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Well ... and there we go!

Today in this gallery we have practically a presentation of a "new" character ... Lechosława Czachór.

The name is familiar but maybe the look will shock you a little.

I redesigned Lechosława 100%.

First point is that Lechosława is a short girl with many muscles, a compact and aggressive look. However she has a cute and peaceful face.

When I created Lechoslawa in 3D, it didn't look exactly too short next to the other Hardcore Ladys, only in very specific cases. Now she really looks like a little muscular girl.

The amount of muscle in the old Lechoslawa grew over time here in the Hardcore Ladys (if you see her first appearances, Lechoslawa was "small"), this characterization is not wrong. However, I started to think that anatomically she was slightly deformed.

I reduced the amount of muscles considerably, but don't worry because the base she has now is much better to make her have bigger muscles when we need them!

This is my biggest focus in this reformulation with the characters, making them really beautiful when we put more muscles.

But Lechosława is still very muscular,don't understand wrong!

The muscular corrections now make her huge calf look really like a solid, long muscle and that if she squeezes something with them it will hurt a lot!

The thighs are two logs of muscle, well defined and quite strong.

The muscles in her arm are completely designed, with a big round bicep and she loves to stick it in the mouth of her opponents to humiliate them.

The pectorals have more muscles and less breasts. Her back is well designed and the trapeze is very high, connecting the huge and round deltoids in a poetic way.

A good dose of vascularization and muscle definition is present in this small and destructive body, which is built up with many hours of intense training in the gym.

Regarding the personality of Lechosława, it remains the same (referring to the Ultimate Rise story, where girls have more defined personality and general base):

Lechosława is quite strong, mostly silent and sweet. She likes bodybuilding and people who train hard. She has complete confidence in her muscles.

In fights Lechosława is focus with demoralizing her opponents, she loses many fights due to disqualification for not following rules. If a fight is only for K.O she doesn't mind subduing the opponent and forcing her to suck her in the middle of the arena. what matters to her is to destroy her opponents and show that she does what she wants, when she wants.

The organizers of the Hardcore Ladys competitions always have problems in the fights involving Lechoslawa, always leaving ambulances and extra security in the arena, because they know that she is not there to win, but to hurt and demoralize the opponents.

When she wants to win by following the rules she does it.

Although many images show Lechosława slaughtering Hemy, in reality they have no rivalry. Hemy's rival is Agnieszka.

What happens is that Lechoslawa hates Hemy with ALL FORCES.                                          
Hemy is everything Lechoslawa hates:

-She speaks loudly, screaming.

-She is all colorful. "She dresses like a clown, not a fighter" - Lechosława talking about Hemy's clothes.

-Super happy and friend of all. (For Hemy she is a friend of Lechosława. The Polish girl doesn't think so ...)

-Doesn't have big muscles

-She doesn't train hard.

Whenever she gets the chance, Lechosława destroys Hemy in the most terrible ways. From unbearable physical pains to very violent sexual humiliations. Some submission attacks that Lechosława has she keeps especially to apply to Hemy, all to see the blonde suffer a lot.

Speaking of Lechosława's submission attacks they are terrible!

Imagine the intense pain that is a little girl, very muscular, bending your body until it fits in attacks of submission of extreme complexity. It's a lot of pressure and violence in just over 1.55m

In this gallery you will see one of the attacks that Lechosława keeps for Hemy in special.

There is so much pain involved that it is difficult to believe that Lechosława can make the situation even worse by doing more and more strength:

One of Hemy's arms is completely trapped and being forced backwards over limits, putting a lot of pressure on the shoulder and collarbone region. The other arm is locked between the massive Lechosława calf and its giant thighs. That way Hemy cannot tap out!

The other leg passes over Hemy's neck and Lechosława smashes Hemy's neck between her giant calf and extremely thick and defined thighs. Are you able to visualize the size of the humiliation and cruelty? If not you will be able to see it in the gallery!

And it's not over yet, with her free hand Lechosława does several things that go from crushing/squeeze Hemy boobs, breaking ribs and also stuffing into Hemy's pussy and starting to masturbate the blonde. I said that the little Polish girl doesn't know the limits!

Regarding Lechosława's relationship with the other Hardcore Ladys, it varies a little:

Agnieszka: She has a lot of respect for Agnieszka, because she always trains over limits. In particular the thighs, registered trademarks of Agnieszka.

Audrey: She is a great friend of Audrey, the two train together when possible. She loves the fact that Audrey trains very hard and likes  when they appreciate each other's muscles in a private place ... sometimes it is not private place,Harcore Stadium Bathroom see things that are amazing....

Hitomi: She respects Hitomi's fighting skills, but thinks she should train her muscles.

Cassie: she likes to see Cassie's boxing skills, but she also hates the "show girl" look very similar to the disgust she has for Hemy. She is very curious to try to crush Cassie's big boobs in the middle of her huge thighs.

Junia: She thinks Junia is in the wrong place.

B.Deicide / Deicide: She has never seen them (until the date of this post)

Livia: She doesn't like it when Livia says that she is slaughtering her opponents over the limit. For Lechoslawa the limit is too far ...

Lechosława: What does she think about herself? That she still doesn't have enough big, strong muscles. She needs to continue training no matter what. Build more and more powerful muscles.

Patreons ... what a big text!

I hope you like the new Lechosława, here at Hardcore Ladys nothing is definitive and the old version of Lechosława is kept in case the Patreons want to see Lechosława in its "classic" look also.

B. Deicide in her new version I am not so worried because the Classical is very adored by everyone. Then I slowly make her adjustments.

Some girls will have no changes, only very small adjustments: Hemy,Agnieszka and Hitomi.

Audrey I need to check out how I'm going to work and Cassie is also going to get a makeover.

I hope you like the new Lechosława, don't worry because she remains the same "little Polish Polish girl" that many love!

Also has a little animation with Lechosława having a little more fun with Hemy. If you loop, Hemy will suffer for eternity    :o)       (This animation have a little bug in Lechoslawa feet,sad)                 

The last image is in QuadHD, I did to test this resolution. (is the same image for the post cover)

Now I will stay in the story B.Deicide Kill Marvel Universe.

I didn't want to leave you without content while I finish this story. That's why I made this small gallery to present the new Lechosława.

All feedbacks are appreciated!  Please tell me what you think.

I thank everyone for your support and ideas.

I hope you are enjoying the Hardcore Ladys!

I really want to bring the Hardcore Ladys beautiful and increasingly strong and unstoppable battles!

And let's go to the next story!





I think Lechoslawa is great! The improvement in the modeling certainly makes up for any changes in proportions. She does still look powerful and I easily recognize her face. I think you need to work on a signature expression for her new face. A more sinister looking smirk of pleasure as she brutalizes her opponents. One that displays her total satisfaction at being so nasty. I hope you plan to have her do more gloating and taunting as well. While I think she looks strong enough to do the things she does, it's cool when they rub in the looser's face verbally. ;) It might be interesting to have her personality be a bit bigger, if her appearance is a bit smaller.


I m new at pareon. where are the freakin galleries?


FemForteFan Each post is compressed and you will see the Red action line "Continue Reading" that expands the post so you can see all of it. Scroll down to the bottom of any related post and you will see another Red action line "Click Here to Access the Gallery" or the "Video". I hope that helps.


This type of behavior fits to her a lot, since she is super confident and loves to demoralize those who don't have big muscles! She always had a "monalisa" smile, I will try to make a striking face in comming images.