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We finally have a week where I can show you the cover of the fourth book! This is another nice cover by Susliche, whose work you can find here

I hope to stick with him over the rest of the series, continuing this trajectory. TWC4 and the next couple covers will have compasses, tying them together thematically as the characters explore deeper into the Nine Worlds. Ideally the whole series will feel unified while still having some real variety.

Meanwhile, the poll I put up last week is just an hour from closing. Thanks to so many for giving votes and comments! Looks like mixed levels of interest, which is itself interesting information. Here's my plan for the next while:

1) I have three finished short stories that I'll post later. These were fun to write, but figuring out what to do with them has been a pain, so I probably won't do a lot more in the near future.

2) If in the future I feel there are good opportunities for TWC short stories, I might write them. These would go in between books.

3) My priority will remain final edits on TWC4 and finishing TWC5.

None of this is happening next week, though: I'm pleased to announce that the next soulcrafting tutorial is ready! This one covers individual chambers and room types in greater detail, so please look forward to it. ^-^



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