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Hello Patreons!

How are you?

B. Deicide is here in her cruel hunt for heroes!

This fifth chapter I made some changes to the script and the Hulk takes action!

He will find that stopping in front of the B.Deicide machine is an incredible mistake.

I also explored the idea that B. Deicide is starting to not care about anything and killing anyone and destroying it too.

However to make good destruction I am still learning, I apologize a little for the quality of the destruction is not very great. I want do this much better!

I hope to be able to bring a little more quality destruction evolving along with this series.

The next chapter will follow straight from the end of this story and I intend to do it soon. I'm going to make a gallery with New Lechoslawa (I'm still in love with her new look) x Man (I haven't decided exactly the content of the stories, ideas are welcome)

Another story I want to do is the Black Witch Lechoslawa vs Ninja Hitomi, this script is ready. Maybe I'll do this story first.

Whenever I stop to think about the desire to make several stories at the same time. I need to control myself!

Only this way to be able to deliver all the quality content that Patreons deserve!

I thank you all for your support and ideas!

Feel free to send me messages with ideas.

In case you have any doubts or any problem you can also send me that I will be attentive!

Thank you very much!



Crazy M

Thanks for the destruction damage, I love it so much and I'm glad your really improving it! Tearing down buildings is what I love the most. Thank you so much!


This is the best one yet! B.Deicide is becoming a real MONSTER! It's great! I love seeing Black Widow realize how helpless she is after B.Deicide takes out the Hulk so easily! EPIC! Keep up the great work!


I really need to improve on that point. To show more of B.Deicide's power and for the fighting to be more colossal!


Her desperation is total in front of what she just saw. The powerful hulk being violently slammed against the floor as if it were nothing and split in half like a pizza. If the Black Widow survives she will certainly have irreparable traumas.


HA HA HA! "irreparable traumas" is a bit of an understatement!!! But I can't wait to see what you have planned!! Love it! Keep up the good work!

Eric Moore

Oh damn I can't wait for the next chapter!! I've said it before and I'll say it again, this woman is a living God! I love B.DEICIDE!!!


We are witness to such greatness as she hefted that huge building fragment overhead, and Hulk knew then that he was simply overmatched. I think it would be exquisite torture for our goddess to so easily trap the hero for eternity under a weight that he could not hope to move, so that he would forever be reminded of her strength over his.