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It's time! The third book in the trilogy is now available on Amazon:


As always, please leave a review if you want to support the book. Those of you who are most passionate about Street Cultivation, this is the time to show up! Regardless of future decisions made about spinoffs or continuations, I want to focus on this release, since it resolves the initially promised arc.

I'll be doing promotional posts for this later, but for now, I must sleep. Patrons, please look forward to some more blueprints and chapters in future posts.




Awesome! Glad to see it out! Bought it immediately, and I'll drop a review when I get home 😁👍. Thanks again for an awesome series!


Yay! Bit of a steal on Amazon. I've been waiting to add this on my Goodreads to hit my challenge target!


Got it on KU and tapped through each page then left a review, so hopefully you get the full benefits! I liked the addition of Rick's final portfolio after recovery. What did NaN stand for? Also reminded me to ask whether Alger's ability to operate in many places at once comes from his weird space Lucrim.

Cameron C

I went ahead and purchased it, as I hadn’t had a chance to read all the advance chapters. I’m super excited about your other series though - so you know to post about that when you release so I can leave a killer review :)

Han Pol

just don't overdo that some artist get banned from KU if two many of their readers do it that way.


We do all live in fear of Amazon, but I think I'm not a big enough author to get hit for that yet. Thank you for your support and the review! >What did NaN stand for? It's a programming term for Not A Number. >Also reminded me to ask whether Alger's ability to operate in many places at once comes from his weird space Lucrim. His space lucrim can definitely let him do some things that wouldn't ordinarily be possible.


I hope you enjoy the whole book! As for TWC, I have some fun soulcrafting posts coming up this month, then I hope to publish the first book on Amazon in early December!

Cameron C

I finished it, looking forward to more books in that world... if you feel up for it. It was super fun.


I wonder what the other space surviving immortal thinks of his activities.


Left a review. Didn't go through the pages to read everything... Is that a problem?


All reviews are helpful! Amazon in particular doesn't require purchases, so it shouldn't be a problem. I get a tiny amount of money from page views, but that's much less important than a review, so thank you!


Oh great. I loved brightest shadow btw. I think that was another review I left for you. UwU. My apologies for being a horrible review writter though.


Every review means a person who thought the book was worth reading, and they all help the book do better on Amazon! I'm especially glad to hear you liked The Brightest Shadow. ^-^


Need more street cultivation loving it!!!