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Hey there nudies! Lots of progress this week! We've begun work on a brand new area of the town - Ferdinand's Cafe! This cozy little coffee shop is actually just right down the street Amber's house is on. It's covered in flowers painstakingly cared for by the cafe's owner and sports a pleasantly open layout... Not that our cute naked protagonist needs anywhere to hide! No, no! Not only can Amber walk right in and enjoy some delicious coffee, but the cafe owner is looking for adorable bubbly waitresses to pitch in and help - uniform NOT included!

This will be one of the first areas you actually get to visit in town once you have your hands on Amber. Ideally, I'd love for it to be present in the demo, but we'll just have to see what we can get done by the end of March. We'll be trying our damnedest, damn it! But seriously, Bear is doing an incredible job on this environment, and in record time, too! We've been trying a more collaborative approach starting with this design. Rather than have Leslie draw a finished illustration and have Bear just perfectly replicate it in 3D, Leslie provided only a rough sketch and we all sorta just bounced it back and forth, with Bear adding his own touches. Check out these original sketches below!

While Bear works on that, Invertex has been hard at work at coding and importing all these various assets. I've actually been taking on some sound design duties, hunting down the appropriate sound effects for all the various things you'll hear. Meanwhile, AT has started working on Allie's animations and should be showing something with that soon. 

But that's most certainly not all! Eagle eyes may have noticed a particular character right there with Amber! Well, Leslie's finished his design since this sketch, and we'll be showing it off to your $5 and $10 tier subscribers! Not only that, but Nalem has also finished their new batch of Randiness stat emojis! Our $10 subscribers are going to be getting a sneak peek at these super cute and SUPER lewd animations! If you're not in those tiers, please consider subscribing to support this game!

That's all for now! See you next Friday!



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