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Welcome to March, that time when the ice is supposed to thaw and spring starts making its way in the Northern Hemisphere. At least, that's how it used to be; weather's been weird lately.

Voice Recording Progress

That's right! Spreadsheets are back, baby. It's pretty much the same format as the ones we prepared for Sleepy Time Jack, this time with a more detailed column for Tone/Notes as delivery of the lines will be highly important this time around.

As TGoGM is a lot longer than we anticipated, it's likely we'll need to have multiple sheets for each couple of scenes. Once it's all done though, we expect recording to be a breeze.

Art Progress

You can see Sharkowskii's lovely work at the top of the post here, and we were all impressed by how well she was able to follow Sauce's style direction.

These CGs are split into multiple layers so we can play around with components as we need to, and possibly animate it so Elias' little spirit flames float around too! Hell, we could probably even make his head spin 360° degrees too if we really felt like it.

We're not going to do that to him though. Elias deserves better.

We also have a complete design for Taylor now, thanks to the teamwork of Sauce and Aura.

This iteration of Taylor's design is affectionately described as "a rat bastard Redditor who'd open a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos post-nut." Personally, I think this is simply the face of a man after finals week.

Miscellaneous Notes

Unfortunately we weren't able to push out a new Alpha build this week as our programmer, Oriana, has been a bit under the weather this past week. As the health of our team is one of our top priorities, we'd like you all to be patient with her while she gets better. Thank you for your understanding.

That's all that we have for this week's report, so that's BáiYù over and out!




Reading over this again and chuckling over the note "I want you to put as much sex appeal into this line as possible"


Happy Birthday to MEEEEEE!!!!!