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Hey everybody! It's Sauce again.

It's with a heavy heart that I must say for the next month or so (1-2), BoTM activities will probably be suspended. I'm just very behind in Patreon work, and today art was supposed to go out. But between the art owed in February rewards (11 left currently) and old pin-ups and more, I really cannot keep up with a scheduled content update system.

I wanna focus on doing what I've got to with exceptional quality. And it's hard to do that as an artist when you're staring down an ever-expanding art debt.

For now:

- Catching up comes first

- Dexter's remaining pin-ups will be handled by two-unnamed guest artists (Community picked and paid!)

- Bo will still have two special audios posted this month (x1 SFW and x1 NSFW), and some cute art too!

- The content we'll still look at making! We just won't place it on the BoTM schedule.

- BoTM characters are still legitimate SP characters, and we'll look into exploring them more too!

And as I slowly catch up, I'll pepper in art done for fun.

My apologies. I didn't mean to overwork myself or stretch myself thin. But I think with the TGoGM updates coming, and increased time to prioritize going whole hog on SDJ and AD, you'll all have tons of content anywho.

Thank you for trying this funky lil experiment with us! It's an awesome idea. But taking so much time for mental illness/emotional illness/physical illness/etc.. sick time threw a wrench in the plans that I never could have anticipated. And we'll be back with more content as soon as possible!



Here's a joke to entertain ya! A ham sandwich walks into a bar, the bartender says "I'm sorry we don't serve food here! (Ba-dum-tish)


I wish Sauce and the SnaccPop team all good health and happiness! :) Sometimes delays happen and I hope everyone working on these projects stays healthy and happy.


No problem Sauce! We all understand you have a lot of work to do, inside and outside of Snaccpop! We have no problem in waiting. Take as much time as you need and remember to take breaks. Much love

Saturn - Stari ☆

You and the team take all of the time you need by all means necessary! You are working hard and stuff like this happens and we understand! You’re doin great!


No worries! Thanks for the update and don't push yourselves too hard, guys.


Don't overwork yourself, guys!! I think it would be cool if you got guest artists more often for these patreon posts. It'll be better for the main artist, and you can get the whole community invested on sharing art too! You could even have a competition to be BoTM's featured artist as well. Anyways, I hope you guys aren't working too hard on yourselves. School and health are most important right now!

Emo Pinoccio

Please take care of yourselves!!! We love the content coming out, but your health comes first


Thanks for keeping us updated! Very glad that you're taking steps to look after yourself. ❤️ I'm really happy we've got so much to look forward to. We all know the best things come to those who wait~

Amore Noir

You all rest as much as you need and thanks for the update! ❤❤❤

Sylveon & Velveon

Take all the time you're going to need dears. Your mental/physical health is far more important

Kindhearted Mouse (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-11 14:09:36 Sounds like a perfect plan! And take all the time you need, focus on yourself and your health first <3
2023-03-08 21:15:54 Sounds like a perfect plan! And take all the time you need, focus on yourself and your health first <3

Sounds like a perfect plan! And take all the time you need, focus on yourself and your health first <3