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Hey everyone! We've made SO much progress that it was actually a bit difficult to narrow it down to what to focus on for this post. But I think you won't mind if I focused REAL hard on a very specific thing this week - Amber's model! NOTE: Don't worry about the more muted colors on the new one, that was just something on my end with Blender.

We still weren't satisfied with Amber's model, so Bear went back to work and did an intensive visual overhaul. It's been a difficult balance trying to make a balance a 2D art style with a 3D model, but I think we've got something really good here! Let's take a REAL close look!

Amber's freckles are now in 2k resolution, plus we've added more of them! Her boobs also have drawn-on outlines to better accentuate their curvature, which really brings it close to Leslie's art. Her nipples have also been completely redrawn and more defined, with shine added on the areolas and much more prominent nips. 

Now, let's shave off some other details and look a bit lower!

We completely reworked the geometry for her entire crotch, making it more anatomically correct AND cuter! Her slit is a lot more visible now compared to the original model. We've also added some shading around her labia to add more detail, plus redid her butthole. TAKE A LOOK!

We've also redone her belly button, detailed out her arm pits, and even given her elbows some more definition!

Bear did EXTREMELY good work on this! We're really happy with how this all came out. While the original model was still pretty good, I think this is a huge improvement. It keeps Amber's natural cuteness while further highlighting the erotic nature of her body. We'll try to get some renders done with this model to better show it off, rather than sexily t-posing in a void. Or even better - gameplay footage!

That's all for now! See you next week!




Looking great! Will we be able to decide on the... fate of her bush in-game?


Do you happen to still have a link to the discord? The current one isn’t working for me


You sure will! You can shave it off, grow it back, or trim and style it!


Here you go! https://discord.gg/gnCGW7uv I'll see what's up with the current link. May have broken in the switch-over