scene, so we can't show you more. Hell, even in this snippet, there's still some things to adjust. Can you spot them all?! No, actually, don't do that, it'll hurt our self-esteem.

Still, seeing it all come together like this is so exciting. Even in this rough state, just seeing these animations and dialogue play out and tell a story and being able to walk around the house as butt-naked Amber... It's really the coolest thing. Invertex is doing such an incredible job! Bear's models, AT's animations, they're all coming together to make something really fucking cool. I'm really fortunate to have such an amazing team of people, not to mention your generous support!

That said, today's post is actually a little late specifically because Invertex and I keep finding and fixing things, so I'm gonna get back to it. But here, some incredibly sweet art from our dearest Sweez~

See you next week!




Sweez’s drawings are so cute