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Epilogue, let's go!



The bodies of the titans cooled slowly as the shadows stole their heat. It would be days until the remains became indistinguishable from the rest of the environment, particularly in such an unnecessarily lit landscape. All the demon flesh lay stretched across the path, skin glistening in the very light that had helped draw them.

Guchiro walked across the chest of one of the titans and extended his hand toward what had been its chest. When his fingers curled, great spears of darkness flowed from him, penetrating deep into the unnatural skin. A single twist cored the titan, allowing for smaller tendrils of darkness to extract the dark mass that served for a heart. He examined it carefully with all his senses, confirming what he had expected: it was not a useful sublime material for himself or his ward, but it would be worth trading.

Of course, fighting the titans had never been anything but a tertiary objective. As soon as he had retrieved the second heart, Guchiro slipped both into his soulhome and turned back toward the city. He considered berating those in charge for allowing titans to form, but they would not accept such words from a stranger.

The guards stood in the light of the torches clutching their spears, as if either could protect them. They were not, however, responsible for the policy that had allowed such a breach of demonic standards, so Guchiro floated to them without expression.

"Thank you for your assistance, traveler." One of the guards, an Archcrafter with a meager soulhome, bowed to him. "How can we repay you?"

"I will accept monetary compensation from the leaders of the city," Guchiro said.

"Yes, of course." The guards immediately relaxed, presumably having feared that he would claim it was altruism and thus obligate them to treat him familialy.

Instead of imposing on them further, Guchiro floated over the wall of the city. It was little more than a waypoint, since it was exceedingly improbable that his ward could be in the location. He had only ventured into the Shadowpale because it was said to contain a gate to another realm, and he could not allow his search to be limited to the worlds he could most easily search.

There was one other advantage in the city: a distant relative of relatives named Hanemo. Her home was marked with several heat sigils familiar to him, so he easily tracked them to their source. Though the inhabitants would be obligated to assist him, he had no intention of remaining for long.

When Distantkin Hanemo opened the door, she was revealed to be a middle-aged woman with pale eyes. "Authority Guchiro. Do you require the assistance of relatives?"

"Only indirectly. I require direction toward the gate rumored to be in this region."

"It exists, but I do not know it. I have a relative who could give you the precise location, but he is currently working outside the city." Distantkin Hanemo examined him closely with a conventional heat sense. "You have not yet found your ward?"

"This is the reason I seek the gate."

"If she was lost in unfamiliar territory, then surely her survival is unlikely. I know that we would all prefer to believe that our relatives are in good health, but given the circum-"

Guchiro frowned. "It has not even been three years. I will continue to search, with your relative's assistance."

"Of course." Yet Distantkin Hanemo regarded him without fear, which was unusual for a first tier soulcrafter who knew him. "I understand that you have never lost a ward. Given your age and the improbability of the loss, no one would condemn you for the tragedy. There are other children among our relatives who require a-"

"No. I will return at a later hour to converse with your relative."

As Guchiro rose into the city, he attempted to leave behind the words of Distantkin Hanemo, only partially successfully. He reminded himself that he was not being remotely stubborn, since a three year search was standard even under ordinary circumstances. It certainly had nothing to do with his "record" of raising children and everything to do with how deeply he valued his newest ward. Of all the young soulcrafters he had guided, she had formed the deepest connections.

All that despite the short years they had spent together. Far too few. He had only been half-way through his intended program of study that would have made her capable of traveling any environment on Ichil. That priority had seemed unimpeachably sound, and would have been if not for the unusual circumstances.

Theory meant nothing, however, and the fact was that he had never even guided her to a brighter world. As much as he believed in his ward's resourcefulness, the sudden light would have been crippling, even if she emerged in a less dangerous environment. His travels had left him almost completely certain that she had not been cast elsewhere in Ichil, so all conventional methods of contacting him would be ineffective. That was another argument in favor of further searching, since his ward would also need to travel to survive.

Except that all of that logic was predicated on the idea that she had not been lost between worlds. Given the extensiveness of the disruption, the outcome was not improbable.

Three years. Guchiro could never allow himself to stop until he had searched at least that long.

Floating over the city, he considered his alternative paths. He could consult with the city leaders regarding compensation for his work, trade for more corporeal materials, or analyze activity outside to find Distantkin Hanemo's relative. Only the last appealed, and after so long, he did not realistically believe that it would bring him closer to his ward.

Noticing the glow of a Biolumin Relay, Guchiro decided to visit it instead. Though his ward would be unable to leave a message, his encounter with distant kin reminded him that he did have obligations to other relatives. Some of them quite treasured, if not in his care like his ward. One of them could potentially have sent a request or even provided information.

When he landed beside the Relay station, he saw that there was a small line. Though he prepared to wait his turn, a Ruler-tier soulcrafter emerged from the second floor and gestured to him. Preferential treatment of that sort was unusual, but it was possible that they separated their services between locals and travelers. No one seemed disturbed, so Guchiro floated to the second floor.

It was austere except for the core pulsing relay and a small desk. The soulcrafter had the decency not to ask unnecessary questions. "Sending or receiving?"

"Receiving. Here is my biolumin signature." Guchiro handed over the identification plate and waited, fortunately not for long.

"One message. It will emerge."

A message sphere popped from the lumin current, intended to drop into a receptacle on the table, but Guchiro intercepted it. He relaxed his defenses enough to receive the message contained within, replacing his biolumin signature in his robes with his other hand... which froze as he recognized the voice.

"Relative Guchiro. I am well. I have been taken to the city of Norro Yorthin, on Fithe. It may be found by traveling to the gate near the source of this message. I am held by an organization called House Blacksilver, and controlled by outsider traveling companions. I will not be able to speak honestly in person."

Ward Fiyu. Her voice was distorted in places, as if the message had been damaged, but it was unmistakable. The construction of several of her sentences was not exactly characteristic, suggesting that her ability to send him a message was limited, perhaps by the false companions who were controlling her. If she had sent her voice indirectly, that would explain the distortions in the message.

Slipping the message sphere into his robes for safe-keeping, Guchiro paid the official as quickly as possible and stepped from the Biolumin Relay. He remained in the air for a short time, considering the message again. This city of Norro Yorthin was unfamiliar to him, but his ward's instructions had been clear. Technically he had obligations to distant relatives in the city, but Guchiro dismissed them as irrelevant.

Instead he drew his weirkey and went to find his ward.


And that wraps up the fourth book! I hope that all of you have enjoyed it and look forward to the continuation of the series. ^-^ Because patrons voted to get this book as soon as possible, there will be a bit of a lull between books, if not now then after the fifth.

Meanwhile, I have a lot of fun things prepared! First up, there will be a number of polls about this Patreon, deciding policy on a number of issues and potentially adding some benefits. I also have the cover reveal for the fourth book ready along with some sneak preview information about the fifth. On top of that, we have blueprints and tutorials currently in progress. Please look forward to all of that!



Oof someone messed with her message

Alex Graham

Oh shit oh fuck


At first I thought wtf no way she would send that, y author...then I realized ^. Gaaaaahhhhhh!!!

Alexander Dupree

Oh no. That... You leave us with that. Sadge


So they do know of Theo and co. They just don't feel like spending more resources than necessary on the problem


Well that sounds intense. Good to catch up with Guchiro.

Jeff Petkau

Couldn't have been Vistgil who corrupted the message; he wouldn't have known to do so. Seems like Senka is the only one who might have the ability and knowledge to do so? But I don't see a possible motive. [edit: or Tythes, but I think she sent the message before Tythes was really paying attention to them.] I hope the next book doesn't drag the misunderstanding out too long, though. (Unless Guchiro is a dumbass he shouldn't put too much faith in a message that he knows was corrupted.)


He seems to assume they are her words but yeah hope it doesn't get dragged out. It should resolve relatively quickly once they meet unless he decides to observe quietly first.


Who could have corrupted the message?


I would remind everyone that the Ichil language seems to be more nuanced and stratified than English, and that it was Theo we were listening through when she left the message.

Runcible Technician

Short and sweet. This was a great book! I can't wait for your next one.


Awesome. Can’t wait for the next one.


Amazing book! Can’t wait for the next one. I’m really excited to see how Nauda rebuilds her soul home.


Her rebuilding arc is an important one for her sake, but it's also the time I've been planning to cover some pretty serious issues. I hope that people will enjoy it!

Cameron C

Exciting !


Cool theory, but it would still be a heck of a swerve given the over all tone of Fiyu's thoughts about Theo and Nauda in her own POV.


@Featherweight I agree. My intention with this comment is, somewhat, to play devils' advocate. That being said I do wonder whether or not "soul translation" operates more on the sending or receiving end when it comes to spoken languages and what Theo heard was only the crude outer layer of what was said (eg. The southern U.S. "bless your heart"). There is also the issue of how the message is recorded in the first place, is it actually an audio recording? To top it all off she was still calling them "companion" at the time, Theo and Nauda were really just the least bad of horrible options for her still, and it wasn't until after Nauda almost dies on the return trip that her outlook starts to change.


Really the "I will not be able to speak honestly in person." is the only really fishy line to me. The rest could very well be quirks of Ichil perspective which aren't as inherently negative as they may sound. Being in the mist of any non family group could be classified as "Held by" and being "controlled by" could be interchangeable with "following the lead of"


Perhaps, however Sarah seems to use as plain and unambiguous language as possible when the pov character is speaking to someone of the same background. Besides the whole language barrier/EZ-translate feature of souls is a massive Chekhov's gun and that little dustup on the last plane was nowhere near enough to disarm it in my opinion.


Well that was sure something. I don’t even know what to make of that. I know Fiyu had felt much closer to them after she sent that message, it still doesn’t make any sense. Clearly something else is at play with that corruption of the message.


Great hook for the next book


We've seen too much of Fiyu's perspective for me to think she is deceiving Theo and Nauda. Not unless she somehow has multiple personalities, which there has been no real sign of. The idea of this being a language interpretation issue gone horribly wrong (or right?) is certainly a fun theory, but I think the distortion in Fiyu's voice makes it pretty clear someone actively tampered with the message. As such, I think that "Luminkeeper", who was in charge of the Biolumin Relay, is pretty suspicious. I got bad vibes about him (her?) when they were introduced and the Luminkeeper is one of the few characters that would have had an opportunity to intercept the message, or notify someone who could. Also, worth noting that Fiyu got attacked by a creature that just <i>happened</i> to be completely invisible to her senses shortly after they left that place. If Fiyu had died, it would have been all but impossible to resolve the situation with Guchiro, now wouldn't it have? How coincidental.... The only question for me is the motive. It could be another high ranking individual seeking to kill Lost Ones (i.e., Theo), but it could also be an enemy of Guchiro / Fiyu's relatives. We will have to wait and see.


When I started reading this comment, I was a bit skeptical. After all the message was in storage, and we don’t know how that works, so maybe anyone who is part of this biolumin relay network could do it. But the attack, and how this would have worked if she had died ties it together in that moment really well. Will be very interesting to see what happens in the next book if the answer to that mystery is revealed!


I don’t think he would be foolish to trust the message in this case. Think about his state of mind. He’s been searching and concerned for his young protege for two years in a very dangerous world. His other relatives are skeptical. I could imagine despite his Ichili composure he might be desperate on some level to find her. And then he gets this message. We know it’s false from her POV chapters (unless there is a huge twist coming) - but he’s been searching fruitlessly for years for her.


I always thought it was kinda a waste for Nauda to not use some of the concepts of Theo’s Light build considering it fits her perfectly as a warrior of justice


I don’t think it has anything to do with Theo. I think the Lumin Keeper is trying to get Guchiro killed or injured by having him attack House Blacksilver.