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Hey nudies! We're back from our Thanksgiving break and getting back in the groove! Unfortunately, tonight's update is a little smaller, as much of the work this week was less visual, more background stuff. The main thing is trying to achieve some good-looking shading in the game to give the visuals some more pop. Invertex and I have been messing around with different lighting tools to figure out how best to achieve the kind of look we're going for. The default Unity tools weren't quite cutting it, but Invertex managed to find something that achieved something I personally think looks pretty nice! Slowly but surely, the visuals are shaping up.

Bear is currently working on the Mayor 3D model, AT is cranking out animations for our cutscenes, and Nalem is back to work on UI design. Great thing about Unity is that it's simple enough for even someone like me to get in there and help at times. Definitely not to the extent of a master like Invertex or Jaguar, but I've been able to get in there and tweak lights, edit the script, adjust details with the presentation, etc. If we want to make our end of year demo deadline, then all hands gotta be on deck!

Sorry again for the small update. We'll try to have something a bit more juicy next week. Until then, thank you all so much for the support! 



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