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#MakeThisBattle Poll #57

  • Hunter S. Thompson vs Howard Stern 18
  • Mary Shelley vs Marie Curie 41
  • Hayao Miyazaki vs Seth MacFarlane 29
  • Charlie Chaplin vs Adam Sandler 85
  • Hernan Cortes vs Attila the Hun 35
  • Gilgamesh vs Hercules 34
  • Horatio Nelson vs George S. Patton 14
  • 2023-09-28
  • 256 votes
{'title': '#MakeThisBattle Poll #57', 'choices': [{'text': 'Hunter S. Thompson vs Howard Stern', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Mary Shelley vs Marie Curie', 'votes': 41}, {'text': 'Hayao Miyazaki vs Seth MacFarlane', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'Charlie Chaplin vs Adam Sandler', 'votes': 85}, {'text': 'Hernan Cortes vs Attila the Hun', 'votes': 35}, {'text': 'Gilgamesh vs Hercules ', 'votes': 34}, {'text': 'Horatio Nelson vs George S. Patton', 'votes': 14}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 28, 14, 1, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 256}


Hola! We have seven matchups, all submitted by patrons in the latest round of MakeThisBattle, that we'd like you to vote on just to see what you all think about them. 

The five ideas that receive the most votes on this Patreon poll will go on to a YouTube Community page poll next week to see what the wider fanbase thinks about them. 

One vote each. So as ever - choose wisely!!



Gimme a Horatio Nelson Battle that would be legendary in my eyes

Jaime Martinez

Jim Carrey is a better matchup for Chaplin than Sandler is