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Hey everyone!  I hope you're all doing well!  I'm sorry I haven't been able to post as much this past month as I would've liked.  I've been working very hard on my graduate thesis, and finally finished it this past week!  This paper had been taking up a LOT of my time, much more than I expected, and I'm so happy it's finished.  I also won't be teaching anymore at my university, so this will all free up a lot more of my time to post more in May <3 <3

I'm still working on part 2 of Melissa's Breakthrough, but I wanted to post this progress, just for you all to see where it's going.  The full chapter will be posted in the next couple days.  I'll be posting new chapters of "The Landmark Resort," "The Abatement of Kyle Trinter," and "A Blemish on the Curve" later on this week -- I've been working on those for a while, and am excited to show them to you guys.  For the $10-and-up tiers, I'm also going to be posting a new story, "Mila's World," about a short young woman who starts playing a D&D game with her much-taller crush.  They get sucked into the game through some magic, and, when they awaken in the D&D world, their sizes are...a bit different, let's say ;)

For $17-and-up patrons, I'll be posting a new chapter of East of Eve this week, and new chapters of Reus Village and The Witches of Kappa Gamma Delta in the next couple weeks.  I'm also going to be posting a brand new story for this tier, The Shrink, an ongoing commission about a middle-aged college counselor, James Cooper, who has a new client: Jessica, a huge, tall, curvy volleyball player, who's an athletic and academic overachiever, and who needs to learn coping strategies for her stress.  The two of them hit it off, and develop feelings for each other, which coincides with James's discovery that he's developed a condition that makes him shrink.  This story will be a fun, sweet, sexy, gentle one, with LOTS of size/height comparisons.

Thank you all so much for your continued support!  I'm looking forward to posting all these updates soon.  Have a wonderful May, everybody! <3 <3 <3

Chapter 10

Steve blinked as he continued to hang upside down, dangling from his ankle high above Melissa’s desk.  His eyes shifted back and forth between her amused, smirking, upside-down face, and the cavernous cleavage that yawned open beneath him, threatening to swallow him whole.  He was so small now – only one inch compared to Melissa’s gargantuan 6’10 – that if she dropped him down in between her breasts, he wasn’t at all sure that he would be able to come up for air on his own.  He knew that she would never leave him to suffocate like that in between her tits, but he didn’t at all put it past her to tease him with the possibility…and just like that, like clockwork, she slowly began lowering him down, down, down…toward the huge, dark line in between her megalithic tits, in a suggestion of dropping him down into its depths.  He felt her thumb and forefinger loosen slightly around his ankle, and, without even thinking, Steve panicked.

“Okay, okay!” he cried, his voice sounding way more high-pitched than he cared to admit.  But what did he expect, after all, being an inch tall?  “I’ll do it!  It’ll feed you the…the M&M’s!”

“Mmmm, that’s better!” rumbled Melissa, raising him back up to her eye level as she playfully twisted his body around, still upside-down, in her fingers.  “I was beginning to think that you were getting distracted by my breasts again instead of doing your fair share of work around here…wouldn’t be the first time.”

“I like how ‘doing my fair share of work’ is me taking half an hour to climb up your body just to feed you candy,” Steve grumbled, trying to maintain his cantankerous responses despite his compromised situation.

“Well it’s not like you’re good for much else at this size!” remarked Melissa dryly, bringing his dangling little body up close to her eyes as she turned her face slightly sideways to emphasize her point.

“And gee, I wonder who’s fault that is?” mused Steve loudly, folding his arms across his chest.  Immediately, he felt his body beginning to shake and tremble.  Melissa had pursed her lips and had crossed her free hand over her mouth…but it was clear, from the way she was shaking, and the way that her face was getting red, that she was trying hard not to burst out laughing.

“I’m…pssshhh…I’m sorry, Steve…” she whispered, clearly on the verge of losing it.  “It’s just…it’s just so precious – and hilarious – when you get all irate like this, hanging upside down.”

“It warms my heart to hear that, Melissa,” Steve replied, rolling his eyes.  “It really does.  I’m so glad I’m basically your walking, talking, hanging entertainment.”

“Your words,” Melissa shrugged, and then finally let him back down, rightside up, on her desk.  Steve didn’t stand up immediately, though.  For a few moments he just sat there, leaning back on his hands, staring up at Melissa’s gigantic, looming form.  He still hadn’t gotten used to it, even after a month at this size.  Sitting down in her chair, when she leaned forward into her desk like she was doing now, her breasts rose up as high as a 15-story building from his perspective.  And that was just her breasts.  Her arms, her neck, her head, her face…everything was impossibly huge to him, and even when she just moved slightly, it felt to him like an entire skyscraper was shifting.  In every possible sense, she dwarfed him to the point that he wondered how she even saw him as human anymore.  And sometimes, especially after she would tease him and play with him like her little toy, he was sure that she allowed herself to see him as nothing more than her plaything, as a living, breathing, miniature diversion from her work.  He didn’t actually worry that Melissa didn’t care for him anymore, or that she was going to be careless with him or abandon him or accidentally hurt him.  But being in the presence of someone so much bigger than him had completely warped his sense of reality, and, in moments like these, her sheer size turned his mind to mush, and he really had no idea what to think.

Then suddenly, without warning, Melissa leaned even harder into the desk, squishing her breasts that much more up against the wood.  Steve heard the already-tight fabric of her black top stretching close to its breaking point, and from his perspective, it sounded almost like steel cables getting ready to snap.  A button on her top, which had been strained past its limits, rocketed off, clattering down to a stop at the far end of her desk.  Steve shot his shaking hands up to cover his ears from the cacophony of the button as it smacked down several times onto the wood.  But even more than the loud noise, he could literally feel the massively hot oven of her newly-freed bosom warming his face and front.  The button had been holding the volume of her breasts back, and when it popped off, a sultry, infernal ocean of tit flesh came spilling out of her black top, seeming to burgeon even wider and higher – now seeming as tall as a 20-story building – as it came up against the hard steadfast wood of the desk.  Steve couldn’t help but crawl backwards a bit, from sheer instinct of self-preservation, as the hot wall of Melissa’s tits bore down on him.

And then, the entire 20-story wall of sweltering tit flesh began to jiggle and shake.  Steve’s eyes gazed up past the wall to Melissa’s face, so far away that he could barely even make out her expression, since it was so fuzzy in his vision.  But then, he heard her booming “giantess” voice, and scrambled to cover his ears again.

“AAAAAAOOONNAWWWWWSSSSSSRRR!” was all Steve heard, an indistinct rumble of words that roared and boomed like thunder in his ears.  He saw Melissa lean a little further in, so that it looked like her huge face was perched directly on top of her colossal tits, which sagged a bit under the weight of her head.  But her breasts were so firm that they didn’t give way more than a few inches…or, from Steve’s perspective, several stories.  He was looking up at her eyes, trying to understand what on earth she was saying, and she was staring back down at him, her eyes wide with pleasure, as she gestured her gigantic hand to the side, continuing to speak in her normal voice that was unintelligible to Steve’s little ears.


Melissa capped off her dialogue with some very obvious laughter that shook the entire desk, and this laughter was the only part of the monologue that Steve had understood.  He had kept his hands over his ears the whole time, which had protected his hearing, but it hadn’t done anything to quell the actual sound that reached him.  He heard every word Melissa had said, but he hadn’t understood any of it – at his size, whenever she spoke in her normal voice, his ears simply didn’t have the capacity to interpret those gigantic soundwaves.  All he heard was a confused, muddled garble that sounded like deep thunder in his bones.

A few seconds of silence passed.  Melissa simply stayed there in the same position, her head perched on top of her breasts that remained smushed in a huge titwall into her desk.  Her eyes were still wide, and she was smirking down at him.  She was obviously well aware that the aftereffect of her “normal” voice was still reverberating through Steve’s body, and she was giving him a chance to recover from it, all while she enjoyed watching the process play out down below her.  Even though her eyes were still wide with that same playful pleasure, there was a softness behind her gaze that, had Steve not been used to these shenanigans, would have put him at ease.

Steve sat there for a few more moments, hands still over his ears, drawing it all out as he looked up at her inquiringly.  Finally, he took his hands away and stood up, putting his hands on his hips as he puffed out his little chest.

“So…are you done?” he asked.

“Ooooo yes, yes, I’m done,” replied Melissa in her “Steve” voice, soft and quiet enough for him to understand.  “Sorry, I was just telling you the particulars of the research breakthrough I just had about growing you back, but –”

“What!?” cried Steve, dropping his hands from his hips as he stood there incredulously.  “That’s what you were saying??”

“Buuuut…like I was about to say,” sighed Melissa, shrugging her mountainous shoulders, “It didn’t seem like you were interested in hearing any of it.”

“Interested!?  I…you know I can’t hear you when you talk like that!” he exclaimed.

“Like what…in my normal voice?” replied Melissa.  “You had your hands over your ears the whole time anyway, so yes…I suppose you don’t wanna know the secret to making you bigger again.”

Steve just continued to stand there, gaping up at her.  A mischievous grin sprawled across her face, and her eyebrow went up.  Steve knew this was all a giant tease – she knew full well that he couldn’t hear her when she spoke normally, and of course she had used that against him.

“I absolutely wanna know,” Steve countered after a few seconds.  “Come in Melissa, tell me!”

Her eyes traveled downward to the tube of M&Ms that was lying on her desk, in front of her breasts.  She sighed again, miming a kind of wistful regret as she shook her head.

“For those with teeny tiny ears that can’t hear normal sounds,” she declared, “There’s a price that’s gotta be paid for the new research info.”

“Research info?” asked Steve, cocking his head to the side.  “Really?  You’ve been spending too much time on the internet, Melissa.  If you just read millennials all day, you’ll start to speak like them.”

“And that price,” continued Melissa, ignoring Steve’s attempt at a wisecrack, “Is to take one of those M&Ms, and bring it aaaaall the way up here, and put it right here, in my mouth – aaaaaaaaaah!”

She opened her mouth wide, pointing straight down into the dark abyss.  Steve felt his cock twitch a little, as he remembered, just that morning, that those huge, plush lips had been ever-so-gently sucking on his midsection, until he couldn’t take anymore and shot his load onto her giant tongue.  Maybe she’d do it again if he could lug the M&M all the way up there.  But it was soooo, so far.

“Come on, Melissa,” whined Steve wearily, his shoulders slumping slightly.  “Just tell me what you found out!  It’ll take me thirty minutes to get up there, and I’m already tired!”

“Nonsense!” chirped Melissa, extending a long, bare arm down in his direction, as wide as a 4-lane highway.  “Here, I’ll even let you climb all the way up my arm, just to make it easy for you!  You won’t even have to scale my twin peaks…even though I know you secretly love it when you fall in between them.  Remember last time?”

“Yeah, I remember,” Steve quipped.  “I was stuck there for two hours while you hummed lullabies to me instead of getting me out.”

“Awwww I knowwww, wasn’t that sweet!?” giggled Melissa.  “Now come one, come on, get going!  I need a little treat to keep me going this afternoon.”

Steve sighed and walked over to the M&M tube, managing to roll one out after a couple minutes of maneuvering.  While it was true that he was irritated by Melissa’s antics, and by the fact that she had destroyed his makeshift house a little while before, he couldn’t deny that he was excited about hearing what she had found out – about the potential solution to growing him back to normal-size.  And…he had to admit…her huge arm lying there did look…imposingly sexy.  Something about her presenting it to him like that, as a road up to her mouth…it made his cock twitch again.  But he set himself to his task, and, with a little initial “boost” from Melissa to get him up on her wrist, he began the long, slow task of rolling the M&M up her arm to her mouth.



any news for the next chapter of Arron Cooper?

Dan C.

It's so good to see you posting again! Hope your thesis went well. Hope to hear from you soon

Joyce Julep

Thanks Dan! Yes, thankfully I have much more time now, so a lot more is coming soon!