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Hello everyone - I wanted to get your suggestions / requests for a section I am going to be changing up. Our 'Articles' section consists of articles and dissertations that have been published elsewhere, but we link to them. This was actually how Mediealists.net started - a place where we could list all the articles that had been published online. Back in 2008 it was really difficult to find these pieces, and over the years we have posted thousands of them.

However, in the last few years more and more articles have been published online, or made available through sites like Academia.edu, far more than we could ever hope to note individually on our site. So what I want to do is change that section so we created posts that list all the online articles and dissertations on a particular subject. For instance, the topic might be 'King Edward III of England" or 'Medieval Sports', and they would list at least 10 articles that can be found online about that topic.

So I wanted to know from you which topics I should start with. Therefore I am basically taking requests. I am going to try  doing one or two of these a week and see how it goes.

Thanks  ~ Peter



Hi everyone - the requests have been great so far! Since Maya was the first to reply, here is our list of list of articles and theses about Christine de Pizan - https://www.medievalists.net/2020/06/christine-pizan-articles-theses/ We stopped the list at 20 articles, but this list could go to 100 or more. I think that is what we will limit it to at this point, but sometime in the future will go back and add more articles to this list.


Our second list is up - on hunting - https://www.medievalists.net/2020/06/hunting-middle-ages-articles/