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  • The Purah Pad and Recall are now randomized as well. The Purah Pad, Ultrahand, Fuse, Ascend and Recall are now randomized within themselves.
  • QOL: The "How to" instruction windows (using Purah Pad, switching weapons, etc.) are no longer being displayed which saves time!
  • QOL: Upon completing and checking all of your goals in Goal Mode, a menu will appear from now on where you can decide to go directly to Ganondorf and/or completing the game (which adds the star icon to the current save file).


  • Added Crystallized Charges and Chests to the randomized drops pool.
  • Added 13 Special Goals (Obtain Autobuild, Camera, Earthwake Manual + 5 Vows + 5 Solemn Vows).
  • Added 45 Meal Heart Recovery Amounts.
  • Added 50 Meals.


  • Overhauled the randomized drops drastically. Overpowered items such as strong enemy horns and dragon parts now have a lower chance to drop and TOTK-essential items like Zonaite, Crystallized and Zonai Charges now have a higher chance to drop!
  • Removed fuse-only items from the randomized drops pool to avoid collision breaking. Note that you can still get such items fused on weapons in chests, from NPCs and the Randomizer Cycle!
  • Removed weapons from the randomized drops pool specifically for Zonai Device Dispensers to avoid collision breaking and plugging.
  • Removed the goals to complete the Great Sky Island Shrines for an obvious reason.
  • There is no longer a forced explanation for the Goal Mode. Instead, you can refer to the "Mode explanation" dialogue option in case you don't know how this mode works!
  • You will now be directly put into the Ganondorf cutscene when deciding to skip the Demon King's Army and the Temple bosses instead of having to run over there.
  • You will no longer get randomly teleported when being in a Temple to prevent situations where the Randomizer would hinder you to make progress in your run.
  • The Earthwake Manual is no longer randomized and can actually be acquired now. Note that it might get added to a randomized pool later on.
  • Increased the chance for Gleeoks to no longer spawn everywhere.


  • General code optimization.



Mike C

Thanks again for the amazing work. I'll be starting a fresh game later today!

Mike C

I was trying to put this on the discord channel, but wasn't able to post. I had a thought about upgraded armor. Is it possible to add pre-upgraded armor to the loot pool at higher rarity? On the topic of armor, is it feasible adding "upgrade X pieces of armor to level Y" to the goals? Or maybe even "unlock the secondary effect of a set of armor"? I understand these are a bit complex, so might not be possible. Lastly, can we add an option for a GSI only run? Jump strait to ganon from where we give sword to Zelda? Just a thought for a quick-run category. Keep up the amazing work! This latest run has been a blast!