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Before the chapters, I'll mention that I took the advice of you guys last chapter and made a thread on r/rational:


If you participate in that community and want to comment, I'd appreciate it!

Anyway, as for this week's chapters, sorry that they end on a cliffhanger. Next week will cover the fight, but also something I hope people don't expect.


(Moved to RoyalRoad.)



Huh, I have to say I wasn't expecting that. If Rick does manage to beat Jack, I have to wonder what would come of the situation with Granny if she doesn't have any particular leverage over him other than threats. Caught a typo earlier in the chapter: "even though he'd already past the point of optimum benefits." Should either be "passed the point" or "he was already past the point of optimum benefits."


Thanks for catching the typo! The Jack situation will also go in a direction I hope not everyone suspects.

Runcible Technician

I'm always looking forward to reading these, you are amazing. I am super jealous that Rick could catch a pokemon that easily though, the anime made it seem harder.


Haha, he literally threw a poke ball at it and everything. Didn’t catch that till you mentioned.


My guess is Jack was secretly hired by Granny all along to take down Rick. Not so much because she wants to hurt Rick but more because she wants to "test" him. Rick quite honestly is a diamond in the rough, people with his drive aren't easy to find. He is also reasonably intelligent and fairly talented too plus he isn't affiliated with anyone and has no backing. That makes him prime recruitment material which she can mold for her uses and put pressure on with little danger for herself. However Granny is smart, she knows if she fully puts the screws to Rick he may (even if odds are low) some way to get back at her eventually. So she wants to engineer a situation where he "willingly" works for her and showing that its not so bad. I also think Granny might have a very slight fondness for Rick for variety of reasons Plus you all have to admit Rick is growing pretty fast all things considered. He has more than doubled his total lucrim from his initial starting point in series. That is some serious improvement and of course Rick earned every bit of it but you all see what I mean I hope. Also like to mention I love how Delsim and his family at the animal reserve keep jerking/trolling Rick along to see if he'll fall for their BS. Seriously that last one was golden really had me going there :) Great work, also looking forward to Rick finally learning that move from Delsim:)


Thanks for sharing all your thoughts! You'll get to see some of those, but there will also be some surprises. ^-^


>Plus you all have to admit Rick is growing pretty fast all things considered. He has more than doubled his total lucrim from his initial starting point in series. More than tripled. He started out at a generation rate of 15,000 at the very beginning, and with his last aura leech finally gone he's up to approximately 50,000. Enough to, under ordinary circumstances, probably qualify as middle-class!


Well there you go! That's just further proves my point :) I mean that guy in the beginning who used to come around in Rick's old workplace just to beat people up as a way to vent was around what 55,000 lucrim. The guy was in his forties if I recall and in around a year Rick has almost caught up to him. I mean even Lisa who has a much better starting point than Rick and job is only around in the 60k range if my memory is right. Point is if I was Granny I would definitely take note of this. I mean she even had to put a aura leech on Rick just so he still qualified for his weight class to further drive in the point. Plus Rick did manage to beat that entitled punk with 100,000k figure. That isn't anything to scoff at either even if he did pretty much use every single trick he could to do so a person in Rick's position normally wouldn't have been able to pull that off. For those in power with a lot of backing/influence. Rick is just prime material for them to mold for their use. A lot to gain and not much to lose since even if Rick dies they don't really get affected by it and should he live and become stronger (while being in their pocket) they gain another useful piece under their command. Poor Rick, he is just the right amount mixture of competent, potential, and expendable that those in power would LOVE to have under them.


so... if rick takes out jack here does that mean granny still owes him afterwords?