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Hi all, BáiYù here. I'm making an executive decision to make a tiny announcement here (apologies for multiple email notifications several times in succession) since I usually have Sauce approve my posts before they go live, but Sauce isn't feeling well at the moment for a multitude of reasons, as stated numerous times before.

After our meeting today, I told Sauce to get some more rest, as they still aren't feeling well. February has been a particularly hard month for them, emotionally and mentally, and I'm doing my best to lessen their workload as best I can when I can convince them to let me help. It's literally my job to advise them, communicate with the team to delegate tasks, and communicate with you all in an official capacity about progress on SnaccPop Studios' games.

Sauce is convinced that if they are not posting content literally every other day, you all will cannibalize them for not doing anything with the Patreon funds. This is why they feel the need to rush out updates multiple times a day. This road leads to burnout, and burnout sometimes cannot be recovered from.

The internal development team will be taking steps to be more involved with the design and feedback stage from this point on, and as our Patrons we value your feedback and opinions, so long as they are stated in a constructive and healthy manner.

I'm a personal believer in games as art, not primarily commercial products. This is actually the reason why Project Ensō isn't a larger publisher: I want to pick up the projects that other publishers won't touch and the games that aren't being sold, just won't sell, or can't be sold conventionally, because if I can introduce them to at least one person whose heart will be saved by playing it, that is success enough. And when it comes to Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack, this project is deeply personal to Sauce, the rest of the development team, and you, our audience.

If developing SDJ begins to be traumatic for Sauce, I will have failed them as a Producer, a mentor, and (I hope to be) a friend.

As creatives, we grow from practice and feedback, including constructive criticism. An echo chamber of yes men who only accept what they are shown does not encourage growth, nor does thoughtlessly worded "criticism" that comes across as a jab. I do read as many of your comments as I can; I'm grateful to those of you who have articulated your thoughts well; to the rest, please be kind.

We are human too.

Thank you for your understanding on this matter, as well as your continued support of SnaccPop Studios.



Completely understandable. Take care (everyone) please 🙏

Sai Aiza

Absolutely on the nose, BáiYù! Thank you for telling Sauce to take care of themselves. Gaming IS art. There is loads of great content already, and if Sauce wants to keep enjoying creating even personally, they absolutely need to rest. (Personal experience taking here.)

Livy Rocks

Thank you for taking care of everyone BáiYù, it's appreciated! Sauce needs time to heal and take care of themselves! We are here and are pleased with what we have already, no need to pressure to post every other day. Regardless, I hope they get better and take the time they need! We will all be here waiting and supporting! 💞


Thanks for taking care of everybody, Báiyù. Your efforts, as well as the efforts of Sauce and the rest of the team, are soooooo appreciated. ♡ I'm in y'all's corner & hope you take as much time as you need to take care of yourselves.

Bluu Berrie

So we'll said, thank you so much for ensuring everyone is taking care of themselves. I hope you are, as well!! Wishing the team lots of rest, love, and care!!


It may be presumptuous of me to say so, but I'm sure that (hopefully) everyone understands that you're all human and will support Sauce and the team through and through, and hope that everyone's taking steps to ensure they're happy and healthy while working on the SP projects. As excited as we may be to see what all's in the works, by no means does it outweigh the importance of taking care not to push yourselves


For whatever a lone comment is worth, I'm always on the side of "game designers deserve more money to do less work." The games industry is rife with abuse and toxic work practices, and I would rather have SDJ delayed or even shrink in scope if it meant no one was hurt or burdened during its creation. This pateron has always gone above-and-beyond, and y'all have built up a lot of trust and transparency with patrons each step of the way; it's always ok to set new boundaries/expectations when the old ones dont serve you anymore


Had a feeling Sauce was taking on too much... Thank you for doing your best to keep that to a minimum! It's super appreciated! Also, please remind Sauce that they CAN stop doing all these extra things. Burning out by taking on too much work is the OPPOSITE of what we want.


Had kinda saw how much Sauce was kinda beating themselves up about not getting content out. But it's not a race to see how fast this can get done if you enjoy something and want others to enjoy it too then you want to be at your best and if being your best self means that you go at a slower pace then how others want then that's okay. Don't rush because that's just gonna lead you down into a spiral of stress. We love and appreciate all that you guys so and I know I'm just a stranger on the internet but I don't want to help fund a project if all it's gonna do is break people down. We'll understand if you guys need time for yourselves that being sad hope you guys are doing okay or better 😊


Tysm for the update BáiYù!!!! Hope that things are going well for you too, and if they're not that they get better soon. We appreciate the information and reminder + I hope that you have a wonderful day ^o^


This is perfctly understandable and you should all do what's best! Health should be a priority. Your plan is good and I'm glad you're doing your best to help Sauce. We're here to support them, not destroy them. I don't care if updates take time. If it means the team is healthy and happy, and take their time to make something they are proud of, it's perfect! Sending you all positive energy.

Alexandria R

It’s seems that this recent update debacle has caused tensions within the community. I want to know how should people respond in a constructive critiquing manner? As wording can be perceived differently by the reader, even if the writer didn’t mention it in that manner. I don’t mean outright rude/offensive comments, but giving examples, and opinions that others may find an issue with, even if it’s not. As it can differ from person to person. It’s just for future reference as it would be a shame to have individuals become afraid to share their opinions or critiques on future updates. As it’s very important that everyone’s voice can be heard. As I understand you mention you don’t want a yes crowd, but those that give critique to help grow. If it’s intended to be constructive criticism. However, I see that those that may have opposing viewpoints are being ostracized even if they disagree, but weren’t rude. As I’ve seen on a few platforms today. I hope to see the feedback from this be implemented to improve on parts that can appease both sides. Like I previously mentioned, overall the design are fantastic. It’s just that Nick just needs altering. However, I will mention that Jack looks amazing as ever. Keep up the great work.


I feel like this post was necessary because I was seeing comments about the recent updates and reveals that were a tad bit harsh. I follow a lot of game development patron pages and SnaccPop is one of the few pages that give transparency in every step of the development process and allows for the community’s voice to be heard and respected. Game development takes time and I know the entire team is working to make Something Wrong with Sunny Day Jack a unique and thrilling experience. If you have to cut down on updating content to be once or twice a week, that’s fine. In the end, I think everyone here wants not just ourselves to enjoy the game but also for the creators to be proud of what they’ve accomplished as well.


We think a fantastic alternative might be discussing what the characters meant to you, and what qualities you most enjoyed! It’s easy to feel conflicted when people say they both like and dislike something. But by following what people love, we can make sure that we prioritize both that and what the creative team has come to love itself!

Alexandria R

Understandable, I’ll use that for future reference. Though I suggest that mentioning what they don’t find fitting for the characters, or updates would still help in understanding areas that need to be explored more, since only focusing on positive aspects, will not help growth. Just know, don’t take the negative criticism to heart. What you are doing so far is fathomable, and I commend you all. As an animator/game dev myself, who gets lots of different feedback on their work, weather I consider good, or bad. It doesn’t reflect my own experience, or the work I put into my projects. It just makes me review my work, and see if there is any improvement I can do. As some people may feel very passionate about something they put time into, and will react differently depending on changes, or expectations. The internet is comprised of different types of individuals, not everyone will react the same. Toxic positivity is also a thing, and it is not good either, you don’t want it to turn into a yes echo chamber, because then it’ll exclude those who may not always agree, but they have to keep shut, due to previous issues on feedback. It’s best to continue to have a mixture of responses. This way you can see what people are actually thinking. You can always implement voting systems to get more results, as there are many who may stay silent, but want to give their opinion too, but may feel reluctant after the recent issue, since they don’t agree. I know that this is not our game or ideas, but since many of us have put money, and time into this project, even if it may not seem as much. It’s important to remember to consider everyone, no matter if they agree or disagree to changes. It will not reflect on the work you’ve, or your team has done, as many of us still enjoy what you all do, and why we continue to support all of your works.


I wholeheartedly agree! Of all the patreons I've been on, this one of the most professional, above and beyond ones I've had the pleasure to be apart of! I can see all the love and care Sauce and everyone has put into it. But also always had my worries, that the workload to fulfill may be too much. It's okay to change things and set up new boundaries!


I became a Patreon because I watched a youtuber play the recent demo of SWWSDJ and I loved the game concept, so when I found that I could buy and download my own copy, you damn betcha I did. And then I found I could support you guys on Patreon I was yes I'm going to support this Indie team because I want a full version of the game to come but since you are a smaller team, I understand that this project is going to take time. You guys are human and you're going to run into rough patches and have burn-outs. I can only speak for myself is that I understand. Personally I think the art looks AMAZING and it's one of the reasons why I like the game! Sorry not sorry but when I play a game, the art style has to be pleasing to me and wow, the art style for this game is just amazing and it keeps improving! And if you guys need to slow down the updating content then that's fine! I'm not one of those people so overly obsessed with a mind-set of "It's been five minutes since the last update why haven't they updated again yet?"


I always try to be as constructive as I can, if not that at least I try to be kind. Harsh criticisms aren't really good for anyone if phrased improperly. Personally, a lot of the recent changes are big and I'm taking time to adjust (like I enjoy some of the previous art style things for the SDJ sprites better), but no one deserves to be thoughtlessly scolded. I'm glad you're looking out for Sauce too. We're all here because we enjoy the projects y'all are working on. I hope everyone will be kind, you're doing your best.