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I'm back with two new blueprints and a preview! These were made thanks to patron Lamsey, who has really gone above and beyond. ^-^

First, we have Fiyu's soulhome, with her known chambers as of the first book listed. The style is meant to be an etching, since Ichil doesn't generally use standard paper blueprints. You can see how her soulhome is a balanced fusion of several materials, and there will be much more information about this in future books.

Meanwhile, Nauda's is meant to be a warm Tatian blueprint. I feel like this image highlights elements that weren't overemphasized in the first book, such as the pyramid and the beginnings of the tower beside her main home. Nauda's path will take her through a bunch of interesting soulcrafting design stuff.

Third, we have a preview of something bigger I've been working on! It's going to be a graphic where the three main character discuss soulcrafting in detail, including evaluating each other's soulhomes as well as some more generic blueprints. I think this will be a fun thing, but please offer feedback on the first page now in terms of design. The aesthetic strikes me as clean and readable, but I worry that it's a little close to an IM conversation. Could try to get around that by changing the background, but I'm not sure. (You may want to download the image, as Patreon shrinks it by default and makes it less readable.)

We're coming up on Thanksgiving and I think people are usually busy around such holidays, though this year may prove an exception. In theory I could start posting chapters of the second book at any time, but I'm not sure when is appropriate. I'll probably switch to chapters on Saturdays, though, since that works better for me. Feel free to weigh in.

Meanwhile, please check out a book by JC Kang, an author who has been very helpful to me:


His story is also heavily wuxia-inspired, and look at that cover art!




OMG JC Kang!!! I was just wondering what happened to him!! I remember he posted three chapters of an awesome story that involved real life Chinese Medicine, them disappeared!!! So glad he's still writing. I love that we can learn real Chinese Medicine practices through his stories.


I don't know about that story in particular, but he's still around and active!


It's his only story on royal road!! How did you ask him to mentor/help you?


I honestly didn't know he was on RoyalRoad at all. We've chatted on r/fantasy from time to time, he read Street Cultivation, and we agreed to trade links.


It's a cool story he has there. Ah, that sounds like classic JC.

Timothy Alexander

Thank you! As far as I'm concerned, the sooner the better for the next book - but defo go with whatever you think will work best for sales/publicity!

Runcible Technician

I love Lamsey's work. It reminds me of the Dungeons of Mystery gaming maps from back in the day.


Lamsey is a genius. I know that this comment is more than a bit random and probably be labeled as necromancy, but it has to be said.