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The biggest update this month is obviously that Street Cultivation finished, you guys getting it early and the final chapter being posted on RoyalRoad just today. Though I am eager to put it up on Amazon, I don't want to yank it away from the free readers too quickly, so I'll need to wait a bit.

Still, August will be dominated by the release. You'll definitely hear about it here, and I hope to have other good news during the month as well. I have a clear vision for Street Cultivation 2, but as is hopefully obvious, I don't write a rough draft of one chapter and then start posting. I want to begin posting chapters again when I know exactly where I'm going with the whole book and can promise a steady rate.

On that note, I'm going to close the poll on update frequency at the end of the day. Though the weekly updates won by a fairly large margin, feel free to give any last second opinions so I know the overall spread. I'm happy to give weekly a try and we can revisit it after the second book if necessary.

Unrelated to the above, check out the new header. ^-^ Lamsey was the one who put it together for me out of the art for New Game Minus and Street Cultivation, so I hope it spruces up the page a bit.


Runcible Technician

Do you think skyscrapers can be made of Lucrima? Would they fight like giant mecha?


Making a whole skyscraper out of lucrim would be prohibitively expensive. It'd certainly be durable, but I don't know that it would be the best building material. But sure, they'd definitely fight like giant mecha.