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First post of the year with lots of worldbuilding, which I think will surprise no one. Also a promo at the end.


(Moved to RoyalRoad.)



I actually figured it seemed so obvious that Jack was related to the American Basilisk's fighter from the tournament in the previous book, I forgot it hadn't already been established. Just going by similarities in fighting style, I assumed it'd be Rick's number one guess. Curious if the Great Wheel Heaven and Earth Realmshattering Pill is useful for much of anything. In Rick's place, I'd have been tempted to ask Lisa or Emily or both for advice, but it'd probably be more awkwardness than it's worth if the products aren't actually especially valuable.


Melissa is way more observant of people than her brother. Or she appreciates charm way more.


It would have been nice to know how much that Great Wheel pill cost. How wealthy is Damian? Also, was this pill less worthless than most of the other pills in there? Why did Rick choose that pill? In Rick's place, I think I would have asked Damian for the lucrim instead of the pill. I doubt Damian would be offended. Unless there was a reason for that particular pill?


Damian is very interested in keeping his net worth secret. The store sells a mixed bag and Rick purchased one of the worthwhile ones.


It said the prices were on the cards. So Damian cannot keep it secret. Also, it should have told us why Rick chose that pill and what it does. This chapter suffers from a lack of details. A few other chapters have had the same problem.


The Great wheel heaven and earth realmshattering pill sounds an awful lot like the Heaven and Earth Purification Wheel technique from Cradle 🤔🙃