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I'm trying to do this release right, so I've set up a week of preorders along with a shiny new cover, which you all can get a preview of above. If you prefer to preorder books on Amazon, here's the link:


Please let me know if you notice anything amiss!

I'll also make a post for the public release, of course, which will be the big push. Until then, this is just a quick update. ^-^

Since that will be a public post, some quick info just for patrons: I've made some solid progress on the second book, but I'm not confident enough in the early chapters to start posting yet. In an ideal world there wouldn't be too long a gap between books, but I have to balance all my commitments.




I love the new art!


re: not posting chapters, please don't let the pressure get to you! IMO the reason why so many Chinese cultivation webnovels are so bad is the crushing schedule that the authors work under. Sure, fans always want new content ASAP but publishing work that you know isn't your best isn't doing anyone any favors.


If I have a group of readers who are this understanding, I will be a happy writer. ^-^ Though I do want to deliver reliably on a schedule, I definitely don't want to sacrifice quality. My ideal would be periods of regular posting with breaks in between, so if people are okay with that, it'd be great.

Runcible Technician

It's like Cambells Soup, good things take time. The new art rocks by the way, reminds me of the Rocky movies.


I could swear I replied to this earlier, but it doesn't seem to be here. Apologies if this is a duplicate. The kerning is too wide between the 'L' and 'T' in 'cultivation' (probably also the 'A' and 'T', now that I look at it more closely). This depiction of Rick doesn't really match my mental image of him, since he looks more angry than determined. It probably does a better job than the old cover of selling the combat-focused nature of the book, though. The clothes are also consistent with the character concept.


Hah, I'm an idiot, I posted the previous reply on Facebook. The A/T observation is new, though, so I'll leave this reply here.


I replied over there, so no worries. I see what you're saying about the L/T gap but don't think the A/T one is as distracting.