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It's finally here!  I've been working on this chapter for a long time, and I've got it where I want it now :)  I really hope you all enjoy!  You can expect a chapter a month of this story going forward -- I have a very definite plan about the future of this narrative, and it goes without saying that we're just getting started.  I've attached a pdf of the whole story as it stands now, for ya'll's convenience <3 

I'll be posting a new chapter of "The Witches of Kappa Gamma Delta" here in the next couple weeks, so stay tuned for that as well <3 <3 

Chapter 14

Shanna and the 5’7 “nerdy” Ben had been deep in discussion about the next math club meeting when Eve returned to the table looking slightly flushed.  She had tried to linger in the bathroom for a bit after her powerful, protracted orgasm, just to try and allow the hot red flush drain a little from her cheeks.  Staring at herself in the bathroom mirror, she had been startled by how…intense she looked.  Her chestnut-brown hair, which usually ran in gentle waves down each side of her face, was disheveled from masturbating.  She didn’t often thrash around like that when she was rubbing herself, much less in a public bathroom stall, but she had been so turned-on that, as she came, she had thrown her head back and forth, her mouth open in silent rapture, and her eyes shut tightly with the pleasure coursing through her.

‘Geez,’ she thought to herself as she looked in the mirror, ‘I can’t go back out into the dining hall looking like this…gotta hang back for a minute…’  Her face was beet-red, and her dark brown eyes somehow looked even darker, and more penetrating.  Something extraordinary had just happened, something unlike anything that had ever happened before.  Ben…that giant man…that giant, 6’8-and-a-half-foot, hairy…beast of a man.  Eve had gone back into the same stall, closed the door, and sat on the toilet, rubbing her hands between her legs as she tried to collect herself.

What was it?  What was it about Ben that made her so unbelievably turned-on!?  Was it just the simple fact that he was so tall and so big, and that Eve felt like he could more than handle her?  Maybe that was part of it…well, yes…that was a big part of it, for sure.  But the campus was full of young guys who were jacked or tall, or both, and she didn’t have anything like this reaction to them.  She tried to regulate her breathing in the stall as she continued thinking.  It sounded strange in her mind, but…was it Ben’s hairiness!?  That made her feel like this??  Something about that thought she had experienced before…about him looking like some kind of beast…or animal…maybe that had something to do with it.  But really, Eve thought, that didn’t make much sense – she had never wanted some kind of “wild animal” male partner, and she had never been particularly attracted to body hair.  Somehow on Ben, though, the normal things that would have turned her off, like his hairiness, or his slightly uncouth manners, didn’t bother her in the least.

So what on earth was going on with her??  Why this repeated, breathless reaction to Ben?  At this point, she hadn’t even had time to feel guilty about getting off to someone other than Jason.  She was too busy trying to find out what it all meant.  Overwhelmingly, though, Eve found herself strongly drawn to Ben’s unfinished story…about him and that girl, a previous partner…what had her name been?  Rose – that was it.  The one who had wanted him to “smother” her, and him feeling slightly guilty about giving her what she wanted.  Eve badly wanted to hear the rest of the story, if only because this giant guy made her so curious.  Almost everything he said caught her off-guard.

‘That’s it,’ she thought to herself in the stall, ‘That’s why I’m so interested in him…everything about him is totally new to me.  He’s this huge guy, never seen anyone so gigantic; he’s, like, totally unkempt, but that’s because he doesn’t really care what people think about him; that’s confidence.  Like…I’ve never seen any guy so effortlessly…confident.  I mean, just the way he casually threw out that he had had a couple gay experiences, and that he even liked them!?’

She wasn’t able to avoid thinking back to that one time when Wally, a super-flamboyant guy from their high school, openly flirted with Jason, and Jason was just…kind of  wigged out by the whole thing.  Eve had rolled her eyes about it at the time, and thinking about it now, it was clear that Jason really hadn’t taken it well.  The idea of some gay guy hitting on him was somehow threatening to his masculinity.  But here Ben was, casually admitting that, more than once, he had basically had gay sex, without a care in the world about it, totally secure in his own manhood.  Eve blinked down at the floor.  A sudden thought popped into her head: ‘How big was Ben’s dick?’

Eve stood up immediately from the toilet and went back to the sink to wash her hands again, even though she didn’t need to.  This was getting ridiculous – the way her mind fixated on Ben like this, and thought about him sexually.  It wasn’t fair to Jason; it just wasn’t.  He had no idea, not the merest inkling, that she had developed this strange, obsessive kind of fascination for his roommate down the hall.

‘It’s probably just because things have been a little weird between me and Jason,’ she thought, splashing her face with cold water.  ‘That’s why my mind is all over the place.  Ben’s a cool guy, and I’ve definitely never seen anyone that big before...his confidence is really unusual, for sure.  But that’s it – we can be friends.  I’m gonna leave it at that.’

Eve left the bathroom determined to resume her “normal” college life, which, after all, was going well enough.  She had made a bunch of new friends, like Shanna and “small” Ben, she had been working out, eating a lot, filling out, making good grades.  And the Freshman Dance was tonight!  There was plenty to be excited about.  She tried to push Ben out of her mind as she returned to the table, where Both Shanna and small, skinny Ben had turned to look up at her.

“Everything good, Eve?” asked Shanna, “You were in there for a while.”

“Oh, you know…” Eve replied, managing to sport a wry grin, “Some things take longer than others…”

“Gross!” Ben exclaimed, “Can we get back to multiple integrations, please?”

Eve smiled warmly down at him, appreciating how unapologetically nerdy her little friend was.  And really, he wasn’t all that “little” – at 5’7, and probably 130 pounds, Ben wasn’t the shrimpiest guy around.  But to the 6’1 Eve, who weighed more than 25 pounds more than him, he certainly looked small.

“Yes please!” Eve rejoined happily, and the three friends spent the next hour discussing their studies, and the social dynamics of their math club.  When Eve finally got up to go study, she felt refreshingly normal.  Leaving the dining hall, she whipped out her phone to text Jason, but then remembered that he was in his biology study group.

‘Good on him!’ she thought, smiling to herself.  ‘He’s really taking things by the horns now, isn’t he?’

She thought about scouring campus to find his biology group and surprise him, but she didn’t really want to interrupt him in his work – plus she had tons to get done herself before the dance.  A half-hour later she was nestled into her favorite little nook on the 6th floor of the library (where it was totally quiet), poring over her multivariable calculus homework.  The strange chink in her self-control surrounding Ben seemed like nothing more than an afterthought now.

A few hours later, Eve went back to her dorm to start getting ready for the dance.  She could feel her sense of excitement building – not only had she gotten a lot of solid studying done today, she was actually looking forward to showing up at the dance in those 6-inch heels Lauren had gotten her.   Her little “trial run” with the heels at her math club had gone even better than she had expected.  Far from making her feel self-conscious or insecure, the added height had actually made her feel stronger and more confident in herself.  It certainly helped that she had been working out, eating well, and gaining some weight recently; the heels just seemed like a continuation of her overall “bigger and better” attitude that she had adopted for college.  She remembered how flustered and insecure her 6’7 frame had made Derrick, the upperclassman math club head who had been trying to make a move on her.

‘The heels totally weeded him out,’ chuckled Eve to herself as she walked toward her dorm.  ‘They exposed him for who he was: a little guy who just doesn’t quite have what it takes to handle me.’  She was having a light little moment with herself; she didn’t really look down on Derrick like that.  He was a nice guy, driven, super-smart…but she couldn’t quite get that crestfallen, defeated look on his face out of her mind, when he saw how much she had dwarfed him by 9 inches in those heels.  Everyone else in the  group had been staring at her too, some of them flabbergasted, some nervous, and all of them intrigued – none of them had been indifferent, that was for sure.

‘Well, I better get geared up for more reactions,’ laughed Eve to herself as she walked into her dorm.  Before she began to get ready, she texted Jason:

“Just got back to the dorm!  About to get ready!!  Aaauugh finally, I’m so excited!!!”

She bummed around for a few minutes, expecting Jason to text her back, since he generally responded almost instantaneously.  But after a few minutes passed with no response, Eve just shrugged and started prepping herself.  She decided to put her makeup on before she got dressed up, since the whole process tended to be a bit messy, and Eve wasn’t exactly an expert makeup applicator.  She generally wore light makeup most days, nothing too crazy – but tonight, she was going to really take the time to “glam up” a little, just for fun.  She had to smile a little at herself in the mirror as she started the process.

‘Look at me,’ she chuckled in her head, ‘Getting all dolled up for a dance!’  The Eve of two years before, or even one year, would never have bothered to put herself through this rigmarole, but something in her had changed.  She enjoyed getting spruced up like this for a special occasion!  She glanced over at her mid-thigh-length white dress hanging in her closet.  She hadn’t worn it in over 6 months, and it was probably a lot tighter on her now than it had been before.  A part of her worried a little, and regretted not trying the dress on sooner, to make sure that it fit.

‘Oh what the hell,’ she thought suddenly, grinning at herself in the mirror, ‘If it’s a bit too small it’ll just make my new curves pop out a little more – something else for people to stare at, haha!’

And, of course, in the back of her mind she knew that the 6-inch heels would just be the cherry on top of it all.

On the other side of campus, a few minutes before, Jason had just gotten Eve’s text.  He had been spacing out in his dorm, ostensibly studying but really not getting much work done.  He had gone to the library earlier in the day for his “biology study group,” but after an hour or so, the facade didn’t really seem worth it anymore, so he retreated back to his dorm, still with the intention of getting some real work accomplished.  But as the day dragged on, he found it increasingly hard to focus, as his mind wandered.  The dance tonight…it was something that, in his head, he had every reason to look forward to.  There was going to be a DJ, his whole hall was going, heck, most of the freshman class was probably going to be there.  It was going to be a nice time to just decompress, relax, and have a good time.

But Jason could escape the reality that kept gnawing at the back of his brain: the honest truth was that he wasn’t looking forward to it.  For one thing, he knew that Lauren and William would be there, and he hadn’t seen them since he had pissed Lauren off by basically calling William a “freak.”  He still hadn’t quite gotten over the unfairness of that situation – he hadn’t deserved that reaction, either from Lauren or Eve.  He was the normal one, who thought that Lauren’s fem-dom relationship with William was weird…especially when she did shit like masturbate him out in public!  His mind started to ruminate on what nonsense the two of them would be up to at the dance – Lauren would probably be doing some super-dom thing to him, like walking him around on a leash or something…she’d probably be all dressed up in some leather dominatrix suit or something, with tall heels that made her loom over William like a –

Jason shifted uncomfortably in his seat.  He definitely wasn’t savoring the thought of running into Lauren during the dance, but his mind had arrived at the main reason for his anxiety: Eve was going to be absolutely towering over him in those heels that she was so keen on wearing.

‘Another way Lauren’s infiltrated my relationship,’ he thought bitterly, ‘Just to try and make me feel small and insecure.’  He knew that she had given Eve the heels for that reason, he just knew it.

It was Eve’s bubbly, excited attitude, though, that worried Jason the most.  Why was it that she seemed so dead-set on towering over him, and above everyone else, for that matter (well, maybe not Ben, haha…but no one was taller than him)?  Why did she seem to get such a kick out of working out so much and, well…getting bigger!?  It struck Jason as strange, and made him worry that Eve might eventually turn into some sort of “fitness freak,” or even one of those gross “muscle girls” who got off on being stronger than men.

He tried to stop this train of thought – he knew his mind was venturing into ridiculous territory.  How did he go from Eve enjoying her height to worrying that she’d turn into a female bodybuilder!?  Jason had to chuckle a little at himself, and the audible sound of his laughter reassured him in some small way.  Everything was totally fine.  It was a good thing that Eve was getting more and more comfortable with her height; and after all, what did it matter that she was going to tower over him tonight?  All it meant was that there were gonna be tons of guys looking at him jealously, wishing that they could’ve scored such a tall bombshell.

“I’ve got this!” he said to himself out loud, “I’ve totally got this!”  The  weight of all his paranoid thoughts had tired him out, though, and he decided to take a quick little nap before he started getting ready.  Right before he settled down to sleep, though, he got Eve’s text about getting back to her dorm, and being excited about the dance.  Grinning, he replied:

“ME.  TOO.  Can’t wait to see you, lol.”  And he rolled over in his bed and passed out, setting an alarm for about 30 minutes before the dance started.  He didn’t need much time to get ready, after all.

He was jolted awake by a sharp rap on his door.  He sat up in his bed, startled and disoriented.

“Wh-who’s there!?” he blurted out.

“It’s ME, silly!” Eve’s laughing voice from behind the door.  “Open up!”

Jason staggered out of bed.  He was still in his socks, t-shirt, and jeans.  Glancing at his clock in a panic, he saw that it was 6:17, so 45 minutes before the dance even started!  He wasn’t running behind!  He already started feeling defensive.  Somehow he knew that, behind the door, Eve was waiting for him, in her heels and dress, looking great.

“I…uh, you know, I haven’t even gotten ready yet!” he called through the door.

“Yeah I figured!” Eve chuckled on the other side, “When you didn’t respond to my text a while back, saying I was coming over.”

“Oh you texted…?  Uh, s-sorry, I was asleep,” Jason replied.  He felt a little irritated that Eve had just taken it upon herself to come over.  Of course, he wanted her over…but in this context, her presence had resurrected those feelings of inadequacy.  She was on the ball, ready early; he was the one lagging behind.


Jason’s door gave in a little as the sound of something big and fleshy sounded out right around his chest-level.  He felt an agitated, excited chill go through him.  Was that…Eve’s ass!?  Pressing up against the door?  As high as his chest??

“Come onnnnn, come onnnnn, let me in!” she moaned playfully.  “I don’t care if you’re in your underwear!”

Realizing that he couldn’t hold off any longer, Jason took a deep breath and opened the door, and an immense shadow fell over his whole body.  He felt his heart catch in his chest when he saw the luscious, curving swoop of Eve’s hips at his chest-level, squeezed tightly into her gorgeous white dress that hugged the alluring contours of her thighs.  The black stilettos shined fiercely down below…Eve had her legs crossed sexily, leaning slightly inward…and when Jason’s eyes slowly traveled up to her face, he saw that she was leaning her forearms on top of the door frame, her arms extended upward in a sexy, suggestive pose.  He couldn’t believe how huge she looked – that door frame was 6’8, and here she was, just casually leaning her arms on it like it was nothing.  A small silver necklace (a gift from Jason senior year) glittered on her neck…probably the only thing she was wearing that didn’t look regal.

But more than anything else, Jason was stunned by how beautiful Eve looked.  He had never seen her decked out in full makeup like that before, and the effect was astounding.  Her eye shadow, liner, and mascara were all exquisitely done, accentuating the striking allure of her deep brown eyes.  Her eyebrows somehow looked even fuller and more sculpted than they had before…and her lips…Eve had decided to go for something a little daring and adventurous, and had opted for a rich, deep purple lipstick that was almost black.

Standing there in his t-shirt, jeans, and socks, Jason couldn’t breathe.  She looked fearsomely…intimidatingly beautiful.  And that sexy smirk on her face was the bow that tied everything together.

“Just woke up from a nap, huh?” she teased, sticking her tongue into the side of her mouth.  “Niiiice…”

Jason just blinked and nodded, his shoulders slumping slightly.

‘She’s way out of my league,’ he thought helplessly, unable to stem the tide of his inadequacy before her.  ‘No way people will take me seriously next to her…’

Eve straightened up from leaning against the door frame and rose up to her full 6’7, putting her hands on her hips.  With another jolt of aroused panic, Jason saw that she was wearing fake nails – sharp, formidable looking…and a deep, blackish purple, just like her lipstick.

“So?” she giggled, her curves shaking with her laughter as she did a 360-spin for him.  His eyes popped when he saw how big her ass looked in that dress, and it jiggled arrestingly as she did her spin; the fact that the dress had become too small for her only served to bring out her curves even more.  Her legs, already strong and sculpted from her workouts, looked even stronger and more solid with the augmentation of her heels. Jason felt his desperate helplessness increase.  How could he possibly measure up to her when she looked like this!?

Eve had finished her spin and was again facing him, looming over him, hands on her thick hips, smirking playfully.  The top of his head barely reached her shoulders, and he was staring straight forward into her boobs.  “What do you think?”


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