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Thank you for the feedback. The video is now up!

I recorded ASMR Yandere || Premarital Cuddles the other night! Now I'm in the middle of editing it and I'd love some feedback before I release it to YouTube.

I went off-the-cuff and did some ear licking from 02:30 to 04:30. Kinda just sucked and licked the helix of the 3Dio ear. What are your thoughts on it? Personally, listening to ear licking gives me the heebie jeebies... so I have no idea if it sounds good or bad. Plot-wise, it's insignificant, so if it's really off-putting, I can snip it out.

The final audio looks like it'll be about 20 minutes. I'm going through it millisecond-by-millisecond removing odd mouth-sounds and clicks, so it's gonna be a couple more hours of editing before it's ready for release.

In other news, I've recorded the Mommy audio. It's 30+ min long, and I'm feeling meh about editing it. I'm not confident the quality will be up to my standards. So if it isn't great, then it'll be a limited release instead of a public release.

PS. I've read all the comments in my last two Patreon posts. And I know I generally reply back to everything, but I'm a little overwhelmed with tasks this week. So I'm sorry, I didn't reply if you took the time to write something. They were wonderful and did make me really happy. Thank you <3

Edit: Here's my anonymous form in case you're shy <3




Can't find too much wrong in it, sounds great


I just got to that part and it works for me. I do like that sort of thing thought so maybe I'm biased? The rest so far is awesome.


I like it. The Ear-licking was nice and didn't bother me at all. I would keep it in. You also captured the craziness of a yandere pretty well. Personally i have nothing negative to say. Great job!👍


Sex? You trying to get me banned from YouTube? ...*pat'n-runs*

Mr. Pendulum

Seems fine to me and the others too. I'm liking where this one is going, I can't wait to hear the final audio.


Isn't yandere supposed to creep you out? Personally I'm not a huge fan of ear eating stuffs but I do see it a lot on YouTube as a valid trigger for asmr so I don't think it'll get you banned maybe the video demonetized but not banned I wouldn't think.


I mean the other one got Age-restricted, but i don't know the reason


Caught me at a perfect time, in the garden enjoying some sunshine... although now the cuddle dungeon sounds like it’d be nice as well ☺️ The licking and mouth sounds are really very pleasant and not too *clacky* (not sure if that word makes sense, but I know what I mean), which is usually what I can find off-putting, so I’d say your technique is good to go. It already sounds great; enjoy the editing. Thanks for the preview!


Sounds great to me! Just wish it was 3 hours long 😔


Loved it, anything close ear gives me intense tingles. Also the rest of it was great too! Good job!


I've never been a fan of the ear licking, too harsh normally, your technique s better by far, but still not my thing. Although, it has always seemed to pretty damn popular.

Ronald Green

Around the 4 minute mark is when I got tingles good stuff


Alright so normally ear licking mostly seem to just sort of arouse me, but I actually got tingles from yours! So that's a thing. Yandere Skitty is still very convincing and just a bit spooky, probably not scary enough that I'd actually run away, but enough to kinda make me go wide eyed a few times. Can't really find anything bad, there was a brief bit at the start where it almost felt like you were a bit timid to do the ear licking, but like I said overall it was great. :D


You lady are making me doubt on my set opinions on 3dio and ear noms.. and I don't like it. &gt;:( And I don't know if it's because how it's done or by who. I think your ear-noms are great in the norms of ear-nomming. ;) Not too harsh, not too wet and squishy. And pretty frequent side shifting which makes it not annoying. I would go for it, I'm sure you will see positive reaction from your public listeners.


A nice little treat to wake up to. Teehee. Umm, I personally like the ear licking, yours is soft and quiet. And I feel adds to the creepiness factor of yandere audios. Sometimes other people just ravish their mics like crazy and it always felt weird. But yours is gentle and tingly enough to get me hooked. As for everything else. I know how it feels when a project doesn't feel up to snuff, maybe if we could beta listen to the mommy audio to see what's up. Usually feedback helps with either being content with it or knowing what to do to improve on it. And don't sweat about replying and stuff. That just means you are a Busy Skitty. I just hope you aren't overwhelming yourself too much. I know that sometimes it can't be helped. But just be careful okay? Even when you feel like you need to crunch everything in. It's good to take a breather every now and again, just to relax your nerves. I don't want my Cuddle Bundle to lose her head.


I don't get the asmr tingles anyway, so easily not the right person to ask about this one. But some of the ear kisses and licking seemed overlap your speaking and because you speak clearly and distinctly, and this isn't a monster girl script so you don't have two mouths. I was instantly just entierly reminded of the comedy troupe of crinkling something into a phone to fake static of a bad connection.

Samwise Thebravee

have you thought about a build up, it would be amazing to start slow before going to ear licking, like starting with just some slow light kisses, do those for like 1-2 little, couple minutes each, sessions and end up with what you did in this audio. Also idk how it is in the whole audio, maybe you’re afraid to get too close. Don’t be, take full advantage of 3dio, just whispering in one ear for a minute works wonders, at least on me. Get close, i want to hear you in my soul ! :D I think the ear licking is good, as long as you avoid sounding like someone chewing with their mouth open it’s nice.


This seems to be coming together quite well, and I enjoyed both the ear licking and the metallic clinking you added to the audio. You didn’t run into the issue I occasionally see with ear-licking and other mouth sounds where the audio clips or the sound changes volume too rapidly. That aside, if you aren’t comfortable doing mouth sounds like this, feel free to remove them. I’m sure people will understand.


Though I am not really a fan of yandere content, the ear sounds from this clip are good and certainly asmr-inducing for me.


I'm gonna second this brave opinion of this wise man! 😄


This was a nice good morning ☺ the ear noms were fun, they break up the dialogue at a nice interval and provide some tingles in between the story. And the lines themselves are very soothing and cuddly, with like, just enough yandere mixed in to remind what's up 😖 ! So this is gold, the only thing I might say to add would just be some more lines toward the end to really drive home the fact that we're trapped in your dungeon (cuddle dungeon lmao)


Your ear noms and licking are really really good imo.


I'm not a big fan of ear-licking on asmr vids but i don't really have a problem with it being in the audio.Only thing is , i've heard youtube demonitizes ear licking vids so theres that.Asides from that im looking forward to listen it :D


i like yes

Yi-hong John Tang

I was shouting out of pleasure, my masochistic tendecies made me want to get teased more that's why I screamed for you Skits &lt;3 Do we have any more fashion stuff that's popular these days other than cuffs and gags, ~~Like clamps and some other ... youknow... stuff~~ Also goodjob on the thumbnail, Yuno Gasai after all! I love the binaural sounds in this audio, not sure how you edited/recorded it. But you sound really close, and the sound of the kisses are not only close to the head. I believe some on the body as well? :NekoTeehee: The ear licking gave me tingles, and it didn't sound like you drenched as if it were really food. So I would say that it is a success! Can't wait for the full release!


All good ;)

chris leiterman

Yandere or not, I found her volume and tone quite soothing. If she hasn't already, I could see her possibly doing a Toga Yandere asmr. Partly due to her voice and the sound of her licks.


loving it so far cant wait for the fuller release and maybe more of it later on XD like i said in the line up preview head tingles at 3:30 so that was awesome. At first was wondering why there wasn't much comment till the ear licking suckling was done (loved that btw) then i figured its cause we were asleep \o/ then the commentary got more yandere so yay good job also love the lil giggles that you make it adds to it even more


First off, super cute. Secondly, you’ve got nothing to worry about, the ear licking sounds great, although I don’t envy having to edit triggers that give you the heebie jeebies 😅


The listener will be going nowhere. Just stuck in bed with me!!!! moohahaha. Thanks, Mr. P :)


Share some Vitamin D with me! ...wait, that sounds wrong. lol It's still very cold here. I need summer.


I'd be more violent, but YT needs to be relatively PG.


The idea of someone jamming their tongue in my ear makes me cringe. So I get you.


I'm yandere-lite...without all the stabby stabbies. lol I was a lil apprehensive about the ear licking. Yup


Personally, I *have* to balance the sides-to-sides out. If one ear gets something, the other doesn't, it feels like an unscratched itch.


I'll think about it. I think mommy content should maybe be okay here. I'll figure out what to do another editing. Thank you for the feedback. And I'll be good. Plan to nap the day tomorrow. :)


I think it's just how the mic pics up... or maybe it's mouth sounds while I talk. I didn't do any fancy layering in this audio.


Oh I'm totally cool with doing mouth sounds. I just don't like consuming audios with mouth sounds. So it's really helpful to give you guys a poke for feedback &lt;3


There still the rest of the audio. Don't you worry, Quinn. *pat pat* :)


I didn't know that. But that's okay. As long as people watch my video, I'll be happy.


I'm sooo happy with how the thumbnail turned out. Can't wait to finish this audio. We had ropes last time. Cuff this time... maybe I'll find some scotch tape for my next kidnapping.


I didn't intent on adding ear stuff to this audio. It just kinda came up in improv. I'll probably do an ear focused audio in the future.


It's a little easier listening to my own voice. But, I do think...."huh, do people really enjoy this??" when I edit. lol. ASMR is still very mysterious to me.


So ear noms aren't really my thing, but as far as ear noms go there are some really good ones. They do however seem slightly out of place. Not out of character, but rather the lead into the trigger feels a bit off to me and brings me slightly out of the immersion (something that you generally are superb at maintaining). Do I think you should edit that part out? Absolutely not, I think any edit you'd make would lead to a stranger transition; not to mention that it is a well loved trigger in general. Made me laugh a bit when there was the whole talk about the handcuffs and I went "Could I have some fuzzy ones that don't chafe?" in my head and you started talking about fuzzy handcuffs a moment later ^^


hmm overall i really like it and i dont think theres anything to worry about really, if anything if your using the 3dio and the character is lying on top you could quietly whisper some of the lines in the ears, followed with some kisses/licks as to make use of the 3dio and push the unsettling feeling from the yandere but other than that i like what you've done so far (^▽^)

Nicaraguan Gang

Overall I thought it was really good. I’m not the biggest fan of ear eating, but I feel like it fits the audio well and you did a nice job with it. Nice job (cuddle) dungeon master