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Hello Patreons!

All right?

Today I bring this gallery based on the latest animation.

I made this gallery containing new images, not frames from the animation.

I added dialogues, backgrounds and a few more effects that I still don't know how to do with good animation quality.

I think this gallery was really cool, bringing what happens in the animation and also new content for the Patreons who watched the animation.

Deicide the little devil, in a duel against Hemy ends up managing to dominate the actions and starts to make a massacre using her big and violent pec muscles.

She beats Hemy against her muscles several times until she realizes that the blonde is in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

Using her demonic abilities, Deicide drains much of Hemy's energy, converting it into a huge dick, which she uses without any shame inside Hemy's mouth. Then starting a process of total humiliation as she shoves her big, thick, strong and vascular dick inside Hemy's throat!

In the end a strong ejaculation ends with the blonde, leaving her in a pitiful state!

I hope you like this gallery!

Now I'm going to work in the next gallery, starring B.Deicide in "B.Deicide Kills Marvel Universe!"

I'll take some ideas that Patreons already gave me to make this story,mixing for some points. I hope to deliver a work that everyone likes!

I’m excited!

Thank you very much for all your support and ideas!






I loved the taunting! Talk about adding insult to injury! Hemy was helpless against Deicide's muscles and Deicide HAD to explain just how bad her situation was! That's epic. They say confidence is attractive and Deicide was overflowing with it (or was that Hemy at the end? Ha!) Once again, love the gallery from the video. It is great to be abel to really absorb the visuals with the static images! Love it!!


I'm looking forward to the next "B.Deicide Kills Marvel Universe" and the destruction you have planned for the doomed heroes. Multiple heroes is an exciting progression. It will be awsome to see B.Deicide's growing power as she brutalizes multiple heroes as effortlessly as she did one at a time!!! Maybe next in line B.Deicide can DOMINATE Capt. Marvel? Really make the Captain scream "uncle" as she is helplessly savaged by B.Deicide. Have B.Decide show her how unjustifiably smug she is by teaching her some humility (the hard way) before killing her!! :)


I want to make a good story and I think it will be very long. I will work hard on the combat part, showing the heroes discovering that their attacks are completely ineffective against B's strong and muscular body! Captain Marvel would be a good battle. Seeing B. Deicide slowly incapacitate her is a very good thing to think about!


This naughty devil is still very young and for her it's all fun! Living with her sister who is extremely strong, she ends up thinking that others are also resistant to her muscles. In the end she is in great fun while destroying her victims.