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Nice Peter has crafted some feedback on seven of the matchups that patrons suggested in the last round of #MakeThisBattle. Thank you for all the suggestions. Lots of great ideas. Please remember to vote for your favourite in the poll we have published here on Patreon.

Enough waffle. Let’s make like a elderly duck and dive in...

Hunter S Thompson vs Howard Stern [submitted by MarblePipes]

Well this is just fantastic suggestion, I love it! Awesome characters, fun history, it’s so odd to me that Howard Stern has become such a lasting and respectable fixture of media. He feels like he’s always been there. Hunter S Thompson I don’t honestly know too much beyond the visuals and key words, but I’m sure I would enjoy learning about him and I know he’ll be easy to joke about.

Mary Shelley vs Marie Curie [submitted by Leo M.R.]

Yes, this is the one, this is the one I like, isn’t it? Wait, it’s not, is it? This is a different side step from "Dr Frankenstein vs Marie Curie". I like the matchup on paper, Mary vs Marie has a nice ring to it. But, I don’t know about the clash in real life. I'm just not convinced about Mary Shelley working in an ERB. Whilst it seems almost negligent that we haven’t done Marie Curie yet. I still think Frankenstein vs Curie is the better matchup. Especially if we can get Weird Al for it. 

Hayao Miyazaki vs Seth MacFarlane [submitted by HCISIAOW]

Oh interesting, I was just watching a YouTube video about the demise of general respect for Tim Burton’s new films and here he gets smacked down from his own matchup. Seth MacFarlane can honestly eat a few, but this is a fun matchup idea. I think MacFarlane is just a little too irritating somehow, but he might also just be awesome, I can’t even tell anymore. This matchup gives me too many different feelings. I’m left very dizzy and hungry. But it's definitely interesting!

Charlie Chaplin vs Adam Sandler [submitted by Lemon]

Haha, wow, I like this more than I thought I ever would. Adam Sandler has stayed around long enough to earn this, I like it. I don’t know who the hell could portray Adam Sandler properly, he’s such a characcuater, how the hell do you spell that? Caricature. Charcuterie of his own.   This is fun, lots to say, and damn it - I say Charlie Chaplin can talk as long as he doesn’t at first.

Hernan Cortes vs Attila the Hun [submitted by J-Star]

Oh jeeze, so many bloody dead bodies, would they just be strewn about the backgrounds?   How many words rhyme with grass herder? This is solid, just the kind of grit the series needs from time to time. I have always thought Atilla the Hun would be awesome in an ERB, and Cortes has a nice rich, mean history, I think this is great!

Gilgamesh vs Hercules [submitted by Jables1337 & Case Aiken]

I don’t know why this actually made me yawn just reading it. Hercules seems already done under our Zeus coverage of Greek mythology, Hercules feels like a supporting character to me, but then maybe I’m just nuts. Gilgamesh, I have to admit I need to Google to make sure I know what I’m talking about, oh yes okay, that’s what I thought. Why is Gilgamesh so boring? You’re too damn old, Gilgy, your story is dusty. Sorry, I'm just not feeling this matchup pairing.

Horatio Nelson vs George S. Patton [submitted by PaddyAnarchy]

Interesting, I have been reading a little about Patton recently in my spare time, I love Patton, I think he’s a natural character to be in ERB. Horatio Nelson, I’m not as sure about, he might be awesome but he feels rather stuffy. I worry he would get blasted away by Patton. It’s a very nice rivalry matchup though, American vs British, Army vs Navy, wig vs bald. Lots to love. 

Thanks for helping make digital dreams come true, one pair of verbal adversaries at a time.



Here are some additional thoughts from ERB's manager HeadMonk...

This round of MTB features numerous characters who seem very worthy but for what ever reason just haven't yet found their way into an ERB. Marie Curie, Charlie Chaplin, Attila The Hun, Hercules and George S. Patton all seem like they should get their shot one day imho.

I'd expect Chaplin vs Sandler to get lots of votes even though I am not personally a huge fan of Sandler's movies. I still think if we want a comedic actor Jim Carrey (if we did cameos of him as Ace Ventura / The Mask / Grinch etc) would add more fun, eye candy in an ERB.  Whatever happens I definitely think we should try to get Chaplin into an ERB versus someone.

I disagree with Peter about Hercules being just a "support character" although I can appreciate we did a lot of Greek mythology references in the Thor vs Zeus battle. But I think Hercules brings a lot to the table regardless - who doesn't love a beefcake with brains? Although I'm not really convinced Gilgamesh is the answer to his ERB conundrum though.

It'll be interesting to see which of these matchups does well on the Patreon poll. The five ideas that receive the most votes on the Patreon poll will go on to a YouTube Community page poll next week to see what the wider fanbase thinks about them. :)


The end of this round of MTB, means a new round of MTB begins!!

The theme this time around is "2024". 

So, we are looking for historical or fictional characters that you believe would be perfect to feature in ERB next year. It could be because of a specific historical anniversary or it could be to tie in with a certain tv/film release or it could just be that you believe they are gonna still be red hot topics of conversation in general next year.

You can of course always ignore the theme completely if you prefer. But, when selecting the match-ups for feedback we will select 2 or more suggestions that suit the theme.

Same rules apply. Seven match-ups in total will be selected. A maximum of three suggestions per person. You can post them in the comments below, email them to erbpatreon@gmail.com or post them on the ERB Discord server in the dedicated '#make-this-battle' channel.

Deadline for submissions is... 5pm PT on Friday 13th October.

Talk soon! -HM




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