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Brad here, and it looks like it'll always be me from here on out. This week, our original founder and foundation-layer, Jaguar, has made the decision to step away from the project and our team completely. He had already made the executive decision previously to step back into more of a consulting role but has now bowed out completely. I have to stress; this was not a fight or falling out! This was a completely amicable decision he made himself, unbeknownst to the team at the time. After a long talk, Jaguar ultimately decided that the project was better left completely in our hands. He will go off to pursue simpler, smaller solo projects in the adult game space, and will still be retaining and releasing such games under the BareBottom Games brand.

It can't be stressed enough that without Jaguar, we would not be here where we are today. Jaguar laid the foundation not just for this game, but for the very community that's cultivated around both Roshutsu and now MNL. He's an incredibly talented developer with a strong, positive vision for adult games like these, and I will always consider him a friend. We wish him nothing but the best of luck in his future endeavors.

My Naked Li(f)e development continues on! While it does suck to continue without our original boss, it's also exciting to be able to have a fresh new start as a team, all without losing any development progress whatsoever. Since we won't be able to use the BareBottom logo anymore, the team and I have settled on a new team name to call ourselves, with a fresh new logo to boot! From now on, the stripped-down team here at My Naked Li(f)e will be called...

A fitting team name, right? Being able to come up with a fresh new name all to ourselves has been a hell of a morale booster, and you better believe we're ready to strip down and show it all off! We're currently in the process of setting up new social media accounts. As soon as they're ready, we'll be throwing some links at you! We've also still got our Discord if you want a way to keep another way to keep up with us and talk amongst our amazing community of wholesome, positive perverts!

Don't worry, it hasn't been all weird gaming divorces! We've also been working on the game itself, too! We did have to spend some timer switching things over with this change in management, but it wasn't too bad. We also decided we'd like Amber's undressing sequence to be a bit more elaborate, which would require models of discarded clothes and unique animations. Well, we also needed underwear for that, both on AND off Amber! Behold: The rare UNDERWEAR AMBER.

In making this though, we realized that we could probably stand to clean up Amber's textures a bit and make her look better. Not just to look good in these undies, mind you (you'd probably only see her like this for a split-second), but just to look better in general. We'll show you what we mean in a future update. This won't take up much time and is something easily doable while the rest of us work on animation importing and other stuff.

That's all for now! Thanks again for sticking around and supporting us. Even after this shake-up, the team and I have nothing but passion and excitement for this cutie nudie game of ours. We believe in this project, and I believe in the team with my whole heart AND ass. I know we're making something good, and best of all? We're having fun making it. I know you'll all have fun with it, too. From all of us at in our Birthday Suits, thank you so much!

NOTE: We will no longer be able to host anything related to Roshutsu, Jaguar's previous project. If you'd like to check that game out, please do so at this link here. Apologies for the inconvenience.

ALSO IMPORTANT: Our Patreon link has changed! We are now at patreon.com/birthdaysuitgames




In the membership section the pic you can expand stills say bare bottom. just fyi


Ha! Great new team name. Keep up the good work!