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Hey all! Brad here! I wanted to give you a heads up that we'll be skipping this Friday's update. Everybody's been busy doing Thanskgiving prep with their families and friends, so we'll just be taking a short break this week. We'll be back next week with that cutie nudie goodness!

In the interest of transparency, I also wanted to let you know that there's been a change in management. Jaguar will be stepping back from the MNL project but will still onboard in a consultant role. Effective immediately, I'll be taking over as project manager, producer, director, and of course, writer for MNL going forward. Don't worry, there's no big scandal or break-up or anything! Jaguar just simply doesn't have the time he'd like to commit to the project but would still like to help in a more ancillary role. Henceforth, I'll be guiding this project along to completion and then some.

As you all have probably guessed from my posts and activity over in the BareBottom discord server, I am nakedly passionate about this project. I believe 100% in the game we're making and the team we've assembled. I love this world we've built and the character we've crafted. Even in my limited role before, I've been pouring my heart into the creation of this game whether it's in writing scripts, creating character and scene concepts in Koikatsu, getting these Patreon posts out to you, or even in creating the various documents and spreadsheets we use to guide this project along. A game like this is a dream project for me, and I'll do everything I can to see it come true. I'm incredibly excited about this opportunity and fully committed to the My Naked Li(f)e project. Thank you Jaguar for giving me this chance, thank you to the team for their amazing work, and most of all, thank you for your incredible support.

That's all for now! See you next Friday, and enjoy a nice Thanksgiving break!



Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jaguar and the rest of the team!


Glad you guys are spending time with family! That’s important! I’d spend more time on the server if I didn’t have to use my Amazon tablet to see it. IOS has it visible in my servers, but I can’t see what’s in it, they don’t allow age restricted servers, even though I’m f*cking 28! Do know that despite my absence I wholeheartedly support this project and your guy’s passion for making it! Can’t wait to play it…when I finally get the hardware to do so!


Happy Thanksgiving to all the team!