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Hi everyone - our friends at Eat Medieval just gave us a complimentary spot for their upcoming course 'A Taste of Christmas Past’ - it will run December 14th-16th - you can get more details here: https://www.blackfriarsrestaurant.co.uk/shop/product/1200/eat-medieval-a-taste-of-christmas-past

So we will do a simple draw. If you would like to win this course, just leave a comment on this thread by December 9th. Ill put all the names into a hat and draw the winner. Good luck everyone!


Online course to create a Medieval Christmas Feast

Our friends at Eat Medieval have created a three-day cookery course, which will take place from 14-16 December. Entitled ‘A Taste of Christmas Past’ it is a collaboration between Blackfriars Restaurant in Newcastle and Durham University’s Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. You can sign up for it at https://www.blackfriarsrestaurant.co.uk/shop/product/1200/eat-medieval-a-taste-of-christmas-past We also have an article about it at https://www.medievalists.net/2020/11/online-course-medieval-christmas/



Congratulations to Chris Kerr! I put you into all into a random draw, and your number came out!


Congrats Chris Kerr!