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Hi everyone. I first wanted to wish you all a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The year 2020 hasn't been much of a great year, so my hope is that 2021 will see a big rebound for everyone.

If you have noticed that we haven't updated the site as much as we regularly do, that fault is mine. This month I had a family member pass away after a long illness, and it did set me back for a loop and affected work. I am getting back into it, and we should be back to normal in January, Luckily, our columnists have really done a wonderful job this month, and gave us some great articles. 

Again, I just want to thank you for your support on Patreon, which has been amazing. 




Sorry to hear about your loss, Peter! We're here for the long term! I think the holiday season distracts everybody--whether due to happy or unhappy events.


I apologise for the late response, but please accept my condolences for your loss and I am praying for comfort and strength for all those in your family who need it to come through this difficult time. Let's hope 2021can be at least some improvement on 2020.