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Chapter 9

“Oh come on Thomas, keep it moving!” ordered Luna, her voice edged with playful but distinct authority as she tugged on the leash, “The dogs aren’t supposed to totter behind their owners, you know.”

Thomas quickened his steps as he tried to keep up with Luna – at 5’4, she was “only” 2 inches taller than him (minus the 4-inch black boots she was wearing), but her long, confident strides were more than enough to get way out ahead of Thomas, whose steps were unsteady and feeble on his shrunken legs.  What’s more, with Luna being out ahead of him as she “walked” him down the sidewalk, his eyes had been drawn to the huge twin behemoths of her jiggling ass cheeks, which were bouncing up and down crazily with each step, barely contained in the tight black dress she had squeezed into a few moments before.

Thomas couldn’t believe that, a few months back, he had cavalierly blown Luna off as a potential partner.  Her ass was a kaleidoscope of rebounding flesh that could dominate his entire body.  Every step she took, the firm, strong flesh of her ass, hips, and thighs jiggled and shook…and Thomas couldn’t help but compare that to the way his own legs and butt didn’t move at all when he walked – he had gotten so skinny that there wasn’t much of him to actually react to movement.

‘She’s walking around, carrying all that thick weight,’ he thought, blinking at her huge ass, ‘Like it’s nothing…and here I am, already out of breath…she probably weighs like 30 pounds more than me…or even 40…!’

“Hey!” barked Luna, as she jerked the leash harder, “I said keep it moving!  Haha, I know you’re mesmerized by your owner’s ass, but I’m walking you, not the other way around!”

“You’re not…my owner,” Thomas muttered under his breath, in an odd and impulsive moment of bravery, as he scurried up ahead of Luna.

“What’s that you just said!?” snapped Luna, and in a flash, she had whipped the leash around and around in her hand, tightening her hold as she jerked Thomas’s face up to hers.  The sharpness of her tone bit into his already-shallow self-confidence, and he opened his mouth to apologize.  But he found himself at a loss for words as his eyes met Luna’s.  In her boots, she was half-a-foot taller than him, so his eyes were even with her shoulders, but that wasn’t the main reason why he was speechless right now.  Luna’s gray eyes were boring down into his with a hungry intensity that he had never seen before.  The edgy shine of the dozen piercings in her ears, the studs in her nose, and the ring in her lip, completed the picture, but it was her eyes that were truly holding Thomas captive.  In that moment, he DID feel like her pet, even though he was totally subservient to Mia.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the intense moment melted away with an upturned and triumphant grin on Luna’s face.

“Aww, you really are a good little doggie, aren’t you?” Luna cooed down at him, rubbing his nose with hers ever so briefly (which made Thomas’s cock jump in his white-and-black-striped dog sweater), “Even now, you’re loyal to Mia – she really has trained you well, hasn’t she?  Haha, you didn’t even mean to have an outburst like that; it was totally involuntary!  But I can see in your eyes that you understand what’s what, Thomas.”

“What’s…what?” he ventured, confused.

“Mia is your boss, your owner, your everything,” Luna continued, nodding down at him slowly as she relaxed the leash, “But this afternoon, she handed you off to ME, which means, for all intents and purposes, I’M your owner now.  Got it?”

“I’ve g-got it, yes,” Thomas replied quickly, as a large group of young women walked by, decked out in swimsuits, all chattering animatedly amongst themselves.  Thomas privately registered that none of them could have been under 6’0, and as they passed, Thomas heard their chatter go quiet.  He felt his face getting red hot – he knew that they were all staring at him and Luna, with her holding his leash, and him wearing this ridiculous dog sweater.  The silence turned to giggling whispers, and Thomas gulped as he saw their big, jiggling asses saunter by him at chest-height.

Luna, of course, took the opportunity to humiliate him some more, and bent down, giving his butt a smack, prompting him to give out a little yelp and continue walking.

“Lovely day to take your little dog out for a walk, huh, girls?” chuckled Luna at the passing women, who laughed delightedly in response.  Thomas just kept walking forward, too embarrassed to turn around.

A few minutes later, they had arrived at the central park of the Landmark Resort.  The early-afternoon sun was shining brightly on a whole host of leisurely activity.  People were all about in their expensive sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats, taking walks, lying on the grass, throwing frisbees, and otherwise just taking in the gorgeously clean sea air.  The ocean sparkled a little ways away, reflecting the sun back onto the luxury white stucco of the resort buildings.  There could be no doubt why Landmark was a prime destination for the well-to-do; it was the perfect combination of extravagance and tranquility.  It was opulent without being garish, and easygoing without being quirky.

Luna and Thomas, though, certainly stood out from the rest of the patrons, and whenever they went, people stared.  Already, Thomas was becoming inured to this embarrassing attention, but Luna wasn’t going to let him get too comfortable.  Once they had reached their destination, under a great oak tree in the corner of the park, she made him get down on all fours, and promptly sat her giant ass down on his back.  Thomas’s arms and legs shook under the unexpected burden, and he very nearly collapsed under her weight.

“Whoaaaa there, you gonna be able to keep me up?” laughed Luna, who hadn’t been expecting Thomas to struggle that much.  “I know you’re small and weak now that you’ve shrunk, but geez!  Having some trouble?  Haha well…I guess my ass is massive compared to you, even your torso…oh my god, look at that!  It’s literally hanging off you…on both sides!”

She was right – even though she was sitting on him, with her ass parallel to his torso, her cheeks were so big that they still spilled over both sides of him.  Even though he was in the midst of an intense struggle to stay up, Thomas wasn’t able to avoid feeling a distinct electric spark at the base of his cock.  Luna’s ass was thicker than his torso…even with her sitting parallel on it…just internalizing this crazy comparison was enough to get him going.

“Alright now keep a lookout for Ava,” said Luna, who was scanning the park while she got out her phone.  Thomas heard the distinct “click” of her camera, and registered that she had taken a picture of her ass spilling over him.

“Mia’s gonna looooove this shot,” Luna chuckled, snapping a few more pictures for good measure.  Thomas tried to pivot his head around to catch a glimpse of what angles Luna was getting, but it was difficult, considering that he was in the downward dog position.

“Getting a little antsy?” Luna teased, “Come on, you’re not doing what I told you – keep a lookout for Ava while I take pictures of my fat ass spilling over your skinny little body.  What’s that?  You wanna see?  Okay fine…there!  Take a look at that!”

Thomas found himself looking at a picture that made him feel even smaller than he already felt.  It was absolutely ridiculous to see how small he looked compared to Luna, with her massive ass totally dominating him like that, and hanging over his body on both sides.  Standing up next to Luna, Thomas could at least feel like he was somewhere close to her height, but in this position, the reality of her true size advantage was clear to see.  It almost looked like her butt alone weighed more than half of his entire body weight.


“Ooop!  That’s the boss!” Luna chirped, whisking her phone out of Thomas’s view.  “And she just sent a….aaaaahhh niiiiice!”

“A what!?” Thomas panted.  His voice sounded smaller and more strained than he had intended it to.  The reason why, aside from being under Luna’s crushing weight, was that he somehow knew that Mia had sent a picture of her own, and, by the bulge and bounce of his cock in his dog sweater, he desperately wanted to see it.

“A picture of her working out, duh!” replied Luna.  She was turning her phone around, to get a better look at the photo.  “Holy shit…that spandex she’s wearing!  Hahaha it looks like her tits are about to pop straight out.  I bet no one else is getting anything done in that gym – Jesus, look at her!”

Luna paused, and turned her head down to Thomas, grinning at him.  It was clear she knew exactly what he wanted, but she wanted to play around with him some more.

“I mean…I’d show it to you,” she continued, feigning seriousness, “But you’d totally get distracted and Ava might walk past us without you seeing her.”

Thomas knew that Luna was just being absurd for the fun of it now.  The idea that Ava wouldn’t notice them in this ridiculous pose was completely out of the question.  But he was also well-aware of his lack of power, both mentally and physically, in this exchange, so he just played along.

“No, I…uh, I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for her,” he responded, taking care to sound as measured and respectful as possible, “I can just, you know, do both…maybe?”

Luna cocked her head to the side as she looked down at him, her grin widening and her gray eyes dancing with delight.

“Oh my god,” she muttered through her smirk, “She really has gotten into your head and made you her pet, hasn’t she?  Look at your face.”  She held up her free hand and brought her thumb and index finger closely together, leaving only a smidgen of space in between.

“You’re this close to making those high-pitched begging sounds dogs make,” she laughed, “And all just to catch a glimpse of your owner’s hot bod in her workout gear.  Oh well, I guess I don’t have any choice, do I?  Here, doggie, have a little look.”

Luna held her phone down so Thomas could get a good look at the picture Mia had sent, and what he saw was even more stunning than he could’ve imagined.  Mia had changed into a sexy black spandex outfit, which consisted only of a skimpy pair of shorts and a bra that left very little of her glorious tits to the imagination.  She was sitting at the “Fly” machine that worked her pecs, and she had programmed her phone to take the picture right as she was in the middle of a rep, so that her incredible breasts were squished together.  Her arms looked strong and toned – Thomas knew how powerful they were – and he could see her abs flexing in the midst of her lifting.  A thin sheen of sweat was already visible on her immaculate body, and Thomas was sure that he could already see some droplets coalescing around the long, dark chasm of her cleavage.  But most arrestingly of all, she was smiling directly into the camera, winking.  It was only after he had been staring at the picture for a solid minute that Thomas realized two things: first, that Mia was casually lifting over 4/5ths of the weight stack, and second, that the image had accompanying text underneath it, which read:

“Just warming up!  Show it to my little pet, but next time, make him beg.”

Thomas had just registered what the words actually meant when Luna snatched the phone away from him.  He began mouthing words of protest, but she was already speaking over him.

“See?  I told you there was no way you could do two things at once,” Luna chuckled, and Thomas felt like the weight of the world was lifted off him as Luna stood up off his back.  He reflexively arched his back and tried to stretch out a little, and it was then that he heard a deep, feminine giggle behind him.  Luna was standing in front of him, so it couldn’t have been her; Thomas saw Luna raise her eyes up to this unseen person, making them go wide before angling them down to Thomas and then quickly back up again, as if to say ‘Are you seeing this!?’

“I knew your eyes would be glued to that picture,” Luna continued, “And you totally missed Ava walking up to us.  Turn around and greet her!”

Thomas felt his heart rate increased as he began to rise up on two feet, but Luna’s sharp voice instantly pushed him back down on all fours:

“Hey!  Did I say anything about standing up?”

Thomas was then forced to pivot awkwardly on his hands and knees – he didn’t even think of disobeying.  His mind was still fixated on that picture of Mia winking at him, and she had put Luna in charge of him, so…

But as Thomas pivoted, he caught sight of the smooth, well-shaped womanly legs in front of him now, and his mind strayed a bit from Mia, if only for a few moments.  Those long, strong-looking legs…the way those thick, wide hips filled the jean shorts she was wearing…and, of course, the way those E-cup tits were stretching that purple blouse…that knowing grin underneath the dark, square rims of her stylish sunglasses, framed by a waterfall of jet-black hair…Thomas had always thought Ava was hot, but she had never actually looked this good.  Maybe it was just because she looked taller from this angle, or maybe because, at 5’8, she was a full 6 inches taller than him now, and looked appropriately imposing.  Thomas didn’t really know – all he knew was that his masseuse co-worker was now looming over him, looking every bit as sexy and dominant as Luna, with her hands on her hips, playfully biting her lower lip.

“I’ve been thinking about you ever since I saw you with the boss earlier,” Ava laughed, her huge tits shaking over Thomas as she continued to stare at him through those dark, inscrutable sunglasses.  “I could hardly believe it was you, I literally had to do a triple-take!”

“He’s a bit diminished, isn’t he?” Luna remarked.

“A…bit…?” Ava repeated quietly, biting her lip harder as she knelt down, bringing her face closer to Thomas.  “My god…she’s turned you into a shrimp!”

Ava extended her hand out, brushing a long finger under Thomas’s chin, and then lightly pinched his cheek, his shoulder, and his upper arm, testing everything for size.  Thomas felt his cock pounding in between his legs.  The way Ava was touching him was so demeaning, so effortlessly dominant – it really was like she was touching, petting something less than her, an inferior animal.

“You better be careful,” Luna chuckled from above, “Keep touching him like that and he’ll blow his load.”  Now it was Luna’s turn to step over and crouch down close to his face, so that both she and Ava were now staring down at him.  “And then he’ll be in big trouble.”

“Ohhhhh, so it’s like thaaaaat?” Ava asked, clearly delighted by her newfound understanding, and she lowered her sunglasses to express her intrigue, treating Thomas to a close-up view of her striking green eyes.  “So Mia’s really got you wrapped around her finger, huh?”

Thomas could only nod.  His face was red-hot with arousal and embarrassment.  He couldn’t believe how sexy and imposing Ava was…just like Luna.  His mind shot back to months before, back when he had been 6’5, back when he had hardly paid attention to either one of them…he had basically ditched Luna, for godsakes…hadn’t even considered pursuing Ava…and yet now here he was, in the central Landmark park on all fours like a dog, totally at their mercy.

“He can’t even speak,” giggled Ava, putting a hand up to her mouth.  “Oh my god, Luna – I’m SO glad Mia gave him to you for the afternoon!”

“I know, right?” laughed Luna, “We’re gonna have soooo much fun!”

“I wanna hear him speak!” Ava declared suddenly, standing up abruptly and putting her hands on her hips.  Thomas was reminded that, although Ava’s ass wasn’t quite as huge as Luna’s, she still definitely had one; he could see it lightly jiggling behind her as she stood up.

“But only like the little pet he’s become,” Ava continued, getting out her phone and directing it at Thomas.

“Ohhhh I love it!” cackled Luna, clapping her hands, standing up as well and standing next to Ava, still holding Thomas’s leash.  She jerked it up a little, forcing Thomas to crawl forward a couple paces so that he was kneeling directly in front of their feet.  He couldn’t bring himself to look up at them, and tried his best to keep his head down towards the grass.

“Bark, Thomas!” Luna ordered, pointing down at him with her left hand as she tugged his leash with her right, forcing his face up toward them.  “I wanna hear you bark!”

He made pitiful eyes up at Luna, silently begging her not to make him do this.  But Luna’s gray stare was stern, even while shining with a fierce joy.  He could feel Mia’s dominance emanating through her – there was no question that Luna had taken Mia’s trust to heart.  She was the extension of her boss’s authority, and even though Thomas had tried to extricate her from his sense of submission, it was impossible, especially with her looming over him, staring at him like that.

“R-ruff…ruff!” Thomas mumbled, feeling his cheeks burn with shame as he obeyed.  Ava’s smile widened, and she blinked rapidly, flaring her nostrils.  She was having a blast already.

“Oh come on Thomas!” Luna scolded, “Do you think that’s what I meant?  Let’s HEAR it!  Bark like you mean it!  Pretend Mia’s here.”  She shook his leash, making it slither through the air like a snake.  “Pretend SHE told you to do it.”

Thomas felt a well of panic rising up in him.  They were in the middle of the Landmark central park!  There were dozens of people walking around, high-class patrons, every one of them looking as chic, spiffy, and glamorous as the next…especially all the tall young women.  Was there some kind of volleyball convention on the island or something!?  This all went through Thomas’s mind in a flash, but he was brought back to reality by another more insistent tug on his leash.  Luna wasn’t going to let him squirm out of this one; he had only one choice.

Sitting up on his knees, Thomas averted his face upward and started barking louder.

“Ruff!!  Ruff!!  RrruffRuff!”

Both Luna and Ava were watching eagerly, their mouths open in unabashed glee, as they filmed the humiliating scene on their phones.

“Awww what a good little doggie!” Ava laughed.  Her huge tits bounced and jiggled with her laughter, looking like they were about ready to bust out of her top.  For a second, Thomas wondered if she too was growing, but he couldn’t focus too hard on that – the energy of his performance was taking him over, and even though he felt a sickening rush of embarrassment as he continued to bark, he also felt a strange sense of freedom in his submission.  There was nothing else he could do – all that remained was to lose himself acting like a dog.  Maybe Luna would send the video to Mia…and Mia would be pleased with him.  He began to bark even louder, and with more energy.

“Oh my god…” Ava uttered in murmuring laughter, “He’s really laying into it now!  I think he’s discovered his true calling, what do you think, Luna?”

“Yeah, I think so!” Luna nodded, bouncing her eyebrows down at him.  “He’s a natural.”  She let him bark for a few more seconds, and then looked around, obviously enjoying the attention they were getting from passersby.  Lots of people were slowing down, many of them lowering their sunglasses, as if trying to make sure what they were seeing was real.  Many of the older patrons wore disapproving looks on their faces and passed quickly by, but conversely, many of the younger ones (especially the women) were watching with evident enjoyment and interest.  In particular, a group of tall young women had whipped out their phones, and were beginning to film the whole scene.

“Look at that, Thomas,” Luna chuckled, again shaking his leash, encouraging him to turn around to face the onlookers, “You’re a star!  Come on, give 'em all one last bark for good measure.”

Thomas obeyed, and he hoped at least that all these people weren’t noticing the bulge in between his legs through the dog sweater.  He hadn’t realized how it could be possible to feel so humiliated, yet so aroused at the same time.  And even though his surroundings were becoming more frenetic, his mind was still focused on the video Luna was taking with her phone – he correctly assumed that she would be sending it straight to Mia, and he wanted to show his owner how obedient and deferential he could be.

“All right, all right, enough of that,” laughed Luna, stopping Thomas’s barking as she waved at the crowd with her hand.  “Move along people, otherwise you’ll stress him out.  He’s still in training, you know.”

The crowd of (mostly) young women giggled appreciatively, and proceeded on their way, chatting animatedly to each other as they kept glancing back over their shoulder.  Thomas felt a sense of relief pass over him; maybe that was the humiliation pinnacle of the day, and he’d be able to just coast for the rest of the afternoon, before Luna handed him back to Mia.  Even though it was impossible not to be distracted and entranced by the size of Luna and Ava compared to him, Thomas felt himself becoming more and more desperate to reunite with his true mistress.

Like clockwork, Luna’s phone dinged again.  She checked her messages, and her eyes lit up; the next moment she was gesturing for Ava to come over and have a look.  The two gorgeous women shared a knowing laugh, and together they stared down at Thomas, who was still in his “sitting dog” position in the grass.  Luna let the silence build between them; the sun glinted off Ava’s expensive sunglasses that remained perched atop her head.  The striking contrast between her profound green eyes and Luna’s deep grays threw Thomas for a loop.  He couldn’t believe how beautiful and strong they both looked, standing there, smirking down at him.  Had they both always been so…curvy and feminine?  So strong-looking and confident?  And he was only seeing it now because he had shrunken down so small?  Thomas didn’t know up from down anymore, so he had no idea.

“Wh…What did she send this time?” he finally blurted out.  He knew that Mia had sent another picture, and couldn’t bear the tension anymore – he had to see what it was.  Ava turned to whisper in Luna’s ear for a moment, and Luna nodded her head slowly, biting her tongue with pleasure, as her eyes trailed off for a moment, and then went down to Thomas again.  Ava was now tossing something up and down in her hand…a hacky sack.  Thomas was suddenly aware of Luna unlatching his leash from his collar.  She backed away from him, wrapping the leash around her full arm.  Thomas suddenly felt naked and exposed without the leash.

“Oh you can have a look, Thomas,” Luna remarked casually, “Right after you bring back Ava’s ball…in your mouth.”

Without wasting any time, Ava promptly turned and chucked the hacky sack far away into the middle of the park.  Thomas began to rise up on his two legs to go fetch it, but Luna reached out and shoved him back down on all fours, showing her overwhelming strength over him.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she admonished him, “Dogs don’t walk on their hind legs!  Now come on, come on, go get it!”

Thomas paused for an instant, registering how ridiculous he was going to look, and then wiped it all from his mind and took off on his hands and knees.  Behind him, Ava was calling “Oh goooood boyyyyy!  That’s a goooood boyyyyy!”  He kept going with his head down, trying his best to ignore the surprised and ridiculing comments from the people he passed.  Ava had a good arm, and so he had to rush past quite a few people.  Finally, after some of the longest twenty seconds in his life, he managed to reach the hacky sack…and, as luck would have it, it was right next to a group of chattering young women.  He didn’t know if they saw him or not, but he was not going to hang around to find out.  He scampered up to the ball as fast as he could, but right before he reached it, a long, elegant, manicured hand reached out and snatched it up out of the grass.  He looked up, and was shocked to see that the hand belonged to one of the leggy, curvy girls who had teased him about his oversized surfboard just a few days before!

“Oh my…we meet again!” she giggled.  She had brilliant light blue eyes that glinted delightedly in the afternoon sun; she was holding the hacky sack in between her fingers, playing with it teasingly.  “You had that collar on before, but I can see that you’ve really started taking your role to heart!”

The other girls behind her laughed, and Thomas, in the midst of his blushing, could see that they were all quite tall and graceful.  He felt his brain starting to short-circuit.  Had Ava thrown the ball over here on purpose!?  Did they all know what was going on?  Were they all in on the game!?  He didn’t put anything past Mia at this point, but now all he wanted was the ball.

“Ohhh…you want this, don’t you?” teased the young woman, dangling it above his head.  Thomas nodded silently.  Behind her, one of the girls was giggling and saying “Oh boy, Riley’s in her element now!”

“Beg me,” Riley ordered, her blue eyes suddenly hardening as her smile curled.  “I think your owner would want you to.”

Thomas blinked, his mind going blank.  What did this young woman…Riley…know!?  Had Mia instructed her??  Planned the whole thing!?  He had no idea, but as his mind raced to make sense of it all, he found himself getting up on his knees, holding out his hands, and the next moment, a series of pathetic whimpers escaped his lips.  Riley’s eyes flashed with pleasure, and she and the other girls behind her laughed appreciatively.

“Awwww what a well-trained little boy you aaaaare!” Riley chuckled, leaning down to pass her large hand through Thomas’s hair.  He felt a surge of electricity go through his cock as she “pet” him for a few moments, taking care to scratch behind his ears too.  The next moment, she was holding out the ball, which Thomas took in his mouth, causing another laugh from Riley.

“Awwhaha, okay, run on, now!” came her mirthful response, pointing over to Luna and Ava and waving.  “I think they want you back!”

Thomas turned around and plodded back with the ball in his mouth.  He couldn’t think straight at all right now.  All he knew was that Luna had filmed the whole thing, since she only put down her phone when he came right back up to Ava, who took the hacky sack from his mouth with a loving little pat on his head.

“Mmmm okay, I think you’ve earned another glance at Mia,” chuckled Luna, bending down to show him, “And you’re in luck, because this one’s actually a short video!”

The next moment, Thomas found himself blinking at a video of Mia deadlifting what looked to him like a lot of weight…four 45-lb plates on each side…with two 25-lb plates too…and a few smaller ones to round it all off.  He couldn’t do that math in his head right now, but he knew it was heavy – and she was busting out three-rep sets like it was nothing!  Her perfect skin was shining with sweat now, as she playfully winked at the camera and pointed to a big male bodybuilder to try the bar.  He was grinning and shaking his head ruefully, and then crouched down, his face tensing, as he slowly…barely…managed to lift it once.  He tensed up, purple-faced, to try again, but then quickly gave up, laughing, after realizing he couldn’t even move the bar a second time.  Mia turned the camera back towards herself, smirking meaningfully, looking sexier than ever as she drew a line down her immense cleavage with her finger.

“This is what you’re missing, Thomas,” she cooed at the camera, “Being so short, you can’t look down my shirt…haha but really, let’s be honest, you couldn’t handle them, could you?”

She laughed, put the camera down, and proceeded to bang out a quick set of reps on the glute machine.  Thomas’s eyes bulged out as he saw her gigantic buttocks flex and unflex, flex and unflex, through her black spandex.

“Thaaat’s right,” purred Mia, talking back to the camera as she gave Thomas a perfect view of her glorious behind, “This is where your face belongs, Thomas.  Right.  Here.  And soon…” she turned around, seeming to stare straight into his soul, “Your whole body.”

Thomas felt himself shaking as he tried to rewind the video, but just then, Luna snatched her phone out of his hands.

“Geeez, I think we better get you out of here,” she remarked, sharing a knowing smile with Ava, “Look at that bulge down there!  Any more teasing and you’re gonna pass out.  Ooop!  And there’s the order from Mia anyway.  Perfect timing!”

“Order?” Thomas asked, bewildered.

“Mhm,” nodded Luna meaningfully.  “We’re taking you straight to Mia’s gym – evidently the videos of us playing in the park got her REALLY riled up.  She’ll be waiting for us there.”



I ABSOLUTELY love Luna and want to see more of her dominating Thomas. I love the dynamic between them and their pastMaybe we can see him shrink while with her in the future?