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Hey everyone!  Here's the first part of the next Emma chapter -- enjoy!  

I'm currently very close to finishing my thesis for graduate school, so that's been taking up a bit more time than I anticipated.  But I've still been working on the next chapters of Aaron Cooper, Melissa's Breakthrough, and A Blemish on the Curve, and I'll be posting them here soon!  New chapters of The Abatement of Kyle Trinter and The Landmark Resort are also on the way in the next week or two.  Lots to look forward to.  

As always, thanks so much for your support!  You guys are wonderful <3 <3 <3 

Chapter 36

A few hours later, the bright, golden light of the rising sun was streaming in through the open hangar of the Facility.  Dr. Jeltzin, per usual, had opened the door, eager to rouse Emma and get her started on her morning exercises.  Usually, Emma would remain stubbornly in bed for a while, stretching and yawning, and sleepily insisting on cuddling with Daniel – whom she often woke up by snatching him up out of his bed on her nightstand to press intimately into her cheek.  Weeks before, Dr. Jeltzin had been more forceful and persistent in getting her up, since her mornings were strictly regulated, but lately, he had become more and more lenient…or rather, Emma had stopped responding to the external schedule imposed on her, and Jeltzin hadn’t been able to effectively assert his authority.  Once she had grown past 55 feet tall, there had been a silent, though clearly noticeable swing in power, and even though the scientists were uncomfortable admitting it to themselves, the fact was that they weren’t even sure that their “nuclear option” (the pink gas) could contain her anymore, should she overstep the Facility rules.

“Oh please, just…don’t even mention that!” Alison had responded, clearly upset, the day before, when Dr. Farley had expressed his fears about not being able to control her anymore.  “As long as we just, uhm…keep her fed and happy…which is much easier now that Daniel’s here…we should be fine, for…well, for a while, at least.”

“And if she keeps growing?” Dr. Ossford had countered, raising his eyebrows.

“Or if she keeps growing…at an accelerated rate?” Dr. Farley added with a challenging tilt of his head.

Alison couldn’t respond with anything but a long sigh and a shrug, and silence had reigned over the meeting.

Now, back to the present morning, that conversation was replaying over and over in Dr. Jeltzin’s head as he opened the hanger door.  There was no way around it: he was nervous about the future.  They all were.  But compared to where Emma had been, mentally and emotionally, months ago…it was like night and day.  He had never seen her so happy, in such high, playful spirits.  Jeltzin knew that Daniel’s presence was probably the main reason for her elevated mood, but he also knew that it wasn’t all because of Daniel.  Something had clicked in Emma’s mind, while at the Facility, that had fueled her confidence, and…most unnervingly, her desire to keep growing, to keep getting bigger and bigger.  On one hand, Jeltzin loved it, loved challenging her to lift more and more weight, loved being her biggest cheerleader.  But on the other hand, he couldn’t help but join the other scientists in feeling a deepening sense of concern, and even helplessness, when they were around her.  They still had no idea why she was growing, and the prospect of an accelerated spurt loomed over their heads – they had no plan about what to do if this happened.

‘So why even worry about it?’ Jeltzin thought to himself, turning around from the hanger door to rouse Emma for her morning workouts.  ‘We’ll just cross that bridge if and when we come to it – and besides, Alison was right, we need to manifest positivity and confidence around her, otherwise she’s going to start thinking something’s wrong, and then she might revert back to –’

But just then, as he turned back to Emma’s bed, he stopped dead in his tracks.  A gigantic ankle was directly there in front of him, waist-level.  Jeltzin’s eyes went wide as he stared up the full pillar of the leg, 16 feet up to where a massive knee loomed over him.  Her thighs were so big that he couldn’t even see up to her waist.  Over 30 feet above him, he saw the dark, tight fabric of her underwear stretched across the bottom of her crotch.  Jeltzin looked back down, trying to compose himself.  Emma had played around with him like this before, but she had never managed to actually sneak up on him quite like that, without him even noticing.  She must have been awake the whole time, and used extraordinary care tiptoeing up to him.  But most strikingly, he could tell that she had grown bigger during the night…a LOT bigger.  Her foot alone was over three feet wide, and, from the back of her heel to the tip of her big toe, nearly nine feet long.

As Dr. Jeltzin’s brain tried to process what he was seeing, the gigantic, white-manicured toes sprang to life and began scrunching and tapping teasingly, sending palatable vibrations through the concrete floor.  Far, far above, an enormous, gusting exhale preceded the soft, deep wave of giggling laughter.

“E-Emma!  Woah!” Dr. Jeltzin exclaimed, and he reflexively took a couple steps backward.  He had already been startled by her sudden appearance behind him, but the gust and energy of her laughter had truly caught him off guard.  The scary thing was he knew that Emma was just giggling…but to him, it sounded almost like thunder.

“You, uhm…haha!  You snuck up on me there!” he added, calling up to her by cupping his hands around his mouth.  In the past, this trick had worked and allowed her to hear him, since he had one of those big, loud male voices that naturally carried.  But right now, Emma was just standing there, apparently gloating down at him.  In an impressive whoosh of motion, she put her hands on her hips, and again Jeltzin felt the power and energy from even the simplest of her movements.  Anything she did seemed to produce its own wind current, and he felt his hair brush back once more in response.  She was licking her top teeth now, glancing around the hangar, apparently still waking up.

‘She didn’t even hear me,’ Jeltzin thought suddenly.  ‘She usually hears something, and makes a joke if she can’t understand…but she didn’t hear anything that time…’

Then another thought suddenly came into his mind, a thought that made his stomach clench up uncomfortably inside – what if she hadn’t snuck up on him?  What if she had just been getting out of bed and…narrowly avoided stepping on him by accident?  No, no it couldn’t be…even though she had gotten much bigger, he was still big enough for her to notice him…right!?  But he didn’t have too much time to dwell on this unsettling thought, because the air was trembling again – Emma was speaking:

“How’s he reacting?  I can’t even tell – you’re way closer.”

Emma was apparently talking to her nightstand, but then Jeltzin saw that Daniel was sitting there on the edge, with his legs dangling.  It had been difficult to notice him sitting there (even though Daniel was about his size), since his senses were so calibrated to Emma’s gigantic stature.

“He’s…surprised, I think!” called Daniel.  Jeltzin felt a shadow pass over him, as the light from the rising sun outside was blotted out momentarily – Emma was leaning over him, forming an upside-down “J” with her body, as she crouched down close to Daniel, with her hand to her ear.  Her feet hadn’t even moved, and Jeltzin wondered if she was intentionally showing off her flexibility.

“Surprised!” yelled Daniel again, and Emma nodded and grinned over at Jeltzin, upside-down, from in between her legs, still in her arching, crouched position.

“Of course he is!” she laughed, finally straightening up and taking two 30-foot strides over Jeltzin towards the open hangar door.  Now foregrounding the morning sun rising over the jagged, icy mountains in the distance, she slowly brought her arms up above her head, deliberately taking her time, as her smile widened.  Now far enough back to take her whole figure in at once, Jeltzin saw that Emma had squeezed herself into her pink long-sleeve cat shirt…and it looked absurdly small on her now.  To begin with, the “long” sleeves stopped in the middle of her forearms, and the sleeves themselves, which had been quite baggy just a couple weeks before, were now filled completely by the bulk of her arms…even stretched-out.  Jeltzin could see how one of the sleeves was even beginning to fray.  What’s more, that truck-chain bracelet on her wrist, which she had only been wearing for, what – a week?  A week and a half!?  It had gone almost halfway down her forearm before, and now, as she raised her arms up over her head, Jeltzin saw how it didn’t budge from the smallest part of her wrist.  It actually looked like it was pretty tight.

All these thoughts and details were rushing through Jeltzin’s head, not giving him time to focus on any one of them, as one thing after another left him amazed.  The act of her raising her arms up over her head exposed the soft white of her belly – the cat shirt was so small that it was riding high up on her torso, exposing about three-quarters of her stomach, which was gently toned from her workouts.  The cat face, which had been etched in black across the front of her shirt, was utterly unrecognizable now – it just looked like a strange series of symbols or etchings.  Jeltzin found himself wondering how on earth Emma had managed to fit herself into that shirt, and how uncomfortable it must be feeling for her.

“Look!” boomed Emma, forcing Jeltzin to take a couple panicked steps back (before he recovered, shaking his head at himself – this was Emma, after all!  What was he so afraid of all of a sudden!?).  “Whaddya think, huh?”

Jeltzin stood there, staring up and down at Emma’s body, a bit confused.  What did she want him to say?  The full, creamy pillars of her exposed thighs looked absolutely incredible, and strikingly imposing – her legs alone were over 30 feet tall.  Her stomach looked great; her shoulders sure did look extra-big in that silly shirt; her arms were looking nice and buff.  Was she asking how the shirt looked?  He arched his head to look up at her face, to try and get some sort of a clue what she meant.  But just then, the top of the sun broke out above the snow-capped pinnacle of the tallest mountain in the distance, and the entire hangar, complete with Emma’s statuesque pose, was bathed in bright golden light.  Jeltzin was stunned.  He had never been so struck by an image – he had always been her fan, her cheerleader…but he had never before been left open-mouthed like this.  The image of her standing there in her underwear, squeezed into that ridiculous shirt, grinning and stretching her arms up, with the sun rising above the mountains behind her…he had no words.

“Oh my god…” came Dr. Farley’s hushed voice from behind him.  “Do you…are you seeing what she’s…?”

“Yeah I’m seeing it alright,” replied Dr. Ossford, in an equally-astonished tone.  Jeltzin looked behind him, and saw that the entire array of Facility scientists (with the conspicuous exception of Dr. Clinebell) had gathered behind him, and were all staring up in awe (and something like fear) at Emma.

“Seeing…what, exactly?” Jeltzin heard himself asking, turning back around to gawk up at Emma some more.  It sounded to him like a ridiculous question, but he had the sense that he was missing something.

“Look at her hands,” Alison said next to him, pointing up.  Jeltzin glanced sideways at Emma’s therapist; she looked completely baffled…and afraid.  “She’s…she’s palming the ceiling.”

“No, she couldn’t be – she wasn’t even close to touching…” began Jeltzin as he looked back up, but the words died in his throat.  He could see the slight outline of the powerful tendons in her wrists stretching and flexing as she drummed her fingers on the ceiling.  She was palming it…effortlessly.  He looked back down at her feet, just to make sure she wasn’t “cheating,” but they were flat on the floor, barefoot.  How could she have grown so much taller…and bigger!?  In a single night??  It didn’t seem possible.

“This isn’t good,” muttered one of the technician scientists at the back of the group.

“Yeah,” returned another, a dark fatalism imbuing his words, “We can’t keep her here much longer.”

“There’s just…there’s just no way, no way…” came the chorus of muttering voices, building on top of each other.

“Now listen, we don’t need any of that talk,” Dr. Ossford snapped, turning around at the group and casting his eyes about reproachfully.  “Imagine if Clinebell heard you say that; we’ve gotta nip that kind of attitude in the bud.  She’s our responsibility – end of story.”  Jeltzin, Farley, Alison, and a few of the other head scientists gathered around behind Dr. Ossford, clearly backing him up, but none of them could think of anything more to say.  The assembled technician scientists, auxologists, and others grew quiet, even though the deep uneasiness remained etched in their expressions.  It seemed like a few of them were still on the verge of arguing back, but a powerful, rhythmic thudding brought everyone’s attention back to Emma.  She had lowered her hands off the ceiling, spread her arms wide (over 60 feet), and was bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, going up to her tiptoes and then down again – up…and then down once more.

“Ha!  Check that out!” she was smiling down to Daniel, “On my tiptoes my head’s not too far away from the ceiling – can you believe that!?  Remember when I had to bounce on the trampoline to even touch it with my fingertips?  Wait, here…”

She had bent down close to hear Daniel’s answer, but had then just made a snap judgment and swooped her hand down, fishing him up off the nightstand.  As she did so, she remembered to move her body slowly, just so Daniel wouldn’t get nauseous as he moved through the air.  Even in the midst of her excitement in showing off to the assembled scientists below, she wasn’t letting herself get carried away.  As she nestled Daniel into the snug neckband of her tight shirt, she took a moment to appreciate the progress she had made.  Her mind shot back to what seemed like ages and ages ago, to their old house, when she had first started growing, and how miserable she had been.  And then to the farm, and the…well, what still seemed like a nightmare in her mind, still garbled up into dark disjointed pieces in her memory…and then when she had first come here, to the Facility, and how new everything had been, and how drastically her moods still shifted.

But they really didn’t anymore.  She felt totally calm, collected, and in control.  The bigger she got, the more at ease with everything she became.  Of course, certain things were getting harder – clothes were a constant issue, she could barely hear anyone except Daniel when he was right near her ear, and she had started bumping into things unexpectedly again.  But everything else?  It was great – she felt amazing in her body, more so than she had ever felt before.  She felt hot.  That sex with Daniel from the previous night had been a revelation.  The whole time, she had been in total, absolute control of everything, keeping him on the edge, teasing him, tantalizing him, and showing him how good she could make him feel.  His precious little expressions were still stuck in her mind…and the way she had made him cum…mmmmmmm, she felt a shiver of pleasure go through her body as she remembered.

She gently plucked Daniel out of her shirt and held him up to her face.  He had been saying something to her, but that’s not why she was holding him up. She marveled at how tiny and fragile his gorgeous little body looked in between her fingers – to him, he appeared only 6 inches tall.

“Hrmm?  What’s that, sweetie?” she asked, pouting at him as she blinked her eyes lusciously.

“I was just saying,” Daniel repeated, feeling a liquid warmth go through him as Emma blinked at him, “That I think they’re gonna need to build you a bigger trampoline – and put it outside!”

“Oooooh yes you’re so right!” Emma practically squealed, though making it a point to keep her voice frequency lower to protect his little ears.  Then, without saying anything more, she did what she had brought him out for – bringing him even closer up to her face, when she had to cross her eyes to see him, she gave him a soft, tender kiss that spanned the entirety of his stomach.  Daniel, clothed in his nightshirt and underwear, couldn’t help but close his eyes in pleasure.  He had expected Emma to put him back in her neckband after, but she didn’t.  Instead, she opened her lips a little farther and kissed him again, encompassing his entire midsection, and then…she opened them even more and kissed him a third time, becoming a bit more aggressive, now latching onto his torso and beginning to suck gently.  He could feel his underwear and nightshirt start to tear from the sheer power of her mouth, and then the massive tip of her tongue slithered up his shirt, stretching it to its breaking point, and then flicking backward once, shredding it completely.

“Emma…E-Emma wait…not here…” panted Daniel, who was red-faced and rock hard instantly.  “Not in front of them…”

“Awggg who carrressssthh?” she moaned into him, and for a few long moments, she didn’t let him go.  She kept gently spearing his exposed chest and belly with her tongue, bit by bit working her way down to his underwear.  The massive tip of her tongue teased his waistband.

“Hahh…hahhh…Emma…” panted Daniel.  It wasn’t clear at this point whether he was embarrassed, or simply transported by desire.  Blowing a playful exhale out of her nose, Emma squirmed her tongue once into his underwear, scrambling his cock and balls in a quick flurry of hot, wet action, before slipping it back out again, and freeing him at last from her lips.  They stared at each other, with her holding him there, with his back to the scientists below.  He arched an eyebrow at her, and they both laughed.

“Emma!” called Dr. Ossford from below, through the megaphone.  She realized that he had been calling a few times, but had only registered it presently, now that she had had her little moment with Daniel.

“Oh, yes!  All of you down there!” Emma laughed, putting Daniel back in her neckband before stepping toward them.  As she expected, they all took a few steps back.  She smiled inwardly to herself; she wasn’t trying to scare them or anything.  It was just fun predicting what would happen, and then being totally right.

“Daniel and I agree that it’s time for a field trip!” she announced, bouncing up and down again on the balls of her feet.  “I think I need to jump around a little, and if I jump in here…” And she mimed getting ready to jump.

“Don’t!  Emma!” called Dr. Jeltzin through another megaphone, causing Emma to giggle again.

“I’m kidding, duh!” she burst out playfully.  “I mean, obviously I can’t jump in here anymore without cracking my head open on the ceiling.”  She turned out to face the mountains and pointed at them, feeling a sudden, strange, powerful sense of camaraderie with their icy peaks.

“So!” she demanded, turning around to stare down at them as she pointed out towards the mountains, “I wanna go hike those!”  She had been very close to adding the word “today” at the end of her sentence, but something kept her back – things were lovely and bright right now, and deep down, she understood that she could darken everything with a single word or action.  And far from it giving her anxiety, the power made her feel proud and strong…and sexy.

The scientists hadn’t answered yet.  Their faces were all turned inward towards each other.  They were talking, conferring, debating – Emma felt a sense of tenderness towards them, even though she felt like rolling her eyes at the same time.  And then, after a few more seconds, Dr. Jeltzin stepped forward from the group, holding up the megaphone as he did his best to try and look natural and confident.

“Alright Emma, yes!” he called up to her, “A field trip!  Good idea!  But first, we need to get your morning measurements.”



Omigosh one of my favorite stories ever is back. So excited, and so nice to see Emma flex. Great work, and good luck on the thesis!

Joyce Julep

Thanks Steven! She'll be flexing a lot more the rest of the chapter, that's for sure ;) And I swear to god, this is my last semester in academia XD


lol well our little world here will be a better place with more of Emma in it - and more of you :)

Joyce Julep

Trust me, there's gonna be a lot more of me this month, lol. This thesis is like 95% done &lt;3

Dan C.

Nice so far! Hope to hear from you soon


Good start. When’s the next part coming?

Joyce Julep (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-18 18:20:47 Sometime this coming week! &lt;3
2023-05-14 21:01:32 Sometime this coming week! <3

Sometime this coming week! <3


Love this story

Joyce Julep

Glad to hear it, David! I'll be posting the complete chapter in the next couple days <3