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Hey there, nudies! Bit of a slow week for us, as some of the team had their illnesses from last week carry over into this one. Everyone seems to be okay now and we're back on track, but we ended up falling a bit behind. I'll show you what we did manage to do, though!

What you're seeing above are some of Sweez's concepts for some of our Culo Culo Town pedestrians. Some of which you've seen before, but most are brand new! These are more generic characters who don't have much story going on compared to the main townspeople. The idea is that they have simpler designs that we can quickly edit and recolor to plop them around Culo Culo Town and make the world feel a bit livelier. Bear has already gone ahead and started modeling some of them, too! Though they seem to have forgotten their clothes.

Can you guess who they are?!

Speaking of 3D models, Bear has finished taking the new things he learned from the Amber model rework and has applied them to some of the older models.

Characters like Ferd here have a bit more detail, a more flexible rig for animations, and even apron physics! Hmm, we're gonna have to get Amber into a tiny apron at some point...

AT has also finished another batch of animations for us, but we're keeping most of them a special surprise for when you see them in-game. I will let you have this cheeky one, though.

Stuff we're working on for next week - improve pathfinding so that walking around Amber's house isn't a pain, figuring out some weird mesh errors, and rebuilding our save/load/quest functionality. Our cutscene building has been a bit delayed, but it's better to focus on the actual gameplay first and make sure this world is actually fun to walk around naked in.

That's all for now, though! See you next week!



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