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They often say, measure twice - cut once.  ...Granted, we've cut 3-4 times now. But we'd like to think it was worth it~   Introducing, all together now, Sunny Day Jack 3.0 - Kickstarter Edition! Thank you all for your patience, as we make this as fantastic as it can be!




AWESOME JOB!!! ❤️❤️❤️


4th times the charm 🥹✨

DreamCatcher 5

I love Nick’s new design!


They all look so good!!


I love them so muchh 🥹❤️❤️


My heart skipped a beat; they look amazing ❤️


It’s incredible to see how far they have all come! Amazing job!!


Looking FANTASTIC! 👍🏾👍🏾💓

Anime Destler

Looks amazing! (•ᴗ•)❤

Sylveon & Velveon

My poly ass wants to date ALL OF THEM!! They're all so beautiful :'3

Livy Rocks

😳 they all look so amazing! What a beautiful job I'm so excited!




They grow up so fast~ (said like a distant aunt that has nothing to do with their raising but loves them)

Alexandria R

I prefer Nick’s old look, he stood out in a mysterious, but sensual way. He looked in his mid to late 20s, and gave off that emo vibe from the 2000s to modern. Now…His new look, it makes him look less appealing, it has to be the face, and outfit change. He just looks different and much younger, like a teen. Plus, the added heart to his face. It’s just too jumbled together that it looks off. Normally the new looks improved, but for Nick, his went down. Sad because he was one of my favorites but I’m not sure anymore. I still love his previous looks, it fits him more, and the reason why I adored him so much, because with his background being revealed, it make him more appealing, and surprising as it wasn’t expected.

Sai Aiza

I feel the same way. In particular, I hate the face tattoo on him. The broken heart doesn’t make me think a BDSM dom; more like a nervous kid with no clear identity, which doesn’t match his voice at all.

Alexandria R

Exactly! Like, if I were to see him in this new look, and with him being shy on the first encounter. I would be turned off immediately. I would think he’s a teenager, one that is trying too hard, and comes off awkward. His new look and expressions reminds me of an emo Ian. That’s what I thought when I saw this change. At least with his previous look, he didn’t look like he was trying too hard to be different. He looked like a laid back, chill guy, who was just trying to shoot his shot. I didn’t think much of it, but once learning of what he does, I was like. Wow! I like that! Plus, his look fit his voice nicely. Also, I want him with dark brown eyes. Seeing him with light brown eyes doesn’t fit him. Him with dark brown eyes would be, that tall, dark and handsome guy Vibe that he has. He was such an amazing side character, that’s why I paid the kickstarter for him to get a route, because I wanted him as a main love interest too. I just hope they change him back, because I’m like why change perfection.


Nick looks... off. Also, was the broken heart tattoo necessary? It feels like he is trying too hard now. I liked his casual appearance, to be honest.


What a gorgeous updatre! Awesome work!


I miss the more dynamic pose to, this full face on feels... Off? It changes his vibe a lot

Bonnie Callahan

Why is Nick basically just Ian with slightly different colouration? 😭 Still love him though Also, why does everyone have almost the exact same hairstyle? I may have never noticed otherwise, but looking at them all next to each other, it's striking.


i'm gonna miss nicks leather jacket sm 😭


oh my gosh you put it into words thank you, he does look more like a teen now! there's no like 25 year old who's a e-boy on tiktok lol

Alexandria R

Yeah. I couldn’t keep silent about this. Just when I saw it. I knew that wasn’t the Nick I fell for. It felt like an imposter. His pose was on point. The way his jacket was halfway off, hit that spot of interest. His smirk, and his overall appeal just screamed that that older emo guy who kept his style from the 2000s, but kept it revamped to modern. That whenever I looked at him, he looked like an adult, not a teenager. I just want the old Nick back, with his dark emo guy vibe.

Macanon Snow

Absolutely gorgeous! I love the glow ups they got 🥰


I think the decision to redesign Nick is understandable. I don’t think he looks bad or poorly designed and he doesn’t look like a child here, though he does definitely look older in his previous design and it fit his overall personality more. Everyone else looks absolutely stellar though!


Same ;<; I loved his coat a lot, I hope it’s brought back in the redesign