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Hey everyone, this is Sauce again.

Right now, we’ve come to the end of the month. And I’ve come to the conclusion that perhaps, I just cannot catch up like I’d have liked to.

I tried really hard to catch up on the workload. I know it was only a few pin ups. That’s 6-10 hours maximum, right? It shouldn’t be any problem to get them out.

But between my job and school work and all sorts of different SP work, I don’t know if I actually can finish the month out.

The short month is difficult already. But I’ve been prioritizing my homework lately and I’ve been staying up admittedly far too long to accommodate homework, my job, and SP work in one day.

I’m really sorry. I did my best to catch up. Every day I woke up at 7 am, I made breakfast and put in my work face, and I got to work. But between the short month, my homework formatives, the rewards which I have to still accommodate, and next month to prepare for, I think I formally have to say I cannot catch up.

Dexter’s Pin Ups will follow and are already sketched out. I really am sorry. I don’t know what else to say besides I’m never NOT a doing as best as I can. But this time my best, my optimism, and my “work ethic” weren’t enough. And after 30 hours of no sleep today to try and catch up, I have decided it’s just too much. I don’t want to relapse into old sleeping habits. It just isn’t feasible.

This next 24 hours I have x2 assignments to start from scratch (four weeks of work to catch up on each) and then rewards. I’ll do my best there! February is both a blessing and a curse. Then it’ll be into preparing for March so everyone else on SP has the direction they need to continue their own different works! Finally, once the ball is rolling, I’ll return to dexter before the first March pinup on the 7th! (We try and aim for 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th)

More work is to come and nothing is getting cut. I just have to get my schoolwork and those rewards done. Thank you!

- Sauce

* to clarify, a lot of this build-up has to do with all the sick time I had to take at the start of the month, when I was mentally/physically ill and for safety’s sake, I spent a lot of time in bed.



Take care of yourself Sauce. We all appreciate you and everything you do!


Sauce honey PLEASE always prioritize yourself first. Everything else can wait. 🥹

Unclouded Liquid

Take all the time you need! We understand how chaotic life can get! <3


Love & care! Take all the time you need Sauce. <33


Take care of yourself, and definitely go take a well deserved nap! It’s always evident that you put your best work forward. And putting your academics first is nothing to be ashamed about.

Eclipse_Lewdz (Damien)

PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST FAM❤️ Its understandable things can get so hectic but remember that you and your health comes first, we love you❤️❤️❤️


We love you Sauce! Please take care of yourself. We can wait for pinups no problem. Take as much time as you need and take a break if needed!

Abaddon Ikana

PLEASE REST!! Take all the time you need! We would rather you take care of your health!!


It’s completely understandable to need some extra time to finish work. Please take care of your self, your basic health and well-being should come first and people should be willing to understand that. Same with putting school work first! We wish you the absolute best and hope your able to get some very well deserved rest!!

Macanon Snow

Please take care of yourself first, we understand that you have to do a lot. We can wait, so please don't overwork yourself and rest

Sai Aiza

Please stop pushing yourself so hard. Rest and trust the rest of your team. You have plenty of content still coming out. Don’t burn yourself out like that, PLEASE.


Sauce please take care of your needs and your teams needs first we support the work that you do but if you need to take a step away from it to give yourself a mental or physical break it's OK we understand. Drink water get sleep have yourself a good night or day

Ooga Booga Bunga

You matter more than the project sauce... you are more than just your projects... your a living being too..


Take care of yourself! Cut back on the workload! At the very least, remember that you can't do anything if you end up overworking yourself into a hospital stay!


Take care of yourself and your needs Sauce !!!! We appreciate your work but it cannot exist without *you*. Finding a good work-life balance is hard but please make sure not to overwork yourself! You are a human being, and there's no shame in that. And while we realise you're under a lot of pressure to create, it's entirely alright to need more time to do so or not create as much as you would like to. Art is about what makes *you* happy after all, and stressing out about fans too much will only cause you more grief. Just know that you have support, and its okay to take breaks. Have a wonderful day, and I hope that the rest of the team does as well !!!!


Take care of yourself and mental state first!!! no matter what we will still continue to support you all in your endeavors ❤️


Please take care of yourself! Your health comes first Sauce and remember to take plenty of breaks and walks outside


It's always good to take a break ❤️ Please take care of yourself

Bonnie Callahan

Sauce, you are doing SO MUCH. I'd hope everyone here knows you're doing your best and doesn't want you to work yourself into burnout or a breakdown. Take it easy wherever possible


It's perfectly fine to do less! You're not lazy, it's just a shit ton of work, all the things you have to do (not just Patreon) and it's good that you're realizing it now. Hope you can rest at some point! Life is too short, enjoy it. Your patrons are okay and won't hate you for having less. Remember that we're here to support you. The rewards are just icing to the cake.

Emo Pinoccio

Please, please don't work yourself to death over the rewards! And I hope your studies go well!


Remember that you as a creator come first in your health. Take small steps. You are supported. You are loved.