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We actually have several questions today, but only one is poll-friendly. I welcome everyone's input on any of them!

EDIT: The poll might seem skewed at the moment, but please still vote for your preference so I know the variety of opinion. ^-^

Update Frequency

I pledged that I'd post a new chapter every three days, but I've found this to be disruptive to my concentration and productivity. To that end, I would like to switch to a different posting schedule, now that I finished my pledge for the first book. The poll is to see the spread of opinions from all of you.

To be clear, the total amount of content you'd get would be generally consistent. Less frequent updates would mean longer updates. The logical options strike me as the ones I put in the poll, but there's an option if you prefer something else. The "Don't care" option is for those who don't consider frequency to be a major priority for you.

Book Formatting

After a bit of final editing, I'm going to be converting the book for release on Amazon. I wanted to ask RoyalRoad readers if they think the blue boxes are a major draw compared to the text I use in the Patreon chapters? It seems like it might be a major pain to handle the formatting and keeping it looking good between versions.

Basically I'd prefer not to use more complex formatting, but if people feel that would be a strong negative, I'll put in work to figure things out.

Romance Opinions?

I deferred this in the first book because Rick is focused on imminent threats, but it wouldn't make sense for him to never have a relationship in his life. This question isn't very precise, but I wanted to get feedback because people seem to have such strong opinions on this subject.

To be clear, Rick's story will never be focused on relationship drama. This is also a bit more grounded story, so don't expect harem dynamics. But I also don't want to do the somewhat dry relationships of some cultivation stories: if I'm including romance as part of Rick's life, I want to do it properly.

Please feel free to give any and all opinions.

Okay, those are the issues. I look forward to hearing from you!



Hooray for no Harem!

John Bierce

I'd like to see romance (thank goodness for no harem, though), and it doesn't really matter to me how the boxes are formatted.


Whatever romance makes sense.


Yes to romance. Super No to harem, thank you. I liked the blue boxes, but the regular text felt smoother. I can't choose.


I like regular text and I cannot lie...


I don't think the blue boxes add **that much** to the story. They're important when someone is reading chapter by chapter, because it's a good indication of the character's evolution and strength, but I really dont think they're all that necessary in a full book. For the romance, personally, as long as it makes sense and there's nothing raunchy, I think it's completely fine. It's a form of character dynamics after all! For the update frequency, I think 1 per 3 days is too heavy to sustain too! Imo, you should keep 1/week as a goal, and allow yourself 1 per 2 weeks in case you're working on a longer chapter, or get no inspiration for a while.


I prefer some kinda of formatting for the lucrima portfolios it only to differentiate between normal text, it doesn't have to be the blue boxes though.


Thanks for to the notice before the next billing cycle! Love ya, peace.


the story demands fleshed out characters and a love interest with agency would fit right in.


I think whatever looks professional for book formatting would be the best, so if you can make a low effort option look professional, then you should be golden. As for romance, speaking as a man, when a woman is described as super smart or super attractive, naturally I will see her as a higher value romance option compared to someone not described so. However, that's the first superficial impression. Ultimately it comes down to with whomever Rick has the best connection.  I as an individual putting myself into Rick's shoes, or experiencing the story as through his lens and experiencing his world, would value the person with whom there is the most connection, whomever feels the most right, etc. However, that's just me, and I touch on these topics in my coaching so I may not be the most representative datum. 😊


If it's a romance you find it worthwhile to write, I'm confident I'd find it worthwhile to read. If you feel like it's something you'd be throwing in out of a sense of obligation, I think the story is entirely capable of holding up without it. I've legitimately sat down at my computer wanting to google stuff like "how to remove faux aura leech" and having to remind myself that this is not information that exists on the real internet. But if it's something you 'd approach with the same enthusiasm you have for other elements of the work, I'd definitely look forward to it.


I voted for weekly updates, but the frequency isn't important to me so much as the content. I'd rather you posted at a pace that best fits your working schedule, since that's what will end up producing the best results. No strong feelings on box formatting, other than that some kind of formatting helps them to stand out. It doesn't have to be a blue box (come to think of it, dark/coloured backgrounds might might be tricky on black-and-white e-readers?). WRT romance: I like the idea of a shyly-awkward romance between Rick and Lisa, with a bit of simmering tension between Rick and Emily that never actually gets vocalised or acted on. I'm also wholly in favour of Melissa mercilessly teasing Rick about any and all romantic situations. In general, though, I trust your instincts in terms of what will work best.

Runcible Technician

I've seen how romance usually goes in wuxia and I wholeheartedly approve. (so many more reasons to fight!)

Aaron Weingrad

As far as Romance. He is a young man newly filled with Lucrim. He has had no decent adult male roll

Aaron Weingrad

models. There were a few women looking at him in book one. I recommend him starting up and perhaps screwing up the relationship? Not drama but also not Mr Perfect who meets Ms Perfect right out of the gate?