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Chapter 11

That night, Kyle hardly managed to sleep a wink.  It didn’t matter that he was both mentally and physically exhausted.  His body felt drained enough, even without the everything he was stressing about mentally – Martha was making him cum four to five times a day now, using every manner of dirty, creative tricks to get at his juices and guzzle them down her throat.  There wasn’t anything Kyle could do to prevent her, though, especially since any hint of pushback on his part could be met with a crazy reprisal.  Ever since witnessing what she had done to Ted, Kyle had meekly and swiftly followed any order Martha had given him, and even gone out of his way to make sure she knew how much he appreciated her attention.

The thing was, though, that Kyle didn’t really even need to pretend anymore.  Despite his disgust with himself, and his desperate desire to be an “adult,” Kyle was steadily becoming absorbed into Martha’s sexual fold.  He was aroused by her immense body, her towering height, and her ability to effortlessly dominate him in every way.  But even more than that, he was transported by her relentless desire to baby him, to OWN him…and the way she forced him to dance in a tutu for her, the fact that she didn’t let him eat any solid food on his own, the breastfeeding, the endless milking of his cock, the dominant, delighted flash in her eyes, the way her flesh would bob and jiggle as she bent over him to change his diaper…it was all just so horribly arousing to Kyle, and it overwhelmed his protests completely.  Against every dwindling effort he made to prevent it, he truly was becoming her little baby.

The prospect of having his parents come over for dinner, however, was an entirely new horror that Kyle now had to face.  It was enough to completely deplete his mental energy, as he thought through all the nightmare scenarios that were possible.  What was Martha going to do!?  Kyle’s first instinct was to assume that he couldn’t put anything past her.  But…but surely she wouldn’t do…some of the things he was terrified of, right!?

‘I mean, there’s just…there’s just now way that she’d…talk about my…my diaper, or…or god forbid…breastfeed me in front of them…’ Kyle thought to himself, as he nervously fiddled with his diaper, tossing and turning in the crib he now slept in, in Martha’s living room.  ‘God no…that would be too much, even for her.  It wouldn’t be like her to overstep…like that, because…because mom and dad would know something was wrong and…they’d do something about it…call the cops after they left, get social workers involved…something.’

With a dreadful sinking feeling in his stomach, Kyle felt these private assurances ring hollow in his mind.  Even talking to himself, he could tell that he sounded desperate, like he was trying to convince himself of something that he knew wasn’t true.  But after a few hours, he managed to work it all out somehow in his mind – Martha would probably just get a huge kick out of hosting his parents, and might even make some suggestive comments here or there…but really, her main objective was to humiliate him, by showing how “normal” she could be when she chose to.  She would be sweet and charming, would ask his parents a whole lot of questions about when he was a baby, all while winking  at him across the table of course…that kind of thing.  This was another power play on her part, to show how there wasn’t any escape from her.

At least, that’s what Kyle had managed to work out in his mind.  At least it seemed to do the job of calming his tormented mind long enough for him to drift off into an uneasy sleep.  What he hadn’t realized was that, for the last half-hour, he hadn’t been alone.  As he turned over the turgid thoughts in his mind, Martha had come into the living room, impossibly light on her feet, and had sat down in the huge armchair in the far corner of the room.  There she remained, sitting silent in the darkness, listening intently to the sound of Kyle’s breathing.  Only when his breath had taken on the telltale shallowness of sleep did a smile creep across her face in the dark.

Right at the same time, in the dead of night, on the other side of town, a light was on in the upstairs bedroom of a suburban house.  A young woman was wrapped up in her night robe, hunched over her desk, scouring through a mess of tabs on her computer.  The bright artificial light from her screen blended with the small desk lamp, creating a lone swell of light that stood out starkly against the darkness of the rest of the bedroom.

It was Laura, and she was hard at work.  For several nights now, she hadn’t even been going to bed until 3 or 4 in the morning, choosing instead to work at her desk, despite needing to wake up at 7 every morning for her job.  But this covert night work was not related to her job.  Ever since she had witnessed Martha’s brutal beatdown of Ted, Laura hadn’t been able to sleep well.  It was certainly consolation that Ted had actually managed to survive the attack, but the trauma of witnessing it was burned into Laura’s mind.  She had managed to get Ted to the hospital in time, and had stopped by a few times to see him.  His face was swollen beyond recognition, and he was having to work through a long and arduous neurological recovery.  The image of his battered face kept returning to her, no matter where she was or what she was doing.

To Laura, though, the worst part about the whole horrible situation was the fact that Kyle was still trapped in the same house with that…that monster…that terrible beast of a woman.  Whenever Laura remembered the way that Kyle had looked – with his tutu on, trapped in the swing, with that gigantic woman wrapping her hands all the way around his arms like they were little twigs…and the way that Kyle’s head had been thrust backwards as Martha mauled his face with her lips, right in front of them.

‘Like he was…her property,’ Laura kept thinking to herself, as she reached for her mug of sweet tangerine tea (which was supposed to keep her awake).  ‘The way she talked about him…calling him “Kyla,” like he was her little daughter or something…’

No matter how many times Laura had thought about it, the whole situation made her shudder and feel sick to her stomach.  But as she felt the hot tea against her lips, she remembered that she had to hunker down and focus.  Kyle needed her, and she was going to get to the bottom of this mystery…the mystery of who Martha actually was, and how to stop her without alerting the authorities.  Laura knew full well that Martha’s threat to kill her, should the cops get involved, was completely serious.  She put NOTHING past this crazy woman.

After another hefty sip of her tea, Laura honed back to her screen, willing herself to power forward.  She had reasoned that the first thing she needed to do was actually track down who this “Martha” person actually was.  Laura felt like she needed to learn as much about her adversary as she could.  Any information she found out, she could end up using against Martha somehow.  Maybe she had escaped from a mental institution…or maybe she was wanted, and had already committed a series of crimes.  Maybe there were other people, other authorities, who she could contact who would know what to do.  A few times, Laura had come close to calling the cops, but thus far she had resisted the urge.  She was scared for her own life, yes, but she was also terribly afraid that if Martha somehow got wind of law enforcement activity around her house, she might even hurt Kyle.

‘I’m on my own now,’ she had said to herself determinedly.  ‘It’s up to me to save him.’

Laura found it hard to believe that somehow as obviously unhinged (and gigantic) as Martha would have gone unnoticed for so long, but despite her best efforts, Laura had not been able to find anything useful about her over the past few days.  She had combed through address books, searched Martha’s name on the internet while combining it with the name of their city, her street, and even estimations of Martha’s height, all in an effort to somehow locate some information about her.  But so far, nothing had turned up.

“That means I’ve gotta turn it up,” Laura muttered to herself.  “There’s gotta be something that leads back to her…something…she’s not a ghost…she’s real, and I know there’s stuff out there.  But where…?”

Laura started looking deeper.  After a few dead ends on several real estate sites, she finally managed to track down the name of the company who had sold the house 9 years before.

“That’s gotta be when Martha bought it,” Laura murmured out loud, taking another drink of her tea.  Her heart had started to beat a little faster as her eyes lingered on the name: James Pinkerton Legacy Group…a real estate company based in London.  One way or another, they had had dealings with Martha.

“London?” Laura asked herself out loud, puzzled.  This was certainly quite odd…a UK-based real estate company…selling a home in the US?  It was bizarre.  And yet, somehow, it was a perfect fit for this case.

“Bizarre is good,” Laura said out loud, rearranging herself in her chair.  “Bizarre means we’re making progress.  She glanced at the clock.  It was 4 am, and her heart sank a little…it was much too early to call.  But then, in a flash, Laura remembered that London was 6 hours ahead.  Feeling nervous and excited at the same time, she took out her phone and started dialing the number.

A few hours later, back on the other side of town, Kyle felt himself waking up.  As usual, he didn’t remember any of his dreams.  Before, he had often lied awake in the morning, thinking of the vivid dreams he had had the night before, but ever since moving in with Martha, the dreams had started to fade.  When he fell asleep he just slept through the night.

‘Like a baby,’ he couldn’t help thinking.  As he lay there in the fetal position in his crib, his eyes still closed, and the scratch of his diaper grating against the skin of his waist, Kyle felt the crushing reality of his smallness, of his insignificance, compared to his gigantic captor.  He wanted to escape…truly, he did.  Or, at least, that’s what he knew he must keep telling himself.  The alternative – that each day he was learning to love and embrace his new role as Martha’s weak, submissive little baby who craved for her sexually-charged, motherly attention – was too horrific to contemplate.

Kyle then noticed that the rich, savory smells of Martha’s cooking was conspicuously absent.  Usually, she was cooking up sausage and eggs for herself before he woke up, in preparation for a long breakfast session where she strapped him into his high chair and let him salivate over her colossal tits as she consumed 3,000 calories like it was nothing.  If she was feeling extra generous, she might even let him have a mouthful of her sweet, warm milk before she had finished.

But this morning, everything was different.  There were no savory smells, and no background noises of pan-fried food.  An eerie silence reigned over the house.  Kyle finally opened his eyes, half-fearing that he would be staring straight up at Martha’s huge face peering down at him, with that tender, knowing smile etched across her lips…but he saw nothing except the white of the 10-foot ceiling.

And then, he heard it: the rhythmic sound of heavy breathing…in and out…in and out.  The sound itself had arrived gradually in his ears, but it was only in this instant that Kyle had become aware of it.  Subconsciously, he realized that the sound had been going on the whole time, but that he had become aware of it imperceptibly as he woke up.  He shut his eyes tightly in fear, not daring to move out of his fetal position.


For the next ten minutes, Kyle lay there, stock still, listening to the sound of the heavy breathing.  He knew it was Martha.  It had to be her – who else could fill up a room like that, just by breathing hard?  And what on earth was she doing!?  Was she just…just sitting there, next to his crib, breathing hard to intimidate him until he poked his head up out!?  It was an awful, bizarre image, and yet Kyle knew Martha was totally capable of doing something like that.  He wanted to hide from her; he wanted to keep on pretending to be asleep forever.  But he knew that eventually, she would come and snatch him out of the crib…and in any case (Kyle remembered with a sickening descent in his stomach), his parents were coming over for dinner that night.  There was no escaping his situation, so he may as well deal with it now.

Ever so slowly,  Kyle opened his eyes, propped himself up his hands and knees, and peered over the end of his crib.  What he saw made his breath catch in his chest, and his cock, which had already become semi-hard just from listening to the sound of Martha’s breathing, stiffened out to its full length.  Martha’s huge body was sitting not very far away from the crib, maybe 10 feet or so, with her back to him.  At first, Kyle couldn’t tell what she was sitting on, since her enormous thighs and ass concealed most of whatever it was…Kyle later realized that it was an ottoman.  But it was her outfit – and what she was doing – that caught him by surprise.  Her massive body was squeezed into incredibly tight athletic wear: a t-shirt and spandex shorts, by the look of it.  Kyle had never seen her in this kind of outfit before, and it only served to emphasize her insane, voluptuous curves.  But even more noteworthy was the fact that she was holding two huge weights, one in each hand, and lifting them up in an arc that met directly above her head, over and over again.  With an incredulous gulp, Kyle saw that “100” was etched in white at the end of each weight.

Time seemed to stand still as he watched Martha lifting those gigantic weights up above her head, over and over again, in the same effortless, fluid motion.  Her heavy breathing seemed to emanate from her desire to maintain a steady rhythm, rather than the actual difficulty of lifting the weights.  After a minute or so, Kyle blinked and realized that she hadn’t taken a break once…and she was still going.

‘She must have lifted those things thirty…forty times already,’ he thought to himself.  Each weight wasn’t too far away from his own 125-pound body weight…so essentially she was lifting two of him up over her head, over and over, without even breaking a sweat.

Without any warning, and without even stopping her lifting cadence, Martha pivoted her giant ass and hulking thighs on the ottoman, and she turned around, facing him.  Kyle froze in place; he felt like he had been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to, but the shock of seeing her exultant smile had temporarily paralyzed his body.

“Little baby snooping on mommy while she’s working out?” Martha quipped knowingly, winking at him as she held 200 pounds up over her head, lowered it down, and then lifted it up again.

Kyle made a series of stumbling, sputtering noises before he finally settled on simply trying to sheepishly shrug and nod.  Martha just sat there, grinning knowingly at him and arching her eyebrow, as she completed 10 more reps over her head before finally putting down the weights, standing up, and striding over to him.  Kyle gaped at her voluminous flesh jiggling crazily in her tight spandex, and as she approached him, he realized that she had indeed broken out in a little sweat, which dotted her forehead and her flushed cheeks.  It made her look even more hungry and intimidating than usual as she stood imposingly over his crib with her hands on her hips, enveloping his body completely in her shadow.  Her arms and shoulders were pumped up from her workout, looking even bigger and more powerful than usual.

“Well, whaddya think, sweetheart?” she chuckled, striking a double-biceps pose that made her arms look even huger.  “You like mommy’s pump?”

Kyle nodded again.  He wasn’t even responding in the way he thought she wanted him to – she was so enormous and powerful that he felt utterly taken by her presence.

“Such a precious little tyke,” Martha cooed at him, dropping her arms, reaching down, and cupping his chin with her massive hand.  “You know that I’m pumping myself up to look good for tonight, don’t you?”

“F-For…tonight?” Kyle asked, his voice sounding very small and measly coming after hers.  It didn’t help that his voice was shaking as well.

“Oh yes, for tonight,” Martha smiled, squeezing his jaw with a gentle yet firm grip that hinted at the astounding strength in her hand.  “Mommy wants to make sure that she makes…a good impression.”

“I…I’m s-sure that you will,” Kyle heard himself saying, his jaw moving in Martha’s hand.  “M-My…my parents w-will…they’ll…really like you.”  He didn’t really even know what he was saying, only that he felt ridiculous talking as his chin was being held this way in Martha’s hand.  She pursed her lips hard and the bottom of her chin trembled for an instant – it was clear that she was trying unsuccessfully to suppress a laugh.  Kyle felt a little flame of anger rouse up inside him; he knew that Martha was laughing at his pathetic attempt to carry on a normal conversation with her.  But, of course, he didn’t dare let any sign of his emotion show…or, at least, he thought it wasn’t showing.

Evidently, though, Martha saw something in his eyes, and the next moment, she had pulled up on his chin, literally dragging him to his feet in his crib with the force of a single hand.  And even though he was standing in the crib, which was a good foot-and-a-half off the floor, Kyle still wasn’t taller than her – in her 3-inch wedge sneakers, Martha stood at a towering 6’10.  With the 18 inches of extra height, Kyle’s head was still slightly below hers, something Martha blatantly acknowledged by passing the palm of her free hand over the top of his head, showing how he still didn’t quite measure up to her.  After silently and humorously humiliating him like this, Martha dropped her hand away from Kyle’s chin and began slowly, deliberately caressing his shoulders and upper arms.  Kyle hated it when she did this; her gigantic hands just seemed to swallow up his little arms, and the knowing, confident squeezes she was giving him communicated a simple, wordless truth: she could make him feel good, or she could snap his arms in two.

I’m sure…” Martha declared, cocking her head at him and fixing him with her intense stare, “That I’ll really like them, you mean.”

Kyle swallowed and nodded instantly.  Even though his hard cock was pressing up painfully against his diaper, his blood had run cold.  Despite her smile, Kyle detected an edge in Martha’s voice that reminded him of times past when she had become abruptly and terrifyingly violent towards him.  These memories made it all the worse, then, when Martha, after a few long seconds of silent, intense staring, suddenly clamped her hands under Kyle’s shoulders and jerked him up out of the crib.  In the same motion, she flipped him upside down with a swift snap of her hands, and before he could even muster up the time to scream out, Kyle found his world inverted; he was staring straight ahead into the huge, hulking pillars of Martha’s giant thighs, squeezed impossibly tight into her black spandex.  The strong, warm pressure in a circle around both of his ankles conveyed the incredible truth – Martha was holding him…upside down…with one hand.

Kyle completely lost it and began bawling, begging and pleading with Martha not to hurt him:

“Pleeeeease!!” he cried, “Pleeeeease d-don’t!!  Don’t hurt me!!  I’m sorryyyyy!!  I’m sorrrrrryyyyyy!!!”  He didn’t even know what he was apologizing for.

In the meantime, though, Martha didn’t even appear to be listening.  Instead, she simply raised and lowered his entire body with her arm, chuckling to herself at how easy it was.  Then, using her free hand, she unid the velcro seal to Kyle’s diaper and whisked the whole thing away.  Kyle was fortunate that he had done any “business” in his diaper during the night, but Martha didn’t seem to care one way or the other.  Kyle had continued begging and crying as Martha took off his diaper, since he was sure now that she was going to violate his ass or spank him or do something else unbearably painful.  He was shocked when he felt a warm, liquid heat engulfing his cock and balls, and the rest of his groin.  A powerful suction followed, accompanied by the telltale “Scchhhhhhllllllooooooooppp!” of Martha’s hungry mouth.  She had inhaled his entire manhood into her mouth, and was sucking on it with firm, intense pressure.

Kyle blindly grasped out towards Martha’s giant legs as his breath came out in halted, heaving gasps.  He hadn’t expected any of this, and the hot, earnest fervor of Martha’s sucking instantly drove him to the heights of anguished pleasure.  It was stunning…crushing…how easily she controlled him, how quickly she could drive him wild with helpless, submissive desire.  He had been dreading the promise of physical pain from her just a moment before, and now all he wanted was to explode his pent-up load of cum in her mouth.

And, just like that, the hot suction was gone.  A cool breeze blew against his wet privates, and a moment later, he felt the confining tightness of the diaper engulf him once more as Martha velcroed it back into place.  A desperate, pathetic whine escaped Kyle’s lips, conveying his frustration, and his desire.  The sound of his own voice made his stomach contort in disgust…he sounded like a sad little farm animal…a baby pig…

“There, there, sweetheart,” Martha cooed lovingly, kissing the middle of his diaper before swiftly flipping him back over, now cradling him like a baby to her colossal breast.  “Mommy doesn’t wanna make you pop too soon!  Oooooh no…no, little baby is going to keep his cum inside him today.  Aren’t you?”

Kyle again nodded, having no other alternative.  He was desperately frustrated and aroused by Martha’s teasing, but even in the midst of his denied orgasm, his eyes locked in on the large, dark wet spot around the inch-and-a-half protrusion of Martha’s giant nipple.  Martha noticed immediately, and, chuckling to herself, she lifted up her shirt and bra, and brought Kyle’s head forward into her breast.  For the next five minutes she silently breastfed him her warm, creamy milk, gently pumping his cock with her massive hand the whole time…and each time she sensed an impending orgasm, she stopped her pumping and flicked the head of his cock lightly with her index finger, making Kyle mew and whimper a series of burbling sobs into her breast.

The whole day passed by in this same agonizing pattern.  Kyle had gotten used to Martha making him cum in her mouth, or on her tits, or in her hand, over and over again…but today was different.  Today she was teasing him, torturing him, keeping him on the edge of sanity, as she tugged and sucked at his cock all day long, never letting him cum.  She breastfed him past the point of comfort, to the extent where his little belly was visibly swollen with her rich milk, making Kyle feel pain and discomfort when he tried to move.  Martha seemed delighted by the whole spectacle, and she remarked, with a humorous flash in her eyes:

“I think my little baby gained a few pounds today!  Haha…stuffed with all that milk and cum…it’s weighing you down, I can see it!”

Kyle knew that Martha was doing all this to exert her dominance over him, to hit home that, even though his parents were coming over later, SHE was the one in charge of him.  Kyle silently prayed that she was doing all this to compensate for the “normal” dinner they were all about to have.  In his mind, he was desperately hoping that Martha’s reasoning was: ‘We may have a typical, ordinary dinner with your parents, and they won’t really know what’s going on since I’m going to play it all cool…but I’m gonna make it hard for YOU to pretend like nothing’s amiss…I’m gonna make you so frustrated that you won’t be able to help it, and you’ll expose yourself!’

At least, that’s what Kyle was hoping she was thinking.  Deep down, he had much darker expectations, thoughts that he didn’t dare dwell on.

Around 5:30, and hour-and-a-half before his parents were scheduled to come, Martha ordered Kyle to dress himself up for the occasion.

“Put on those hilarious little khakis you used to wear to…ahem…haha, your “job,”” Martha laughed.  “And a nice little polo shirt…with a collar!”

“O-Okay!” nodded Kyle.  He felt a surge of hope.  Martha was telling him to dress up normally – this was surely a good sign!  Never mind, of course, that she had been suckling hungrily on his cock five minutes before, only to pull away to his desperate wails at the last moment…and never mind that he would be wearing his diaper underneath.  All that mattered was the appearance of normalcy to his parents.

When Kyle had dressed himself, Martha pointed to his crib.  She was wearing her “No Bitchin’ in MOMMY’S Kitchen” black apron, and had been working on the beef stroganoff in the kitchen for the past hour or so.

“Now it’s time for my little sweet pea to take a nap,” Martha declared, winking down at him.  “I don’t want my little tyke nodding off at dinner.”

Kyle thought about protesting, but he quickly thought the better of it.  In any case, it was definitely true that Martha had exhausted him.  Dressed in his nice clothes, and feeling ridiculous, Kyle climbed into his crib, curled up, and fell asleep way faster than he had expected.

The sound of the doorbell jolted Kyle awake.  The light in the living room was different – it was darker, deeper…the sun had set.  The delicious, savory smell of the beef stroganoff hung in the air.  Kyle’s mind whirled and screeched into catch-up mode…that sound…the doorbell…that was…that meant…

“Get the door, sweetheart!” he heard Martha call from the kitchen.  “Let them in!”

Kyle almost fell forward on his face trying to get out of the crib.  His heart was pounding in his chest as he shuffled up to the giant front door.  Behind the glass, he could see the dark outlines of two people…his parents.  For an instant, he felt utterly sick.  He couldn’t let them in…not here…not into this house, this insanity.  But his hand was already turning the locks back, and the next moment he pushed the door open.

“Oh Kyle!!” cried Melody, his mother, stepping forward and embracing him.  Kyle smelled her perfume, and had to fight an instinct to pull off her and run away back into the house.

“There he is!” smiled Jim, his father, taking his turn to hug Kyle next.  Despite his nap, Kyle had not slept off the majority of the milk in his stomach, and he could feel it sloshing around uncomfortably as his parents squeezed him.

“H-Hey!  Uhh, th-thanks…thanks for coming, guys!” Kyle managed to say, stepping back and looking at them both.  At 5’5, Jim stood an inch taller than Kyle, and Melody, in her 2-inch pumps, stood an inch taller than her son as well.  They were both dressed semi-formally, just like Kyle.  He felt the color flush into his face, even as his stomach dropped at the apparent normalcy of the interaction.  He had this…he could do it…he could pull this off!

“Well it’s just so nice to finally get a peek at your life!” Melody exclaimed, her eyes brightly going over him.

“Heheh y-yeah, well, it’s…there’s not much to see,” Kyle chuckled, not knowing where the ingenuity for normal conversation came from, “Just normal, boring old stuff…office job, yadda yadda, haha…”

“Well we’re very proud of you,” Jim declared.  “Work going ok?”

“Mhmm,” Kyle nodded.  “Yep…all…all going well!”

He lingered for a moment on the doorstep.  He knew that he should invite his parents inside, but he didn’t want to yet.  Something was preventing him.

“And how’s everything over at your guy’s place?” Kyle asked.  “I m-mean, haha, I guess you all are already over the, uh…the “empty-nester” thing, right?  Like…b-because it’s already been a few years since I went to college and…a-and that, uhm…mentality probably doesn’t last longer than…longer than…”

But his words slowly died in his throat, because he saw that his parents’ expressions had changed.  They weren’t looking at him anymore.  Instead, they were looking far up above him.  Their smiles had disappeared, and their eyes had gone wide.  Melody even took a step back, and unconsciously grasped for Jim’s arm.  Kyle felt a heavy, warm, strong weight against both of  his shoulders, and, glancing down, he saw a pair of huge hands completely encompass his shoulders and upper arms, with the fingers going all the way down to his nipples.  The fingernails were filed and sharpened to fearsome, clawlike points, and they had been painted black.  The nail polish matched the color of the familiar black and sparkly long sleeves of a dress that all of them had seen before.  Kyle felt the hands pull him slightly back on his heels, and his shoulders bumped backward into a pair of thick, solid hips.  Two enormous breasts cushioned both sides of his head, and his cock surged up in helpless response.  The air seemed to crackle with electricity.

“Why hello there, Mr. and Mrs. Trinter,” intoned Martha, the deep pleasure of her voice infusing the evening air, “Welcome to our home!”



Fantastic chapter. You do a great job of making Kyle’s ambiguity - does he like this new life or not? - so viscerally real. Like- he could have just screamed “get me out of here!” to his parents when they arrived at the door, but something inside himself kept him from doing so. Good work.


The suspense of finding out Martha's intentions with inviting his parents over is so great. I'm surprised she even let him dress in his regular clothes but I suspect it's building to an even bigger humiliation after all of the denial leading up to dinner time. Really looking forward to how dinner will play out!