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Hey there, nudies! Just a short blog post today. Unfortunately, some personal matters ended up preventing us from starting cutscene building before this post went up, so no footage of that just yet. Should have some more for that next week!

As I mentioned last report, this inclusion of new finished assets meant we were able to expand on the opening to include more characters and a more involved introduction and tutorial to the world of My Naked Life. I spent most of this weekend tweaking and finalizing the script/code to work in these new elements, adding new conversations, interactions and story beats. This also necessitated some new insert panels from Sweez to accompany, like what you can see up there! Rare footage of Amber wearing... well, SOME clothes! What's the context? You'll find out soon enough! Until then, you can appreciate Petrea's groovy color scheme.

Bear should also be finished with at least one new NPC who will make it into the reworked opening by next report, and we should have some more animations to add in as well. After a bit of a delay, next week will definitely be our big cutscene/opening building test. The reworked opening incorporates basically every element and function we'll be using from here on out to build this game, so this will quite literally be a test in the most literal sense. Hopefully if all goes well and everything works, then that means the foundation of our game is complete and now we can just quickly build up these cutscenes and have a demo out relatively soon. And if something does break, then we immediately know what it is and can fix it before it crops up later. Either way, it's PROGRESS.

That's all for now, though! Thanks again for your support, and see you next week with more!



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