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Hey everyone!  So I finally edited the whole "Melissa" story so that it adheres to Patreon's TOS -- I think you'll find the overall changes are minimal, and that the story still retains its original flavor.  I've attached a pdf of the whole edited story up to this point (chapters 1-9), and I'll plan to post a new updated chapter each month going forward.  I'm excited that I can keep posting this story for you guys :D

Also, exciting news for the $17-and-up tiers: I will be posting the next chapter of "The Witches of Kappa Gamma Delta" tomorrow, so stay tuned! <3 <3

For $10-and-up tiers, I'll be posting a new chapter of "The Reveries of Aaron Cooper" and the first part of the next chapter of "Emma's Growth Spurt" here in the next few days.  Lots of scintillating size fun on the horizon ;)  As always, thank you all so much for your support.  I feel so lucky that I get to spend my time creating these stories for you guys

Chapter 9

A month later, Steve was bent down, sweat dotting his brow as he fought through the burning in his lungs and the acid pain in his muscles.  For the last several minutes, he had been busy rolling a long, colorful, plastic cylinder along the smooth wooden desk, towards the huge, indistinct shape that was looming up above him like a mountain far in the distance.  He stopped for a moment, putting his foot down underneath the cylinder as he leaned forward against it, catching his breath.  Weeks ago, he would have grumbled at the absurdity of such a chore, but at this point he had grown into his new role, and actually relished the thought of doing something useful, however ridiculous.


The deep, rumbling sound of Melissa’s voice thundered through his ears from high, high above, and Steve strained his face forward, up toward the immense mountain of flesh that, to him at least, seemed a quarter mile away.  He knew she was talking to him, but she was so gigantic, and he was so tiny compared to her, that sometimes her “normal” voice only sounded like indistinct rumbling.  It took the combined efforts of both of them – him attuning his ears, and her doctoring her voice to a higher register – to effectively communicate.  And even though Steve felt a stab of humiliation and helplessness at the thought of being too small to understand her, there was also a part of him that was intensely aroused by the thought.  She was just soooo huge, so massive, that, for all intents and purposes, it was like she occupied an entirely different realm of existence.

“Oh!  Oh, sorry Steve,” Melissa chuckled a few moments later, after seeing his ant-sized body straining forward to understand her.  She couldn’t help but laugh to herself, seeing him so incapable of ordinary human exchange.  In every way, she had to tailor herself to him; otherwise he would lose all aspects of his humanity.  He would be cut off from her, and from everyone else, doomed to live in his tiny ant-sized world.  Melissa thought all of this was tremendously cute and entertaining, but she enjoyed teasing him far more than ignoring him.

“I was just asking,” she proceeded, softening her voice so he could hear her, “If you needed a breather?”

“Yes!  Yes…a breather, uh-huh!” answered Steve loudly, nodding his head in an exaggerated way.  This was the way he naturally talked to Melissa now, because the idea that she could hear him from so far up there was so unbelievable.  He was only an inch tall, and she was a monstrous 6’10 – and what’s more, he was all the way over at the far end of her desk.  Sitting in her swivel work chair, with her huge breasts squished up against the desk, she truly looked like a mountain range unto herself: her huge boobs were the round, “shorter” mountains, her broad shoulders were the “taller” ones, and her head was the summit.  The mere thought of Melissa being able to effortlessly move so much mass and weight was enough to overwhelm Steve all by itself.

“Oh my silly little worker drone!” Melissa laughed softly, bending forward suddenly so that her head hung over Steve, casting him in its shadow, “How many times do I have to tell you?  There’s no need to nod and gesticulate like a crazy person – I can hear you, as hard as that is for you to grasp.  Regular human ears can pick up high-frequency sounds quite well.  It’s your ears that’ve gone through the change where they can’t process lower frequencies…like MMMMYYVBVOIIIGGGLLSSSHEEE!”

Melissa’s huge smile in the sky widened as she switched from her “Steve voice” to her normal voice, and her eyes sparkled mischievously as she watched the tidal wave of her sound rush over Steve – it didn’t hurt him in any way.  It just stunned him briefly, like he had been caught in the middle of a thunderclap.  Melissa knew that her two last words, “my voice,” had been garbled in his ears, and she loved watching him stand there, dazed by the mere sound of the normal timbre of her speaking.

“Okay, okay, enough of that,” she giggled, switching back to her softened voice, “I think that’s enough of a break for you, huh?  Come on, let’s go!  Those M&M’s aren’t going to eat themselves!  I need the sugar rush to push through the last stack of these studies here.  You DO want me to find the way to reverse your height, right?”

“Y-Yes!  I do!!” Steve replied eagerly, and he didn’t need to be told twice to resume his labors.  The next moment he had his feet braced against the smooth wood of the desk, pushing the plastic M&M towards Melissa as she watched him affectionately.  She made a show of taking big, long, deep breaths that pushed the confines of her black dress, audibly stretching the fabric with her size.  This was one of her favorite activities: give Steve tasks to do, and then try to distract him with her body while he struggled to complete them.  Most of the time, Steve wasn’t able to finish what he had started, since her body proved too much for him to resist.

“I’m just kidding, you know,” she giggled a little while later, after Steve had pushed the M&M canister a good 12 inches toward her.  “I’m not actually working on the height reversal right now.”

“You’re…you’re not!?” Steve burst out, standing up abruptly from his toil and putting his hands on his hips, breathing hard.  “But…but you said yesterday that you were –”

“Yes, yes, but you know how I can be,” Melissa cut in, shaking her head (and sending down a gust of wind towards Steve as a result, which ruffled his hair and made his eyes water), “One thing leads to another…one rabbit hole becomes another rabbit hole, and then turns into a fox hole…or, you know, however they say it.”

“I…” Steve began, but he stopped and recollected himself, still with his hands on his hips as he shook his head back and forth.  “You know you’re reeeeeally bad at sayings, right?”

“What?” replied Melissa innocently as she rearranged a stack of papers (10 stories high from Steve’s perspective) filled with complicated formulas to her left.  “Isn’t that how I would describe it?  I was researching the conductivity of silver, you know, silver?  The element?  Gonna be one of the keys to the protein synthesis to reverse-engineer the molecular –”

“YES…silver!  I know,” interrupted Steve.  He was trying to prevent Melissa from tumbling down into one of her long-winded explanations that totally went over his head, but he knew that he was fighting a losing battle here.

“Aaaaand then I remembered that silver atoms have 47 protons,” continued Melissa, lowering her head even more and rearranging her entire body in her swivel chair, so that her titanic features were now directly in front of Steve.  He privately smiled to himself, seeing how his chore to push the M&M capsule all the way over to her had taken care of itself.  But he couldn’t feel too smug in the face of such a sight – Melissa’s enormous breasts loomed over him, from his perspective well over 15 stories high, and the dark line of her cleavage ran down the middle like an alluring fault line.  As much time as he had spent around her body this past month, Steve still hadn’t gotten used to this sight; he started to get hard.

“Goes without saying, of course, that a dilute solution of silver nitrate could be used as an effective disinfectant, which of course would solve the issue of bacterial blooms in any live culture we’ll be testing,” Melissa was continuing, gesturing in the air with a pencil in her hand.  Steve marveled at the strength required to do what she was doing; next to him, that pencil would have been as long, as thick, and as heavy as a 50-foot concrete pillar.

Steve suddenly got the fun, cheeky idea to keep pushing the M&Ms even closer as Melissa jabbered on.  Grinning to himself, he bent down and started pushing it towards the twin megaliths of her gigantic rack, which was now squished up even more against the desk as she continued talking animatedly.

“And silver nanoparticles would have to be synthesized in the protein-polymer matrices of two different ratios,” Melissa was continuing, now almost talking to herself as she stared out the window, “Given that, at least in theory, UV-visible spectrophotometry will show a single plasmon resonance peak at…ummm…oh what was it…” – She turned through a dozen pages at the top of her stack of papers, until she found what she was looking for – “416 and 418 nanometers, respectively, and…Steve?  You’re not listening to me, are you?”

“Noooooo, no, uhh…what gave you that idea?” Steve panted sarcastically, smiling forward into the looming breasts that now dominated his vision as he continued to push the M&M canister towards its destination.  “It’s actually really helpful, Melissa – you know, this, ugghhh…this is hard work, and sometimes, you know, when you’re in the middle of a hard task, it’s extra helpful to have some white noise to drown out the sound of your own –”

“Ooooo, you little stinker!” Melissa giggled.  She didn’t even let him finish.  Steve felt the sky go dark overhead as Melissa extended a huge hand over him, splaying her fingers out and wiggling them playfully, just to emphasize how tiny he was in comparison.  And then, Steve felt the almost-impossibly gentle clamp of her thumb and forefinger around his diaphragm, before she whisked him up off his feet and brought him up close to her face.  Even though Steve had become more accustomed to them playing around like this, he hadn’t quite gotten used to the sight of her panoramic face up close – in every sense of the word, she was a giantess compared to him, and in these moments he felt impossibly weak and overmatched.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve, you know,” Melissa teased him, raising her eyebrows wryly, as she shook his little body gently back and forth in her fingers, “Talking to me like that.  Generally, when a tiny little shrimp is addressing someone the size of a skyscraper from its perspective, polite respect and humble obeisance are recommended…even encouraged!”

“Obeisance…that’s…that’s a nice word,” Steve replied, kicking his legs in a show of resistance.  “Is that giant-speak for “I’m hangry and I want M&Ms?””

“Hahaha whoooooa there little man!” Melissa laughed, delighted by Steve’s spunk as she brought him even closer to her eye, “I think you’ve got everything all mixed-up!  I’m totally normal – or, well, at least, I’m 6’10, with immense breasts and buttocks that could…well…anyway, I’m a huge person, but I’m not on the .000001% of the standard deviation spectrum like you are.  Get it right, Steve – I’m not a giantess.  You’re the little squirt hanging between my fingers!”

Steve didn’t have any immediate response to this; perhaps he was more distracted than usual by the sight of Melissa’s huge eyeball in front of him, or by the spectacle of her cleavage far below him, which opened up like an immeasurable valley below him.

“And what’s with the cowboy talk?” Melissa persisted.  “You mean “hungry,” right?  Why’re you saying it weird all of a sudden?”

“C…ahhhhahaha, what!?  Cowboy talk??” laughed Steve.  He never ceased to be amazed at Melissa’s total ignorance of anything remotely related to contemporary culture.  “I said “hangry” – it’s a term that’s a…what’s the term…it’s a combination of two words.”

“Portmanteau,” cooed Melissa, tilting her head to the side as she blinked at him affectionately.

“Yes…whatever you just said…and it’s a combination of “hungry” and “angry,”” Steve explained as he noticed, with a jolt of heat at the base of his cock, that Melissa’s nipples were visibly growing, pressing into her top.

“That’s dumb,” Melissa declared flatly.  “Sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to me.  Kids these days…”  She shook her head down at him ruefully.  Steve had opened his mouth and was about to retort, but Melissa was already one step ahead of him.

“And furthermore,” she added, pivoting his tiny body away from her face and turning him around to face the far corner of  her desk, “That little tongue of yours is too cute and clever for its own good.  I think a certain little miniature someone needs to be reminded HOW tiny he actually is.”

As she spoke Melissa moved to the right of her desk, rolling sideways on her swivel chair.  To her, the movement was normal, but to Steve, it was like he was on a literal roller coaster.  Despite his trust in her, he couldn’t help but hold his breath and tense up his entire body in response to the movement; it was like the whole world was rushing around him.  But after a few seconds, everything slowed down, and Steve saw what direction Melissa was aiming him.  He felt himself become a little excited, even though another part of him inwardly rebelled.

“You see that over there on the corner of my desk?” Melissa asked him, humming out the words with evident relish.

“Mhm,” nodded Steve.

“What is it?” she asked.

“It’s…a dollhouse,” Steve replied, not quite feeling like giving her the answer she wanted.

“Noooo, not a dollhouse, silly,” she answered softly, bumping him in the back with her nose.  It hadn’t ceased to amaze Steve how much control over her body Melissa had – her nose was practically the size of an airplane to him, and yet, she could still manage to touch him without overdoing it.  The sheer control she had over her own body made him even more aroused than he already was.

“It’s a…well, it’s…it’s my house,” Steve sighed, resigning himself to the answer he knew she wanted.  Part of him had wanted to keep dodging the obvious question in elaborate, creative ways that would make Melissa laugh, but there had already been a jaunty edge to her voice before, and Steve didn’t want to do anything to actually irritate her.  Sometimes she could get a little moody out of the blue, whenever her research wasn’t going so well, or when she felt like he wasn’t being appreciative of her, or even worse, taking her for granted.  The memory of how she had withheld sex from him for days was still fresh in his mind from a month before.  And the things she did to him now, especially with that giant tongue of hers…well, Steve didn’t want to put any of that in jeopardy.  He wanted to get bigger, yes – but while he was this size, it would be crazy for him to throw away that perk, right!?

“That’s riiiiight, Steve!” Melissa purred, barely mouthing the words in a whisper, but sounding to Steve like a deep rumble, “It’s YOUR house!  The house I bought for you once we realized it was gonna take some time to find the cure to grow you back!”

Moving her hand slowly so Steve wouldn’t get whiplash, she gently brought him through the air, setting him straight down beside the front door of the house – which was indeed a dollhouse, but not for Steve’s purposes.  For the last few weeks, he really had been staying in the house, sleeping in the little bed that Melissa had made up for him, and lounging on the chairs inside.  It was all totally ridiculous, of course, but in the insane world that he now lived in, where he was an inch tall, it all seemed to make sense.  But there was only one problem with the house, though…a problem both he and Melissa had discovered as soon as they had it delivered.

“Well go on inside!” Melissa urged him.  “I can see through the window that you left your bed unmade…again.  You’ve graduated, Steve – your college days are over!  It’s time to cultivate those positive habits that will serve you well in adulthood!”

“Like having a comforter you can bounce a penny off of?” Steve replied, sulking beside the front door.  “What good does that do anyone?”

“Haha, I’m pretty sure that if I tried to bounce a penny on your bed,” Melissa chuckled, “It wouldn’t bounce at all – I think it’d bust right through the bed, actually.”

“Yeah, yeah, probably so,” sighed Steve.  He knew that Melissa was just trying to get him to go inside to prove a point, but he knew that there was no use stalling, and so he stepped up to the front door to go inside.  Even before entering, the “problem” with the dollhouse was obvious – the top of Steve’s head only came halfway up the door.  It was clearly far too tall for him, to the extent where he had to stand on his tiptoes to unlatch the handle.  He could sense Melissa grinning at him as he struggled to reach the handle, and when he slipped a little on his first attempt, he could actually feel the gusting breeze of her mirth on his back.

Finally, he managed to enter the “house,” and was once again reminded of the problem he and Melissa had discovered once it had been delivered.  She had gone all-out ordering the “Deluxe Dollhouse” option, which came complete with a miniature sofa and armchair for the living room, and a table with four chairs for the dining room.  The bedroom upstairs was also fully furnished, with a dresser, two nightstands, and a “queen-sized” bed.

There was only one problem: even though the furniture was all doll-sized, it was far too big for Steve.  Try as he might, he couldn’t even get close to jumping up on the sofa or the chairs, let alone his bed.  All the furniture was made for an 8-to-10-inch doll, and being only one inch tall now, Steve required Melissa’s assistance to lounge on the sofa, or to get into his bed at night.  She would have him perch on her finger, and would then gently insert her finger through one of the open windows, allowing Steve to tumble off onto the sofa, or onto his bed.  It was all quite humiliating for him, though Melissa took obvious pleasure in his ordeal.

“Come on, come on, up the stairs to make your bed!” Melissa sang out through the first-floor window.  Steve knew that this was all part of her ridiculous charade, because they both knew that it was next-to-impossible for Steve to “make” his bed in any real sense.  It took him ten minutes every morning to just pull his blanket up to his pillows, and he only went through the motions because Melissa insisted on it.  Today, though, he had been too lazy, and hadn’t felt like humoring her antics.

In any case, he had a fun little prank to spring on her.  He smiled to himself as he dutifully trudged up the stairs, having to take two steps on each stair, since they were too big for him to use like normal stairs.  Melissa’s huge, watchful eye followed him through the window the whole time.  Once Steve arrived in his bedroom, Melissa’s finger was already there, waiting for him to use it as a stepping stool up onto his bed.

“You’re so thoughtful, you know that, right?” Steve declared sarcastically, as he ascended her giant finger and tumbled down onto his bed, staring up at her from his supine position.

“Just taking care of those who can’t take care of themselves,” she responded, winking at him through the window, “And, of course, part of that is making sure you maintain your adult habits, so that when I grow you back, you won’t be stuck in your childish routine.”

“God forbid,” Steve grumbled, and began “making” his bed.  Melissa watched him for a few moments, and then, satisfied that he was doing what she wanted, she turned away, back to her notes.  A few moments later, Steve heard her talking to herself again, something about “silver ions” and their “highly reactive moiety,” and “binding to tissue proteins,” and on and on.

This was the chance he had been waiting for.  Moving slowly, so that he wouldn’t distract her attention through the bedroom window, Steve pushed a pillow off the far side of the bed and then gingerly let himself down, grasping onto the sheets so that he wouldn’t descend too hard.  The pillow cushioned his fall, and the next moment, Steve was sneaking out of the bedroom, down the hallway, to the opposite end of the dollhouse.  A spool of thread was sitting there, directly beneath the window.  Melissa had been using the thread to take Steve’s measurements everyday (a process that made him feel begrudgingly aroused), but Steve had concocted a new use for the thread.  Opening the window, he grabbed onto the end of the thread and unraveled it enough to reach the “ground” below.  Then he tossed the thread out the window, got a firm grip of it, and slowly, carefully, began lowering himself down out of the house.  His body was so light that the spool easily countered his weight – it didn’t even move as he descended.

Once Steve reached the “ground” (or, in this case, Melissa’s desk), he immediately made a beeline for the little fort of office supplies he had made a few days before, at the far end of her desk.  He had to do this covertly, hiding behind stacks of books and papers, to ensure that Melissa didn’t see him.  But she was still absorbed in her work, and he was able to reach his little hut of sticky notes, paper clips, and ballpoint pens without being seen.  He slid inside his “fort” and let out a deep sigh, smiling to himself in the darkness.  He knew that his little shenanigans were silly, but, for the past month, he had felt a need to hollow out some special space for himself, just to keep his mind grounded.  Melissa had more or less become his world, and even though he was helplessly aroused by her, and in constant awe of her intellect, Steve still wasn’t keen on her dominating every aspect of his life.  He lived for these little moments to himself, when he could just sigh out, decompress, and forget that he was an inch tall.

“Ooooo, Steve, get this!” boomed Melissa’s voice suddenly, “I knew I was on to something here!  When silver ions bind to a bacterial cell wall, they actually block the transport of substances in and out of the cell!  Hahaha, like…of course!  How could I forget something so elementary!?  This is great news for the development of our new…Steve?”

Steve’s heart started beating faster; she had discovered that he wasn’t in his bedroom.  He felt anxious, yes, but more than anything else he felt excited – he had pulled this kind of prank on Melissa before, and even though she inevitably found out where he was, he took a kind of wild enjoyment out of making her search around for him.  It was one of the few things that made him feel like he had just a smidgen of power in their exchange.

What was unnerving, though, was the fact that Melissa wasn’t talking.  Usually, when he ran off and hid, she would call to him, teasing him with promises of pleasure if he came out of his hiding place.  But this time, she was eerily silent.  The only sound Steve could hear was the abrupt rummaging of her hand inside the dollhouse.  She was lifting up the bed, opening the closet, checking under the chairs…it was only a matter of time before she spotted the thread leading out of the back window.

‘But I didn’t leave any tracks,’ Steve thought excitedly to himself, ‘And I’ve built this little house in secret…she’s been too absorbed in her research to notice…and it doesn’t even look like a house…to her it probably just looks like a pile of random stuff…she’ll never find me…’

But a foreboding silence had descended.  And, even worse, Steve felt the depth of a huge shadow passing over his little “fort.”  Everything was still.  He couldn’t even hear Melissa moving around anymore.

‘She knows I’m here,’ Steve thought desperately.  ‘She’s leaning over above me…oh god…I’m trapped.’

The long seconds crawled by, and still no movements, no sound.  She was intimidating him.  He could almost see the smug grin that must’ve been on her face.  And then, just when he couldn’t take the tension anymore, Melissa spoke.  Her voice was rumbling with barely-suppressed humor:

“I’d get outta there, Steve…if I were you.”

He didn’t need to be told twice.  His breath came in fast gasps as he scampered out, and not a moment too soon.  He was met by the towering, living wall of Melissa’s titanic breasts, which completely filled his vision on all sides.  She had scooted her chair over, and was leaning over her desk, so that her giant rack was descending down from the sky.  Steve only barely managed to escape from his little “house” before Melissa brought down the crushing weight of her warm breasts, completely obliterating his construction with a decisive *CRUNCH.*  Steve had fallen backwards, and felt the stunning vibrations of her powerful rack go through his entire body, shaking the entire desk underneath him.  It was like he had just watched a parking deck descend down to flatten a single, solitary little tent.  When Melissa removed her breasts a few seconds later, his “house” was nothing but a series of flat pieces of paper.

“Clever little guy,” she laughed down at him, cupping her mammoth breasts in both hands and shaking them down at him teasingly.  “But not clever enough!”

“Congratulations, you win again,” muttered Steve, still on his back as he pretended not to be in awe of those breasts in the sky.  “Maybe you should try switching it up for a change, or you’ll get bored.”

“Hmmmmmm…” Melissa mused, putting her hand to her chin as she pretended to think for a moment, “Nope!  Not bored yet!”

“Super,” Steve groaned, and he stood up.  “So…uhm…what were you saying before?  About a…breakthrough you just had?”

“Ohhhhh no no no!” laughed Melissa, shaking her finger down at him as she scooted her chair completely up to her desk.  Her breasts stood before Steve, a 15-story wall that radiated heat, and expanded and contracted with each breath she took.  “After that stunt you just pulled, you’re gonna have to give me a little treat before I tell you anything!”

Steve looked at her, confused, and in response, Melissa spider-crawled her hand over to the M&M tube that was lying inert on the other side of her desk.  Her index finger accidentally bumped it too hard, though, and it rolled off her desk.

“Oh shoot!” she muttered, and shot out her hand to catch it.  For once, she actually managed to pull off a physical feat, and caught the tube in mid-air.  Melissa’s eyes grew wide, and her mouth shot open.  She turned to Steve, and just stared at him, like she was expecting him to break out into applause.  Steve was just as surprised as she was, and dutifully broke out into a sarcastic slow-clap.

“Wowwww!” he exclaimed, “The world has turned upside-down, apparently.”

“I’ll turn YOUR world upside-down, you little stinker!” Melissa shot back, and the next moment, Steve indeed found himself hanging upside-down, his ankle pinched gently in between Melissa’s thumb and index finger.  He had been expecting something like this, but even still, he couldn’t help but marvel at how effortlessly strong she was.

“Now, here’s the deal, Mr. Shrinkie,” Melissa announced, shaking the tube of M&Ms at him as she dangled him upside down, with the chasm of her cleavage yawning far below him.  “You feed me a couple M&Ms…and I’ll tell you why I’m one step closer to growing you back.”



Lovely. I always dig a good building vs. bosom, even if the building is made out of sticky notes.