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I've still got some work to do on this chapter, but I thought I'd go ahead and post my progress so far!  I'll be posting the complete chapter before Christmas :) :) 

Chapter 10

A few hours later, Aaron was gradually becoming aware that his eyes were opening.  His bedroom…the golden glow of the sun soaking through his partially-open curtains…he had been having some kind of bizarre dream, where everything had been out of place, but even as he tried to remember, the memory melted away in his mind.  Was it already morning!?  Had he slept all the way through the night??

And then it happened again: the friendly but firm *knock knock knock* on his door.  Aaron immediately recognized that the first knock, which he had hardly even registered, had woken him up.  And then it all came flooding back, deluging his brain with a simultaneous series of realizations – he hadn’t slept through the night; the golden sunlight streaming in heralded the late afternoon, and was beginning to usher in the evening; his body was utterly exhausted, and he felt like he had run an entire marathon; he had hidden his diary away back in the stack of books under his night stand; after writing down his wishes he had almost instantly passed out from sheer exhaustion; and…the girls had come back, and they were at his door, knocking.

‘But…they’re knocking,’ Aaron told himself, grimacing and wincing as he moved to get out of bed.  ‘That’s a good sign, because if they were the same as before, they would’ve already just…barged in.  I’d have woken up with all three of them standing around my bed, staring down at me.’

A chill went through him as he thought about how eerie and overwhelming it had been to have the three gigantic women so fiercely obsessed with taking his cum.  Aaron had thought such a thing would be a dream come true, but he had since grown wiser.  At his current height of 5’0, there was absolutely no way he could withstand the all-out sexual onslaught from the three vixens, and he felt like they had very nearly sucked out his life force in the act of literally sucking and wringing him dry.  He now knew, unequivocally, that despite his obvious arousal at the girls’ ravenous and lascivious display, there could be too much of a good thing.

Walking a little unsteadily, but with his heart pattering in excited expectation, Aaron went to open the door.  As he did, he couldn’t help but take a big, deep breath.  At this point, he wasn’t too doubtful that his wishes had worked – he just knew that he had to prepare himself for what he was about to see.

Even with the preparation, though, when the door swung open, Aaron wasn’t able to keep his mouth from dropping open slightly, and his eyes widening.  Kristina, Cassie, and Courtney were all standing there before him, their heads inclined far downward as they stared him in the face.  Aaron was relieved to discover that their smiles looked decidedly more normal and sane than they had a few hours before.  They looked like they felt warmly toward him and thought he was precious…not like they were hungrily determined to forcefully wring every last drop of cum out of his cock.

“Well hello there, naked!” Cassie quipped, stepping forward in front of the others into the apartment.  Aaron couldn’t even take the time to remember his nudity, because he was too busy focusing on the ray of sunshine stepping his way.  Cassie’s bright yellow sundress looked shorter and tighter than it had been when Aaron saw her last – her large, orbed breasts were starting to spill out of their confines, and her hips and thighs had gotten so lusciously thick that they filled out her dress completely, with only a bit of loose fabric hanging down towards the middle of her thighs.  She flipped her succulent, wavy blond hair out of her face before continuing, squinting down at him lovingly with those beautiful, almost-shaped green eyes:

“Had a nice little nap, hmmm?”

“I…y-yeah…yeah I did,” stammered Aaron, backing up a little from the imposing sight of Cassie stepping toward him.  She was 6’8 now, and, with the help of the cute 2-inch black pumps she was wearing, she towered over him by a full 22 inches.  Aaron blinked and felt his throat go dry, realizing that he was actually looking UP now at the underside of Cassie’s breasts.

“Well I don’t know about that,” remarked Kristina, stepping in next to Cassie as she put her hands on her big hips.  “You still look pretty bleary-eyed to me.  Maybe we need to put you back to sleep with our tongues so you can get a proper rest.”

Kristina raised her eyebrows as her eyes went wide with pleasure, and she extended her long, pointed tongue from her mouth and flicked it up and down licentiously at Aaron’s gawking face.  He couldn’t deny how hot Kristina looked, especially fluttering her tongue at him like that.  Her short blond hair had never looked cooler, with it swooshed sexily to one side, and her bright blue eyes had never looked more alluring, piercing, and penetrating.  But as he took stock of Kristina’s incredibly sexy face, and of the fact that her turquoise sundress was so small compared to her that it was basically riding up on her gigantic ass, Aaron had a moment of panic.  Kristina was still acting super-horny…had his wish not worked on her!?  Was she about to tackle him, turn him upside down, and suck on his cock like a straw until he passed out again, maybe this time for good??

But then Aaron noticed that Cassie had turned to stare reprovingly at Kristina, pursing her plush lips at her slightly shorter friend.  Aaron had registered that Kristina had on a pair of tall white tennis shoes that augmented her height a couple inches, making her 6’8.  His eyes were only barely level with the bottom of her breasts, which were noticeably smaller than Cassie’s enormous rack.  But Kristina’s tits were certainly nothing to be ashamed of, and in any case, her colossal ass was bigger than anyone else’s.

“Whaaaaat?” Kristina whined playfully at Cassie, upon noticing the gently-rebuking stare.  And then Aaron saw it – a huge, red-nailed, manicured hand snaked across Kristina’s shoulder, engulfing it completely, incredibly managing to make it look small.  Aaron had to avert his head up even higher to look at Courtney’s face, with her eyes actually rising above the top of Kristina’s blond head.

“Look, Kristina, you’re making him shake,” Courtney intoned, her deep, feminine voice seeming to gently vibrate the air with its rich timbre.  “I think our little man deserves a bit more of a rest, don’t you think?”

“I know, I know,” sighed Kristina, rolling her eyes and nodding, “I was just kidding, heheh…I knew it’d make him quiver a little.”

“I mean,yeah, because we really wrung you out there, didn’t we Aaron?” Courtney persisted, shaking her head slowly down at him, sending her long, luxurious brown curls swaying to and fro beside her gorgeous face.  Aaron could feel her dark brown eyes penetrating him and eating his little naked body up, even though they lacked that rapacious fire that had been there a few hours before.  Even though Kristina was thicker and wider around the waist area than Courtney, her superior height meant that Aaron could see that her purple dress was (like the other girls’) too small for her, and riding up on the large, sexy pillars of her upper thighs.  The 4-inch black platforms that Courtney was sporting made her an astonishing 7’4, and as she stepped forward, in between the other two, and loomed over him with regal authority, Aaron saw that he was staring straight into the middle of Courtney’s stomach.  His wishes had come true – she was utterly enormous compared to him, and made him feel the rush of a searingly submissive burst of lust: he felt like a child standing before her now.

“You’re looking a little uneasy on your feet there, darling,” Courtney purred down at him.  “Here, why don’t we get you more comfortable, hmmm?”

Without bothering to wait for a response, she deftly swooped down, scooping Aaron up in her arms and holding him to her warm bosom.  Aaron’s vision went dark for a few seconds, and suddenly all he could hear and feel was the powerful, rhythmic drum of Courtney’s heartbeat.  He wasn’t able to avoid thinking about how powerful her heart muscle was, and how much bigger its job was than that of his own heart…pumping all her blood throughout that enormous body.  But in a matter of seconds, he was back in the light again – Courtney had sat down on the sofa, cradling his body in her lap as she palmed the back of his head with her gigantic hand.  Aaron felt his already-erect cock get harder still, at the sensation of Courntey’s huge fingers gently massaging his scalp sent electric pinges of arousal surging through his body.

“There we go, why don’t you just relax, Aaron?” Courtney spoke gently down to him.  “We’ve certainly had our way with you all morning…gotta tone it down every once in a while to let you rest, right?”

“Otherwise, I think we’d literally end up sucking your life out through that precious little cock of yours,” added Cassie sweetly, who had bounded onto the sofa next to Courtney, and was now drawing her manicured nails softly down Aaron’s tiny bare legs.  “And that would make us sooooo sad!”

“Even if it’d be sort of hot, in a messed-up kinda way,” chuckled Kristina.  Unlike Cassie, she had not joined Courtney on the sofa.  Instead, she was standing in between the sofa and the TV, with her hands on her hips.

“Ignore her, baby,” whispered Cassie into Aaron’s ear, though loudly enough for Kristina to hear, “You know how she gets a kick out of freaking you out.”

“Ignore me!?  Haha, good luck with that!” Kristina scoffed, picking up Aaron’s remote.  “What music you got on here, Aaron?  I’m in the mood for some rap...gotta get some Biggie up in here.”

While Courtney and Cassie continued caressing and petting Aaron’s body with their huge fingers, Kristina proceeded to put on an impromptu “twerk show,” throwing her gigantic ass up and down, back and forth, and every other direction to the beat of the music as Aaron helplessly watched.

“God, look at her go!” murmured Cassie in his ear, “Just look at that gigantic ass…I mean, good lord Aaron…I think Kristina’s ass alone might weigh about as much as you do now!”

“Y-yeah…” he replied weakly, feeling a wet flutter against one of his ears, “Yeah…it…it might…”  Courtney had bent down, still massaging his scalp with her huge hand, and had begun to tongue his earlobe, fluttering her tongue against it softly, and occasionally taking the whole lobe in her mouth and smacking on it gently.

*Mmmmwwathhhh* *Mllllllgllthhhhh* *Mmmmggglllthhhh*

“She’s right, you know,” Courtney whispered softly, in between licks and flutters, “Look at your little body, Aaron…”

“Look at your arms and legs,” Cassie pursued, running her big hands over them as she spoke to emphasize how small they were in comparison.

“Your narrow waist,” Courtney whispered, “Mmmmm, no hips to speak of…”

“Your cute little chest,” Cassie kept on, splaying her hand out against it.  Aaron could see that Cassie’s hand covered well over half his entire chest…maybe two-thirds…the *smacksmacksmcack* of Courtney’s tongue and lips at his ear…Kristina’s enormous, sexy ass bouncing along to the rap music that crazily accentuated the sexiness of her movements…he felt himself beginning to tighten up all over again, as his cock strained at the air.

“We know you’ve already given us soooooo much today,” Courtney cooed in his ear, “But maybe just…just a liiiiitle bit more, Aaron?”

“Just a tiiiiiny little taste more, Aaron?” begged Cassie, who was now bearing down on him, staring down into his flushed face as she continued to gently caress his body with her hands.  “We know you want to give us more, Aaron…and we believe in you.  You’re our precious little cumster!  Come on, Aaron…I don’t even have to touch your cock…I know you can squirt it out for me.”

“Come on…” whispered Courtney, her tongue speeding up in his ear.  Cassie bent down and took charge of his other ear, lightly fluttering her tongue against it as she and Courtney continued trading whispered commands in his ear:

“Come on…”

“Come on…”

“Come onnnnn…”

Come on…”

“Oooooo yeah, he’s shakin’ now,” laughed Kristina, peeking around from behind her twerking ass.  “Come on, girls, faster…faster!”


All at once, both Courtney and Cassie swallowed Aaron’s ears, thrusting their tongues deep inside as their mouths engulfed him.  Unlike before, their movements were slow and gentle, without any of the desperate insanity that had previously marked their behavior.  But it didn’t matter to Aaron…in a way, what they were doing now was even hotter, and more irresistible.  His body spasmed and he came with violent force, a thin line of cum squirting straight up from his exhausted cock.  Cassie reached out and caught it in her hand, and had licked it all up before either of the other two could react.

“Haha I’m the lucky one this time!” she laughed, flashing a crooked smile down at Aaron.  But he didn’t hear her – he had passed out all over again.

“Alright now we reeeeally need to give him a break,” Courtney chuckled, draping his unconscious body around her shoulder as she pat him lovingly on the back.  “Otherwise his little heart’s gonna give out.”

Over the next few days, Aaron gradually recovered from that unprecedented milking he had been subjected to.  Per his wishes, the girls were not nearly as ravenous as they had been before, but that didn’t stop them from coming to his apartment every day, spending hours hanging out, and making him cum at least once or twice in the process.  The movie production they had been working on had temporarily halted production, and so all four of them could spend most of their time together.  Aaron couldn’t help but feel like he had hit the sweet-spot in his wishes, and spent nearly every minute of every day in a kind of slow, lustful reverie, delighting in the near-constant stream of gentle humiliation and size comparisons that the girls couldn’t get enough of.  For the moment, it seemed, every desire of his had been fulfilled.  His past life, one defined by terrible dissatisfaction at being captive to an unfulfillable fetish, seemed like a distant bad dream, one that dissolved more and more with each passing day.

And yet…after about a week or so of all this, Aaron found that his mind kept returning back to the diary.  One thought rose up above all the others:

‘You could make them even bigger…’



Aha yes, Aaron’s a size junkie. Never satisfied. Can’t wait to see what he writes next 🙃

Dan C.

I can't wait for the complete chapter. Excited to see this story continue into 2022