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Salutations, beloved guests! We have news regarding The Groom of Gallagher Mansion for you all, so without further ado...

Version 0.5 is now Live!

  • All of Taylor's voice lines have been added to the game
  • Minor script edits have been made, which do not affect the overall narrative
  • The Research screen has been fully implemented, and populates as you play the game
  • The Background Gallery (named Photos) has been added to the Extras menu
  • The End Credits have been updated

Patrons pledging $5 or more a month can access the latest builds through this link for Patreon Access. If you have been a Patron of ours since last month and had issues connecting your account to itch.io, you can try this other custom access link to claim your copy of the game. If you are encountering issues with accessing your copy, please message us through Patreon so we can generate a key for you. Additionally, we ask that you claim your key so we can keep track of who has or hasn't received the game.

Development Notes

Thank you all for your continued patience with the development of Gallagher Mansion. With the addition of all of Taylor's lines, we are closer to release and are confident that we can release Version 1.0 of the game by the end of the month, either on September 30, 2023 or October 1, 2023 by the latest.

As of now, the main game is fully enjoyable and all that remains is the addition of several Extras screens, such as the Sprite and CG Gallery, as well as the writing for the NSFW "Honeymoon" epilogue. Nana has drawn and rendered the full CG for this special scene, so we hope that you will enjoy spending quality time with your beloved groom when the promised day comes.

Your Name In The Credits

Of course, as we wrap things up, we'll be finalizing the Patron Credits section of the game before sending the build to Steam to approve. We'll be doing a final .csv export of Patrons who are pledging a minimum of $12 a month to add to the game, so if you wish to be credited for contributing to the development of The Groom of Gallagher Mansion, please join or adjust your pledge to the $12/mo Pick Your Poison tier or higher before September 13, 2023. Some names may need to be adjusted for length or to remove incompatible symbols, but will appear as your name used on Patreon.

As always, thank you for supporting SnaccPop Studios. We hope you look forward to the full release of The Groom of Gallagher Mansion.




I have a question regarding the Credits... I've had a Patreon since late July (During the development of The Groom Of Gallagher Mansion) and my mom got rid of it yesterday, but I convinced her to let me back on today. Does that mean that when it happened that I got removed from the Credits or is my name still in the game? I'm just worried (My first one and current one are the Pick Your Poison tiers)

Ooga Booga Bunga

For the credits thing is there a way to opt out of having your name in the credits for the 12 and up teirs for people who dont want their names there?


Hello Ooga Booga Bunga, We apologize for the late response, but the Gold Master of the game has already been sent to Steam and we are unable to change it for Version 1.0. If you are still interested in removing your name in the credits, please message us privately and we can make a note of that for future updates to the game.