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Hello everyone. Just over a month ago we took a poll asking what topics you would want to have columnists writing about. We had quite a lot of you vote, and two most popular topics were Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, and Peasants in the Middle Ages. Now, we have those columnists, and their first posts have just been published.

Alice Isabella Sullivan is taking on the Eastern European duties - her first article is on Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages: What, Where, When 

Lucie Laumonier will be writing about peasants - you can read her first article on Who were the peasants in the Middle Ages?

We also welcomed this weekend Elizabeth Smithrosser, who will be writing about medieval China. Her first piece is A Tang dynasty monk and his secret candy recipe 

That's not all, as we have two more columnists joining us in June - another that will also be covering medieval peasants, and a historian who is going to be doing a series on the political development of medieval Scandinavia.

We couldn't have been able to add these new writers without your support, so thank you again for being Patrons!



Great! 💖