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Hey nudies! Sorry, but not much to show this week! By some weird cosmic coincidence, both me and Invertex managed to get taken out of commission for the majority of the week. Invertex got utterly destroyed by some food poisoning, while yours truly suffered some major back pain and was laid out on the couch all week. It SUCKED. But we both pulled through and we're ready to get back to work.

Bear, AT, and Sweez did manage to get some work done throughout the week while we were comatose, of course, but it's nothing quite ready for show. I will however, show this work-in-progress of the hobby shop from Sweez, though.

I'll be helping throw some colors on it, partially out of extreme guilt for asking Sweez to draw so many unique figurines with individual designs. We'll probably have this done by next update. We've also been reimporting our existing models into Godot now with their fancier new rigs, so that's fun. 

But that's all for this report! Sorry again for the small update. We should hopefully have a lot more to show for next week now that we're not sick and a lot of other little work has been completed. See you then!



Would be neat if who ever owns that shelf had a Space Marine mini on it