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Hey, it's great to see so many of you still here! I have a lot of fun things planned that I hope will make this month feel worth it for you, and I just want to add that the enthusiasm for the series does have a measurable effect in shortening the wait for TWC5. ^-^

Originally I was going to do the cover reveal for the fourth book now, but you can't add an image to a poll... actually, it looks like you can't have more than one poll question, either. Well, I'll keep showing up on Saturday with new things.

Let me talk about the poll. Some authors offer additional stories to their patrons as an additional benefit. I typically don't write a lot of short stories, but to help clear my creative palette, I wrote three short stories last month. Random short stories are never going to be common from me, but it occurred that I could write scenes that cover different pieces of the Nine Worlds. So what do you think, would you be interested in TWC short stories? These would only be in between books and wouldn't slow down the overall process.

The poll below offers a variety of different options to show your level of interest. Please select the one that would be an incentive for staying with the Patreon, not just general interest. Votes are anonymous so everyone can voice their opinion, but feel free to add comments if you have more to say.

Next week should be the cover reveal, and you can also look forward to soulcrafting guides and hopefully an audiobook announcement later in the month!

EDIT: Patreon is being weird. Sorry if you got multiple messages.



While I voted for the "I support regardless" entry, I would be interested in any sort of short stories! I'm a patron here because I think you're a great author who doesnt have the following they deserve. That means I genuinely like reading what you write, and I'm down to give anything you're willing to show us a shot!

Ricky Kukowski

I love your writing so I voted any short story, but I do slightly prefer TWC stories. love the different world views.

Alexander Dupree

Street cultivation new *cough* what?


I voted support regardless as I enjoy your writing, I would especially enjoy anything in the street cultivation universe.

Timothy Alexander

Option 4 then option 2, but not at the expense of book five's schedule :)


I like your writing and would like short stories from any of your already-written story universe. (If you are going to make a new story universe, write a whole series!)


I'm supporting anyway. I just like some stories if you want to put them out there.


No worries. This is your job that you actually like, right? I feel like you should get sick leave and stuff like that so even if you don't write for a few months for some reason, we wouldn't run off.


Bit late to the poll and story, only read the whole series this last week and chasmfall today. I prefer the next book but I wouldn't mind a short story.


It won't change the fact that I'm supporting it either way, but short stories are always cool


Street Cultivation short stories/continuation/series in the same world


I chose option 4, since I will continue supporting, regardless. I personally cannot wait for volume 5 of The Weirkey Chronicles, especially after Chasmfall's epilogue, but having TWC short stories in the meanwhile would be something to look forward to. Of course, that is assuming writing the short stories is not burdensome for you or a drag on your time. I am considerably less interested in short stories not set in the Nine Worlds... but it won't particularly impact my patronage. If it helps you refocus between volumes, I say write away!


Waiting for Chasmfall's publication. Will support you so long as you keep up the great work. (But don't neglect TLS).