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Following on from the lyric video we posted up last month where Lloyd rapped patron lyric submissions for the character of Evel Knievel, Lloyd has now put together an audio track using a whole bunch of the lyric ideas that patrons submitted for the character of Tom Cruise.

Here are the lyrics so you can follow along with the audio above...

I feel the need… the need for speed 

And I’m breaking Mac 10 from the get go

You know you shouldn’t match the Maverick up with this old 70s relic who’s dead as Disco! 

I want you! Spray-tan Uncle Sam

To quit calling your jump suit American

Cause those stars and stripes are insults to your country

I look more dignified dancing in my undies

Your scars say you seen risky business 

Your gut say you've never seen Planet Fitness

You’ve stepped into the Danger Zone, with Top Gun 

I don’t need a precog to see your future, you got none

Highest energy ever on a screen

More full Tilt than your pinball machines

I make hits

The Legend of entertainment

Your biggest hit was the pavement

Your first wife was a Butte, so why’d she married you

Dragged her down worse than your skycycle parachute

Caught you cheating so she changed her course 

And now the only place she fucks you in is divorce courts

And while you’re begging for credit to pay all those debits

I’m over here saving cinema post pandemic

You couldn’t even hang on to mom and Pops

The only thing that they taught you was how to take off.

At just age 2

They proper Ghost Protocoled you

Initiated that in full effect

Raising you was a mission that they chose not to accept

Compared to me, you’re like the state fair man

You’re Chris Tucker, I’m Jackie Chan   

Everyone of your jumps is Crash, Burn, Repeat

I don’t need to beat you, I just need a street

Don’t crack jokes

You might just crack your bones

Somebody keep an ambulance running 


You could do a wheelie on a tricycle, 

And still figure out how to fracture something!

Man, I’m better at stunts, I’m better at rapping

And even Leslie Neilson couldn't save us from your acting

I’m TC, I’m a puzzle you don’t want a piece

Society will be light years from here, easy

Before you could ever complete me


BTW if you haven't checked out the Evel Knievel lyric submission audio you can do so here:



Thanks again to all patrons who got involved with submitting lyric submissions for the matchup of Evel Knievel vs Tom Cruise. If you want to get involved in the writing process in the future, you just need to join the ERB Discord server by connecting to it via your Patreon settings.

Work continues on the full blown ERB videos for both "Godzilla vs King Kong" and "Karl Marx vs Henry Ford". And later this week we will be posting up the new Patreon quiz, the MakeThisBattle feedback and details of the next video live stream. 

Thanks as always for your patience. We are excited for you to see the new battles! - HM




Is this planned to be a full battle, because these have been fantastic