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Hey there, nudies! Hope you're getting some sun on those buns on this Easter Sunday! Apologies for the late post. I was up until 2:00 AM last night writing some MNL stuff and didn't quite want to get out of the zone. I'm definitely feeling it now, but I wrote some GOOD stuff. Totally worth it. More on that later in the post!

A lot of time was spent this week tweaking the sketchy comic outline effect you probably noticed in previous showings of in-game footage. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't big on the outline effect myself. I thought it was too jittery, too distracting. But Invertex insisted on finding a way to make it work, and I have to admit - I think he just may have done it! The above GIF is an example of the new outline effect in action. The sketchy animation is a lot more subtle now, adding just a little hint of shifting lineweight to the outline to accentuate that cel-shaded look.

Invertex also adjusted the outline color to be a better compliment Amber's skin-tone. Some highlights have also been added to Amber's body to make her flesh tones really pop. Between these two things, she really feels a lot more naked in a weird sorta way, y'know?

This above GIF had to be heavily compressed since I can't upload video here. If you want to see a more hi-def display in action, be sure to check out our Discord channel! I'll be posting a video demonstrating it just after this post goes up!

Sweez has also finished the Blaster Nation hobby shop interior! Check it out!

So much love was put into this one. Lots of Easter eggs too, which is fitting for the season. Can you name them all?! Probably not, since some of them are extremely esoteric. But if you can - wow! Please stop reading all of our private messages!

So as I mentioned at the top of the post, I spent a lot of time last night writing. Since we now have a new area and two more finished characters in the game, I thought it would be best to work them into the intro. The original intro to MNL was written very much with the idea that we wouldn't have a whole lot of assets to work with, and was very streamlined as a result. But with all these new finished assets, we've managed to expand the intro into something a lot more interesting. Before you go to the house and take off your clothes for the last time, Amber can walk around the starting point of the town and interact with some people, even doing a little odd job! It serves as a much better tutorial and introduction for the town, its characters, and Amber herself. And hopefully, we'll be able to show all of that off very soon~

That's all for now, though! Thank you so much for the support as always! Big month for us next month, so I hope to see you there!



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