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Welcome to 2020, everyone! I like to be clear with readers about my thoughts, so I wanted to do a post reflecting on last year and what I'm looking toward this year.


I launched this Patreon and began a new phase of my writing plans. I wasn't sure what to expect, but we've seen some decent growth over the first part of a year. Most likely it won't show consistent growth as I shift between projects, but I'm glad to have all of you with me. ^-^

New Game Minus: I wrote and published the final two books in this trilogy, which was nice to complete. At the moment, I have no plans to return to this story or characters. Unfortunately, my audiobook narrator bailed on me in the middle of the second book and I haven't found a replacement due to putting my energy toward other projects.

Street Cultivation: Most of you are here because of this, of course. The first book did much better than I expected, which was quite distracting, but I was able to keep working and begin the second.


Street Cultivation 2: The chapters of this book should finish for patrons around the end of February, give or take. After a brief break (in an ideal world shorter than the last one), I'll publish this book and begin working on...

Street Cultivation 3: From the beginning I've tried to establish clear promises to readers. Currently, my pledge to you is that I'll complete a third book, as I have another story for Rick that I absolutely want to tell. Beyond that, I can't say. Money isn't my primary motivator for writing, so it will really depend on how I'm feeling overall.

The Brightest Shadow: I'll be launching my epic fantasy early next year, attempting to do something different than what I've done so far. Fingers crossed.

New Game Minus Box Set: I've been meaning to put this out for a while, and I actually have a bonus chapter written from Izzy's POV, I just haven't done it because I've been focused on other things. Sometime early 2020 I intend to finally release it.

Those are my thoughts and plans! It's possible that my creativity will take me in some different directions as well, but I'd like to spend 2020 fairly focused on a smaller number of projects. Thanks for your support!


Timothy Alexander

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! I'm sure we all appreciate the transparency very much!