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After reading up on recent comments regarding Nick’s new design, we’ve decided to walk it back a bit and re-examine his design with a more mature and seductive design. Stay tuned!

- Sauce



Oof. I can only imagine how much of a setback this is going to be... I'm personally fine with the redesign, but maybe you should have asked for feedback before finalizing it...

Octavia Chase

Aw but I liked the design I think it's cute


I'm personally fine with the redesign!! His new outfit looks very cool and I like how he became a bit more vibrant!! Whatever you think works best, I'm excited to see the final results 💗


I agree actually


While yes he looks adorable, i prefer his old design, it gives out a mature look…but that’s my opinion <:3

Bonnie Callahan

His old design felt a bit edgier. Also, this may sound weird, but I liked the shape of his face from before. It may be a subtle difference, but at least it helps him look like his own person, instead of a literal copy and paste of Ian.


Ah. Hopefully this doesn't affect the game's development too much. 😅 Personally I like Nick's new design but its fair to not like it too, opinions mostly comes down to preference after all. There's no such thing as a 'perfect' design. It seems like its a bit too soon to decide to redesign the redesign though (?) Idk. Sometimes designs take time to grow on people! But its also good idea to ask for opinions and take those into consideration when designing. It kinda worries me though that a big desicion like that was made so quickly based on a few peoples opinion, it feels like this project's art direction is more focusing on what is the most likeable design for fans rather than a healthy balance between that and what feels right for the artists. That's just my two cents though as a concerned fan, I'm really not trying to be negative ^o^ I do genuinely like the characters of sdj a lot and I hope with all my heart that this project flourishes!!!! I just hope that the game is being developed at a steady pace and that the team is properly taking care of themselves 💜

Alexandria R

As of now, when I look at comparisons of each character redesign, I see that the other three (Jack, Ian, and Shaun) still look the same. It’s just that they had anatomy improvements, but mostly stayed true to their previous designs. However, Nick is the only one who is way different from his previous look. Nick’s previous design looked the best, try not to alter it too much to the new design, because then it just won’t feel like Nick anymore. The Nick that made me swoon over him in the demo. His new redesign is giving an exact copy of Ian, but emo version. Comparing the two just looks like they are mirroring each other. Their face, hair and demeanor are way too similar now. It’s good to have Nick look like he did previously, because he’ll continue to stand out. If you make him look like his redesign, than he doesn’t have that unique, mysterious look, and style that made him a fan favorite from the others in the demo. Just please remove that face tattoo, and keep him looking like he did. He looked amazing from his last improvement, that adding more changes will ruin his look.

Abaddon Ikana

I like his new look, I think it comes down to the facial expression you drew on him. I think they were just hoping he would still be posing or something like in the old one. I hope the cute elements of his new look make it in, but I bet whatever you come back with will look great!


^^^ 100% agree, he doesn't even like look like he could be a dom or anything 😭 this nick would ask for ur tiktok user instead of your phone number LMFAO #NotMyNick 💀


the broken heart tattoo is definitely too much. i just don't understand why nick needed an entire wardrobe change? everyone else has updated sprites and the same clothing but with this it's like nicks entire character has changed, not the same vibe at all before or anything! i have a hard time reading nicks story into this character. he doesn't look like he's had a tough childhood and is now a male dom whos seen unsavory things and needs to be saved and has 2 pompoms, he looks 19 and is a famous tiktok star who promotes shein.

Alexandria R

Yep, I just don’t understand why he was the only one to have a complete look overhaul, when his character design was perfect the way it was previously. I agree, that this new redesign Nick looks just like a Teenager. He looks so stiff and uncomfortable. That I feel sorry for him. He don’t got a neck anymore. Not like how he previously looked, where he looked confident, but not cocky. Just chill, with that nonchalant attitude, that isn’t rude, but makes you want to know more about him. Plus, with his background, it just ties it all together nicely. That he was the full package already.


Bring old Nick design back PLEASE T_T


I think people are being way too harsh with their critiques! This is a nice design, you can be a dom or influencer and look like how Nick looks! I support you in whatever you do, but I think this is a great redesign! Like jeez, some of ya'll are being ruthless and you need to remember an actual person designed him and that he doesn't belong to you, if Sauce wants to change his design to fit their vision of him, it's their choice and I support it.

GrudgeGirl 64

I like the new Nick design! While I do miss the striped shirt- I'm more put off by Shaun? His face/head now looks too over-crowded. Maybe it's just me

Alexandria R

I’ve seen that you left a response to my comment, but deleted it, I still have the email. This is what you said, “imagine saying all this to someone who probably worked really hard on the redesign and thinking you're entitled to make fun of their hard work. Cant be me” So, I’m gonna reply to your comment here. In which way did I make fun of their designs? I gave feedback, and my own opinions about the design. I have honest criticism, and I will continue to stand by what I said. If you have an issue with that, that’s on you. You aren’t gonna try to bully me into redacting my statements, because I said what I said. Didn’t ever mentioned of being entitled, but I’m not gonna just agree on everything. As they mentioned before, they want critique on their work, but not in a rude way. My responses are not rude, if you think so, you need to understand that not agreeing, and giving opinions is not being rude. I gave my word on the matter, and others agreed. Also, I’m not the only person to have an opinion about Nick’s redesign. So, instead of just coming at me, you should be coming for everyone, and instead of deleting your comment. You should stand by what you said.


Okay so, I have eyes. I did delete it because my friend said they wanted people to be kind to each other and I changed my mind and decided not to. But I guess you want to write me a whole essay about being bullied into silence and how you're not the only person who dragged nick's redesign for filth. Like if one comment has you so pressed that you have to come into another comment to yell how you're being bullied, then imagine how it feels to work hard on a design and have people tear it to shreds and others dog pile on and then start making fun of it. It's almost like it sucks. But again, I'm going to honor my friend's request. But don't take that deletion as cowardice because unlike you I guess, I have self control and dont feel the need to pick fights after the thing is deleted 8) Also this might sound wild, but did you stop to think that maybe I was replying to the person who replied that WAS making fun of his redesign and then deleted it when I realized it replied to you?

Alexandria R

I replied to your comment, because you replied to me, and was rude to me. Yes, I did reply to this comment to give a response, because instead of replying and deleting. You should have left the comment there as intended, and I wouldn’t have to come and respond here. Yes, It did show how you acted as such, no matter the reason you give. You can feel that way, and be mad, because I do not agree with the new redesign. You are the one who is saying I’m bashing, when I did nothing of the sort, you should learn the difference between constructive criticism, and bashing. You’re coming for the wrong person. You should be going for the people who are doing such things, but you are coming for a individual who left a comment giving their critique about the new redesign. Just because someone does not agree, doesn’t mean they are being rude, you need to learn that. If you were replying to the other person, then I wouldn’t have received an email stating that you replied to me. I know you were talking to me, don’t backtrack now. Yeah, you should think before commenting. Listen to your friend.


Did you not read the part where I said 'I replied to the wrong person'? Or is that you just don't want to admit that your 'gotcha' moment isn't the gotcha you think and actually incredibly embarrassing? There's a line between critiques and being a dick. I dont know what to tell you. I deleted it because 'oh woops i replied to the wrong person and i probably shouldn't escalate' yet low and behold, you came running in guns blazing to escalate it and make a fool of yourself. Like dead ass, none of this had to happen. If you want to die on this hill, go for it I guess. Because it looks like the two of us should think before we comment LOL

Alexandria R

It’s not embarrassing at all, you seem to have an issue with me debunking your words. I’m not looking for any gotcha moment, I’m just typing my response. You must be projecting a lot of your issues onto me, I’m only just replying to a comment you started, you’re the one you is mad at me responding to you. Maybe you shouldn’t leave comments next time if you don’t want a reply. I’m not gonna continue this unnecessary drama, I said what I had to say. If you continue to think otherwise, there isn’t much left to say, otherwise I’ll be in a continuous cycle repeating myself, when you already have a perceived negative attitude towards me. Not much I can do about that, but you can think whatever you want, I’m still standing by my words.


I feel the same. Something about Shaun's face seems.. off. I'd talk more about it but I can't quite place it.


I actually really liked the nick redesign... I have no clue what these people are on about saying he looks "too young" he looks like a normal twink to me?? Seems kinda insulting on the level of "short girls are minor coded" type discourse :(

Hu Tao

The shape of his eyes is way different from before, that's what makes him look so odd now